
Giving Into You

"Please stay inside your homes with your doors locked and do not panic. These creatures may be strong, but have faith that we shall surely pull through this crisis and eliminate the threat." That was just the beginning of the chaos that ensued when Sasha's life was turned upside down. Humans were no longer on top of the food chain. Instead, three factions of supernatural arose from the ashes: werewolves, vampires, and fairies. Being a slave or following new laws that favored supernaturals, however, was the least of Sasha's worries. Instead, after it is discovered that she is a potential mate for the strongest most powerful supernatural from each of the factions she is forced to choose just one. This is a short story of only 27 chapters. It is now complete and it shall remain free to read forever. This is not my best work as it was written over a decade ago, but hey! Free is free!

AutumnPlunkett · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Seven

I awoke the next morning to find Mark gone. Instead of waking up next to Mark I had the pleasure to wake up to loud yelling.

"Come on Sasha, you have to get up! It's your wedding day and as such it is no time to be sleeping in! We have so much to do and so little time. We have to get you ready in time for the wedding!"

Really Violet, really? You have to yell when I'm trying to sleep? Wait, it's my wedding day, she's right. I don't want to be late, especially since I'm already nervous about the wedding.

"Alright, alright, I'm getting up!"

I roll over, pushing the covers aside as I sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. All of a sudden, I'm yanked upwards. Violet then ushers me into the bathroom where she hands me a bra, panties, and strawberry body wash and hair product set. She then shuts the bathroom door after telling me:

"Hurry up, we still have a lot to do and we already let you sleep in quite a while."

Right because we all know that ten o'clock is sleeping in. I suppose she is right, though, since the wedding was at two. Why putting on a dress and having my nails and hair done took four hours I'd never know.

I decided it was probably best not to mull over why getting ready would take so long and just showered. The nice, hot water running over my skin felt wonderful and, thankfully, helped me to wake up. Bathing by myself wasn't as nice as having Mark washing my hair and washing up with me, but it was okay. When I was done showering I smelled strongly of ripe strawberries and I found it calming. I dressed into the white bra and panties that Violet threw at me when I got in here and then went into the bedroom.

As soon as I entered the bedroom, I was ambushed by Violet and her mom who began to put on my dress. It was a white dress since Violet and her mom had wanted to go traditional for the wedding. The top part of the dress was plain and had a sweet heart neckline. The middle had a silver belt studded with diamonds. The bottom was ruffled and flared out.

The dress is beautiful, but I didn't exactly get to choose my own dress. I didn't actually get to choose anything about this wedding except the groom. I got to choose to marry Mark and, honestly, that was the only part I was sure about. I wasn't sure about what my future would hold, what the wedding would entail, or how many people there would be. I didn't know anything other than the fact that I love Mark. I love him and that should be enough for me to endure the rest of the wedding.

After the dress was put on, Violet had me lift up my leg so she could put on a white garter. I don't even know what the point of a garter was. It just seemed rather stupid and pointless. It was just a strange decoration that would be tossed during the wedding. What is the point of a garter toss?

Basically Mark would be going up my dress to pull off the garter and then it would be tossed at a group of men. The man who caught it would then put it on the woman who caught the bouquet of flowers. There is actually superstition that says that whoever catches the garter will wind up marrying the girl who catches the bouquet and it's supposed to be all single people who group up to catch them. Still seems kind of stupid and pointless but whatever.

After the garter was put on, I was pushed into a chair. From there I was forced to sit still as my make up, hair, and nails were done. It was a long and tedious process and if there hadn't been music playing I would have been bored to death. As it was, I was having a hard time sitting still since i still wound up being fairly bored. When it was all done I was relieved.

"Do you want to see how you look? There is a mirror right over there."

Violet's mom was pointing towards the mirror in the room. I walked over and my breath caught in my throat as I looked in the mirror. My hair was swept up into a beautiful up-do and with the tiara crown and veil set on top of it, it was breath-taking. My dress went perfectly with it and the make-up was minimal and more of a compliment to the outfit.

I know mark thinks I'm beautiful anyways, but surely he'll appreciate how much hard work his- our- family did to make me look good and probably the wedding as well.

"Oh, thank you both so much! I look amazing, you guys are amazing!"

As I turned to look at them they both had smiles on their faces.

"So, I have a question..... who is my bridesmaid? I mean, if I had a choice it would have been Violet, of course, but since you two set up the wedding I don't really know who it is."

Violet's smile was even bigger at my words and her mom was laughing.

"I'm glad you wanted me to be your bridesmaid and I actually am, so I guess we already, kind of, guessed."

I didn't mind that she just assumed I would pick her since I honestly would have done so.

"Actually, I need to go change and do my hair. While I'm gone, you should go with my mom towards the courtyard where the wedding is being held."

I nodded and then turned to Violet's mom. She took my hand and we began to walk through the castle and towards the courtyard. It's kind of funny how I've gone from fighting a bunch of guards alongside multiple mates in the courtyard to being married there.

It seems like just yesterday that I first awoke in a strange room in this castle. I can't believe how fast time flies or how little time it actually takes to fall in love. For some people, it takes years to fall in love and to trust someone, but its only been a few months for me. I fell in love with Mark in just a few months and now I'm promising him the rest of my life. The thing is, I don't care how long its been because I love mark and that's the only thing that matters to me.

When we were finally at the courtyard, I was positioned behind a group of girls who would go in before me. A little girl who was the flower girl stood right in front of me. Then there was another woman and a boy who were the ring bearer and junior bridesmaid. Not long after I arrived Violet came in and then took her place in the front of the line alongside Ian. She made a sign to someone in the courtyard and music began to play.

This was it, it is time to walk down the isle to my mate. Am I nervous? Yes, I am, but not because of Mark. I knew Mark loved me as much as I did him. We were mates and bonded for life. He already proved he loved me so I wasn't worried about him. I was more worried about how everyone would react to me and him being their new king and queen. This was the first time we had any public events and so they would be judging us the whole day through.

As I walked in, I was pulled out of my thoughts by the beauty of the courtyard. White flowers and streamers covered the courtyard and were everywhere you looked. There is a white cloth laid out for the isle leading up to the priest and Mark. The benches are all a light grey wood and there were at least five hundred guests. It is overwhelming that there are so many guests but also heartwarming so many wished to attend. The only thing that kept me from panicking at the number of guests was seeing Mark at the end of the isle with a huge smile as he waited for me.

When I got to the end of the isle, I immediately turned to gaze at Mark. His eyes are filled with happiness and he seems to have eyes only for me. The priest started up with the ceremonial speech, but I wasn't paying him much attention as I continued to stare at mark.

When we got to the vows, I almost missed the part where I was supposed to answer. Mark lightly rubbed my arm and I looked down, just catching the end of the priest's words. ".... take Mark to be your husband?" I looked back up at mark and said 'I do." I'm glad that Mark knew that I hadn't been paying attention and had gotten my attention or else that would have been embarrassing.

Mark began to lean towards me so I knew that I had to have missed the priest talking about Mark kissing me. I leaned in towards Mark and met him half way. My wolf is just as happy as I am that we were now both mated and married to Mark. When we broke apart from kissing, Mark was smiling and I smiled back. Mark then took my hand and we walked down the isle.

The next stop is the ballroom where the reception would be held. When we got there, we opened the door and let the guests in who were following us. Mark pulled me towards the buffet table where we both got food before going to the couch and table that we were at last time. The ballroom was even more lavish than the courtyard. Each table had gorgeous bouquets of flowers in decorative vases and hold cards with the guests' names on them.

The tables are covered by lavender and white cloths alternating from table to table. There is also a table with the wedding cake and another with party favors. The party favors are in white boxes with lavender ribbons. The cake is a five tiered white cake with flowers of all sorts covering it from top to bottom. The room itself is covered in white flowers and streamers just like the courtyard was. It is beautiful and perfect.

Mark and I ate mostly in silence but it was a comfortable one. Before we knew it, we were done eating and it was time for the first dance between Mark and I. The song that played was called Glass by Thompson Square and I think it really fit me and mark's story. Since we had to fight to forgive each other and to get past the obstacles that were thrown in our paths just to be together. I didn't want to give in and didn't want to learn to fall in love but Mark changed my mind. Mark was taken over by a dark faries curse and I broke it and then proceeded to forgive him. I gave into Mark in the end and I don't think I'll ever regret it.

The End

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