
Giving The Female Lead A Happy Ending At All Costs To Save My Soul

Katarina had a picture perfect life: everlasting wealth, a loving husband, and everything she could ever want, but it all ended when she caught him and sister in bed together! To top it all, her husband ended up killing her after completely ruining her life. Luckily for her, she was granted a second chance to live. But, there was ONE clause. Katarina woke up in a story, as the main character of the book. In order to leave the story and return to her original life, she has to grant the female lead a happy and satisfying ending no matter what. The story’s female lead’s life was quite pathetic. She was blind, weak and bullied, and her betrothed who she was supposed to get married to, is fucking female lead’s step sister right under female lead’s nose. Katarina didn’t expect this quest to be an easy one, but she also didn’t expect it to be complicated to the extent of people wanting the weak female lead dead. ——— | ——— “Do I look like a fucking baby sitter to you?” He demanded, sounding as outraged as he looked. I let out a frustrated breath, knowing I was in no place to flare up since I’m the one in need right now. “No, your highness, you do not.” “Then why do you keep asking me t–” “Because my life is on the line!” I exclaimed urgently. His eyes narrowed and he scoffed. “What has that got to do with me? Do I look like I care? Cause I promise you that I do not.” “Because you need me, your highness. You know you do, even though you refuse to admit it.” I blurted out. A scowl settled on his handsome face. “Stop saying nonsense, you delusional weirdo.” “We both need each other and that’s the truth, so it’s best I don’t lose my life just yet, don’t you think so?”

Zendaya_4274 · Fantasía
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65 Chs

Betrayed Betrothal

Katarina's POV


Now I was caught. How could I defend against what had happened?


All I could do was try to defend myself blindly while stumbling about. But I could not do that as I was a target already. These people were after me.


"I don't know what you're talking about my lady," I feigned ignorance.


"Oh yeah? Then how do you know who I am?"


If I wasn't acting like I was blind, I would have rolled my eyes but I had to act like I was actually blind to cover my story.


I had almost gotten my cover blown.


"By your voice lady trina. I know your voice. We live in the palace together. There is no way I would not know your voice."


"Trina, let's not do this now while I am trying to save us from getting killed," said Kirigan as he was still very much staring them in the eye while studying their moves.


"No," she stood her ground. "She has to explain herself. She lied to you, my prince. She needs to be…"


"Quiet, Trina!" He yelled as she was shocked at how he had spoken to her. "When we get home we'll discuss this."


She looked at me and gave me a look which said she knew my secret and she would expose me.


Just then, the prince leaned back at us.


"When I say run, you all run like hell," he said, holding my hand. "Run!"


And then he yanked me away with him while Trina stood there looking confused.


"Run you stupid woman!" He yelled at her as she ran after us while the men did the same thing.




Kirigan's POV


The chill night air bit at my skin as we rushed through narrow alleyways, our boots pounding on slick stones lining the ground. 


Behind us the assassins pursued relentlessly, no doubt angered at having their killing interrupted. I risked a glance over my shoulder - three shadows moved silently in our wake, keeping pace although not attacking directly in the cramped twisting streets of the market.


"We need to get to the palace immediately," I said under heavy breathing. 


"Can't we just beg them to forgive us?" Trina asked as I shot her a dangerous look.


It was surprising how she had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. What was she thinking? Was she stupid?


I knew who these people were from their fighting styles. They were assassins.


They fought only to kill and if Jane was right, then this was another attempt at her life. 


They knew attacking at the palace was a stupid move which they would lose so they had decided to attack by calling her out.


At that moment, I was mad at myself for not telling her to ignore it.


I could see the fear on her face. I knew Jane would wish that she had not shown up.


"Let's keep going," I strained as I increased my speed while Jane held onto me, running as fast as me and Trina.


Up ahead, the alley spilled out into a wider lane lit dimly by flickering lamp posts. I knew we'd be more exposed there, but had little choice if we wished to lose our followers. 


Gesturing the women onward, I dropped back, crouching in a darkened alcove to prepare an ambush. "When I engage them, run as fast as you can towards the city gates. Find the guards and tell them prince Kirigan sends for aid."


"But…" Jane started to say as I looked at Trina.


"Hold her hand and make sure she's safe," I said to Trina. "Now go!"


They nodded fearfully and continued onwards as I pressed into the shadows, drawing my sword. Its metal would serve me well this night against the killers. I stilled my rapid breaths, channeling calm as three men came silently into view, effortlessly keeping pace around the alley's twists and turns. 


The lead assassin halted, pale head swiveling as they scanned for their fleeing prey. My moment was coming - I had but one chance to take them by surprise and clear an escape path. 


As they began to move again, I surged from the hidden place with a snarl, intercepting the rearguard. My sword flashed in the lamplight, biting deep into vulnerable joints between armor plates. 


His cry was cut short as empowered steel sheared through flesh. I did a flip to engage the next before they could react, spearheading a vicious whirlwind of slashes meant to overwhelm rather than kill. 


My foes were skilled, matching inhuman reflexes with deadly daggers but lacking effective armor against my blade. Within moments, two laid writhing and the last one started to look at me with rage in his eyes.


"I'll get back to you," he promised before running off into the distance as I was left to deal with the bodies on the floor.


I turned back to see the women had not run away but were still there.


"I really needed help and you stood there?!" I yelled.


"I couldn't just leave you," said Trina which enraged me even more.


"And what were you going to do for me Trina. You're dead weight. You're a woman. You can't handle a sword."


The woman was taken aback as I grabbed Jane's hand and started for the street to take me home.


"And you couldn't say anything to her?" I threw to Jane who shrugged.


"I'm blind. What do you want me to do? March on my way home like I know where I'm going even when I can't see?"


She was right. She was supposed to act blind. And instead, here I was acting like a jerk.


"I'm sorry," I said as I sheathed my sword and walked the woman home while Trina did whatever she wanted to do behind us.


I didn't care if she followed me home or not. She was her own person. She could do whatever she wanted.


When I took her to her room, I waved her goodnight and turned to my room as I found Trina standing before me.


"We need to talk." She said in anger.