
Gilgamesh Multiverse Group Chat

“It seems like I’ve died from overwork, how laughable!”, said Caster Gilgamesh. But soon another soul or rather a transmigrator invaded his body. “Huh, it looks I reincarnated as Caster Gilgamesh”. 30 years has passed since the transmigrator lived his life as Caster Gil and felt constantly overworked being King with the constant nagging of his wife, Ishtar. [Ding! You are now the admin of a multiverse group chat] “T-this is!?” ———————————————————————- Warning: ‘Wish-fulfillment and Fast Paced’. Plot is a bit rushed but it works since many don’t want to see the mc spend in a world for 30 chapters. Personally I don’t like that.

Shinobu23 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs


1] Erza and Tsunade confirmed for the harem.

The heroes who were looking directly at Lelouch's eyes soon felt a clock clink sound resound in their minds with a simple message, 'stand down.'

"Yes", said all of the heroes standing down on a knee position similar to a peasant greeting their king.

Most of the students were surprised to see the pro-heroes kneeling to a group of villains but one of the smarter students soon said, "He must have a brainwashing quirk".

Gojo was astounded at Lelouch's power since it had immense potential to become extremely strong, 'Is it his voice or eye contact?'.

Erza didn't seem a bit curious to Lelouch's Geass since in her world it would be quite common for high-level mages to learn a simple spell such as brainwash.

"Gil, what's our next step. I'm craving something sweet."

Every group chat member nodded their head in agreement since, for some reason, they all felt famished from traveling through the multiverse door.

Gil wasn't paying attention to Erza's question at the moment since he felt his chest swell up in pain, 'what the hell is this?!'.

"Admin, are you alright?", asked Shirou in concern.

Tsunade turned towards Gil's direction to see him heavily panting and grabbing his chest tightly.

"I'll heal you with my Chakra".

"N-no, it's fine. Oy Shirou, bring out that damn Artoria", Gil groaned in pain.

"But why?. She has nothing to do with why your feeling that way", he explained.

"Just bring her out."

'Saber, can you come out,' Shirou thought to himself.

'Yes, master.'

Soon a young woman with a slender physique, soft milky skin, and green eyes wearing a silver knight armor inducing a brave aura to anyone who saw her.

"I have responded to your call, master", said Saber who was kneeling.

Gil looked at Saber for a moment as she also stared at him.

Saber: "Master, it seems like a buffoon appeared".

"What?!, whatever, Saber pass me your scabbard", asked Gil.

"No, I refuse. Why do you need my scabbard for?".

"To absorb the energy so I would be able to summon Raiko or else my body won't be able to handle it since this damn hero world has no concept of mana".

Saber looked at Shirou with a frown on her face trying to confirm if she had to do this.

'Why do they sound like a couple who fought over a tv remote?", thought Shirou and Gojo to themselves.

"Yes lend him your scabbard, Saber", said Shirou.

Saber stood up from her kneeling position and materialized her scabbard throwing it in a fast manner similar to a pitcher throwing an intense fastball.


Gil felt his stomach hurt a bit from the throw but began to absorb the energy till there was nothing left, "Thank you, I'll bake you a pie later".

"A pie for my scabbard full of mana, what a cunning merchant", said Saber.

"Fine due to me being a fair king, I'll let you have my spare holy grail which is practically rotting away in my treasury ahahaha", laughed Gil.

"You have a holy grail?!?", shouted Shirou in surprise.

Saber gazed at Gil with suspicious eyes to see if he was lying but she couldn't find any traces of a lie so she snorted cutely.

"Yeah, I usually drink wine in it when I'm celebrating special occasions but anyways, we first need to help Lelouch".

"Let's do that".

But when Gil, Saber, and Shirou, were finished having their own conversation, they turned to Lelouch's direction to only see Kaneki with his kagune out showing it off to the students.


"What the hell?!", said Gil in surprise.

Gojo tapped Gil's shoulder and smiled, "When you were having your existential crisis, Lelouch told the brainwashed heroes to tell the students that we were simply an entertainment hero organization".

Gil knew that Gojo was behind me the whole time and didn't bother to point it out, "I see but are we actually going to be an entertainment hero organization?"

Gojo laughed a little at Gil's question, "Of course we will, it's fun".

"An entertainment hero organization seems like it can be popular with children", said Shirou.

Lelouch was looking at all the students in front of him and simply shook his head, 'It seems like people who have no supernatural powers or rather quirks are frown upon society creating a rotten systematic government who does nothing to erase the racism between the two social groups. Racism be it by power, skin, and blood seem to still exist in every universe and there is nothing to change that fact but I will try to do so'.

Lelouch was currently coming up with a huge plan that will shake the whole world as he was disgusted by the hero world from what the students had told him.

Kaneki was simply smiling that these students weren't scared of him but rather curious of his power, 'It seems like I'm human in this world, how shocking'.

Tsunade was simply looking at the group chat members in jealousy since it seemed like they were all getting along except for her but soon she felt a hand touch her shoulder, it was a crimson red hair girl with busty breasts, "Hello, My name is Erza and you are?".

"U-uh I'm Tsunade, nice to meet you".


6 Months Later

[Gil and his group chat have 6 months left to complete the organization that will shake the whole world quest]

Gil was sitting down in a brown comfy chair with a table in front of him that had sweets and a fresh coffee.

"Oy Erza, stop eating so much".

Erza was on the other side of the table munching on the sweets, she got along with everyone due to her passion for getting stronger and the member she found to be the most interesting was Gil as the sweets he baked were always heavenly.

"Shut up Gil, and cook more".

'I've been reduced from a king to a cook in 6 months, terrible', thought Gil looking back on the crazy stuff the members all did in that time.

Gojo was the founder and leader of the EHA, 'Entertainment Hero Association', which created a bunch of plays for children to enjoy and get along with quirkless children. At first, everyone in Japan scuffed at the thought of letting their kid get along with a quirkless person but soon pro-heroes recommend the organization and it began spreading everywhere in Japan. It soon came to be the number one organization of Japan due to the countless famous fables and economic support for the poor Gojo did.

Shirou instead became an apprentice for Gil as he taught him countless spells and of course Shirou being the kind person he was offered to entertain the children with the magic he learned since it seemed to be something he found passionate about.

At some point, he also became extremely famous due to his astounding magic and iconic British knight he always had with him as he gained the title, 'The magician knight duo'.

Tsunade occasionally helped with EHA healing kids with disabilities or terminal disabilities due to her immense chakra but at times, she always spent her time in a pachinko parlor since it was illegal to gamble.

'Gil', she thought remembering the countless times he had helped her beat the various pursuers she had but soon shook her head remembering what Gil had told her, he was a married man.

Kaneki created a cafe similar to Anteiku and it became a famous spot for loners, writers, or sometimes couples to relax since the coffee was delicious and the atmosphere it gave was peaceful.

"Gil, who do you think became the president?", asked Kaneki who was behind the counter.

"I honestly don't know, anyways have you heard any news about Lelouch?", asked Gil curiously since he hasn't seen him for a few months.

Kaneki curved a smile and turned on the television that had a pre-recorded video of the president and their speech.

"I don't know but look I have a recorded video of the president".

Gil felt a bit weird that Kaneki wanted to 'purposely' avoid the topic of where Lelouch was as he drank his coffee and began to look towards the tv.

"Please welcome the President of Japan, Lelouch Vi Britannia", the news reporter said excitedly.

"What the hell?!?!", Gil choke on his coffee looking at Lelouch on Tv even Erza stopped eating looking at the figure since it was shocking to see Lelouch becoming the person with the highest authority in the country during the span of 6 months.


1] I didn't want to spend too much time on My Hero Academia since you can just read fanfics about it. It will last 2 chapters more, I hope.

2] Regarding Id and documents about the members, Lelouch used his code Geass to gain those papers since it was a pain to add that.

Vote with power stones for more chapters!

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