
IF Ending: The Emperor and Mother and Daughter

The achievements of King Parshe, who rebuilt the fallen kingdom in one night, were great. Whatever he did, he gave it justification. On the third day after the king ascended the throne, the king brought a woman he had been secretly dating, named Yormi, and held a grand wedding ceremony in the square of Lubo Castle.

According to the setting of the game script, bards of later generations praised King Parche's accession. He sang, saying, 'I am delighted, the Holy One who will re-establish the historic kingdom has arrived.' According to the setting, there was no official wife for him. The woman's bias made him more and more cruel, and after that, he ended up finishing an expansion pack as a raid boss and turning into a low figure.

However, this wedding was not in the script that was left only as a development document.

"Groom, the great King Parche Teresis who raised the crumbling kingdom again!"

The king spread his chest proudly and made his way through the crowds who had come to see his wedding. His love was not directed to many women, but only to the woman who was getting married today. He became more stable as one important incident of becoming a raid boss was missed.

Some of the kingdom's people who came to see the wedding said, 'It was confusing until yesterday… ' There were also those who were dissatisfied. However, after Parche appeared in front of the people of the kingdom and showed his overwhelming charisma, or [Charm], Even the slightest dissatisfaction that remained in his heart was replaced with respect.

"Her bride, oh how shall I call her, her soon-to-be queen. She is a person of unspeakable beauty. Yormi!"

On the other side, a priest appeared. She wasn't known to the public, but she was rumored among people. Whether it was a succubus who appeared to seduce the king, or she was actually the king's beloved servant girl, or she was actually an incredibly ugly monster. Rumors bit her tail and snowballed on her. However, the rumors subsided the moment the helper removed the bride's veil.

Likewise, in front of her overwhelming [Charm], The loud sound fell asleep. She also walked gracefully and gracefully toward the king. There was no one present who objected to or cursed the wedding of the good man and woman.

The name of the woman who becomes King Parshe's mate is Yormi.

Once named after the legendary wolf, she no longer uses the name Fenrir. The dawn of that day when she was drowning in the sweet pleasures that the king gave her. It was a name bestowed by the king as he stroked the head of a fallen Yormi.

After she was given that name, the connection between Yormi and Perrin was completely severed. Yormi thought she might have died in her pleasure. She didn't even have time to think. The day after she had gone through the night, she was just rehearsing her wedding like Cinderella at her wedding.

* * *

In order for her to formally become her queen, Yormi had to go through an immeasurably busy period. Her memories of her mother, and of her past as her swordsman, had been forgotten as she was busy with her time. The monarchs who opposed the kingdom were slowly encroaching in front of a kingdom with a large army with a high level in terms of quality and quantity. On the way, the one named Done was killed by Yormi himself.

The continent was quickly conquered under the kingdom. Neutral countries, guilds, everything collapsed in front of King Parshe. The only thing that could stand against the kingdom was the remaining kingdom in the west. Even then, a war broke out in the name of diplomatic disrespect, and the kingdom army reached the front of [Armina Castle], The capital of the new country.

Inside the barracks of the kingdom army encamped on the [Armina Plain]. A white-haired woman in a red necklace, which had now lost her efficacy, stroked her bulging belly.

As her due date approached, the fetus began to develop more and more vigorously in her woman's womb. Her woman looked proudly at her own tummy, stroking it as her pain came. It was proof that she had shared her love with the great King Parche.

Yormi stroked her necklace, which was still clinging to her neck. Her necklace, bestowed by the king, lost its sealing function after Fenrir swore an oath of complete obedience. But even when the king tried to take off her necklace, Fenrir would not.

This… Because it was proof that the king favored him.

Yormi gently closed her eyes at the movement of her newborn child in her belly, stroking her belly once more.

'My stomach is getting bigger and bigger.'

'What is the past of being called the strongest swordsman?'

'The king called me only now, right before the destruction of the kingdom of God.'

To her mother for letting her see the light of day, Yormi paid back by ousting the head of the [Luts] Guild called Donera. Even as she spent every night of her bliss with her king, Yormi did not forget her mother. She tried to find her remains. But she couldn't find a trace of her anywhere.

Except for that place where there is only one [Armina Castle] Now.

"Wow! I won!"

"Long live the kingdom!"

Yormi looked at the burning castle. All the flags symbolizing the kingdom that were standing in a row at the highest point of the castle were broken down and the flag of the kingdom was raised.

At that time, Yormi suddenly felt a strange sense of danger passing through her mind. Even though she was imminent in childbirth and her hard body, she reflexively hung the sword bestowed by the king on her waist. Then she grabbed her belly and she waddled toward [Armina Castle].

"Queen, don't overdo it!"

"Fix it… !"

The people who were tending to her queen came to try to somehow stop her queen from the sudden change in her eyes. But Yormi shrugged off and walked on. Thanks to her stats, which were 20 times higher than those of normal humans, the queen was also able to walk quickly.

"Stop the queen!"

"Please… Don't go! It is dangerous there."

Yormi rooted out all of the Kingdom's soldiers who came to protect her from behind. And he ran toward the burning castle, feeling a sense of danger. As we approached the vicinity of the walls of the battlefield, where the scent of dark blood and traces of magic remained, there were still defeated soldiers who resisted.

"Die aaaaa!"

"You monster! How dare you invade this place!"

– Squeak

Yormi drew her sword. With no traces visible, the defeated soldiers split in two leaving a clean cut. The fetus in the belly began to be born even stronger due to the anxiety felt by the mother. Yormi soothed the child for a moment by clutching her stomach, then proceeded to slash the defeated soldiers.

A sense of danger pierced Yormi's brain like a needle. The splendid buildings of the new kingdom were burned and collapsed. The scent of blood grew thicker the further you went beyond the walls, and the flames soared to a dangerous level. It was a place where the body of a woman who was about to give birth soon should not be. But the dangerous and strange senses grew sharper the deeper they went.

"… Where are you!"

Yormi moved towards the yet unburnt resistance. Near the walls of the fortress where the brilliance was shining down, there were many talented people who were dead or incapacitated at a glance. The sorceress of the Continent Char River, the woman who was called the Red Witch, was also wriggling her remaining muscles on her floor with her intestines spilled.


"Oops… !"

The fetus in Yormi's stomach saw the terrible scene and blamed it with great vigour. In addition, she began contracting labor as her uterus contracted in short cycles. Yormi moved on, holding her belly tightly. He went deeper and deeper into the palace. She couldn't escape and when the remaining maids saw a pregnant woman coming with only one of her swords, she ran.

"No, why is a pregnant woman here… !"

"This is Mr. Perrin… Isn't this?"

"… Get out of the way!"

"I don't know who you are… If you move any further, it's dangerous!"


Yormi walked even as the amniotic fluid burst and flowed down her crotch. Her walking speed was noticeably slower. If it wasn't for her superhuman stats she had, she would have collapsed just like that. The moment she opened the last door of her palace, the strange sense of danger Yormi felt exploded like a firecracker in her.

Inside the door, I saw King Parshe with a sword. When the door dropped, I saw the target the sword was aiming at.

And there… Her mother, who had so far missed her, was tucked away.

Yormi's mother, Perrin, looked up at her king, with her tears in her eyes and clutching her hands.

"Ah… "

"You must have been Perrin."

The king's sword approached the nape of Perrin's neck. And the distance between the two grew closer and closer. Yormi just looked at the two of them in the chaotic situation in front of her eyes. He couldn't understand whether the king was trying to kiss Perrin or cut her throat. And both were things Yormi had to avoid.

"… Your majesty!"

"Oh… You?"

"Yormi! Why did you come here… !"

As the king spoke, Yormi felt her womb fully contract. The child, as strong as her mother, moved vigorously, and Yormi collapsed clutching at her stomach. Along with the feeling that the eyes turned white, the appreciation of the reunion of the two people was also delayed.

Maids from the new country approached from behind Yormi, who was walking with difficulty. He was frightened when he saw the king, but the king put his sword into the scabbard and spoke quietly.

"Whoever is fine, take care of my wife, Yormi!"

"… Yep!" "… All right!"

"Ferrin, talk later. Since you are her saint, you should be able to take care of her."

"… "

Perrin dropped her face. She did not know the identity of the woman who looked just like her, but she felt a strange [Attraction] To her. As a saint, she had played the role of a midwife, so she quickly gathered [Her healing energy] In her hand and ran to Yormi. Her energy was exhausted before giving birth, and Yormi struggled to open her eyes to look at her mother.

"… Mother."

"… I don't know who it is, but first of all, how to breathe!"

Perrin did not recognize her Yormi, and she did not recognize that she was her own character, who once had her name Fenrir. Yormi saw the way she looked after herself with a thin smile, the sweaty face she always saw in her mirror. Her child pushed her head out, tearing at her yormi's perineum. Perhaps it was because she had let go of her sword for so long, Yormi felt her belated power flowing back.

"… Ugh!"

"Hold my hand, please… !"

"Ah… !"

As her child stuck out all her heads, her yormi's eyes opened. As she penetrated the battlefield to the depths of her resistance, the penalty Yorumi received at the level of a mediocre user was similar to eating dozens of [Berserker] Potions with strong aftereffects. Yormi, even as she lost her powers, focused on her belly, reached out and grabbed her perrin.

– Oh!

"… Wow, son. Hey, are you okay?"


Yormi closed her eyes on the spot. The child cried out and looked for the mother, but the mother's body gradually grew cold. Perrin poured all kinds of recovery magic he had learned so far. However, with her body, which had barely reached the highest level in two years, she couldn't get the physical strength of the Sword Saint.


Yormi's body disintegrated into pieces of light due to the effect of her Sword Saint skill [Resurrection of the Holy Ghost], Shattered and disappeared. At the same time, Yormi's memory flowed into Perrin. Her skills and stats accumulated through her swordsmanship also returned together.

Even so, Ferryn's tears flowed strangely. Her memories of Yormi and Fenrir were mixed together. Returning to the spot, King Parche looked at her Perrin and smiled. This is because she, as her user, her attribute value {NAMEPLATE_Perrin}, which she had as her user, definitely matched Yormi's.

"Perrin, how is the child?"

"My child? Healthily… Us?"

But… Just because she had a memory didn't mean she could understand it.

From that time on, her existence as Yormira and her memories all disappeared from the world.

Perrin hung her red necklace, which was left on her floor, around her own neck, and she shed tears as she remembered only a small country town.