
Gifting Devil Fruits Throughout All Fiction

A man gets reincarnated you know the story but God's bored of that old trope so he gives him a different thing to do to spice up anywhere he can with the magic of devil fruits. As a balancing act instead of haki being the only way you can injure a logia/paramecia user materialization will cost stamina unless there is some form of energy in that world then it will cost that so that they are not immortal also just because there is an energy system in that world doesn't mean necessarily that that character has access to that power system at least without personally learning that power systems like Nen or any other power system Everybody has it but not everybody has access to it.

Solopiece · Cómic
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15 Chs

Capital offence

As the night falls the black Bulls toast to a job well done in the dining room "The fact that you have a second grimoire is ridiculously insane but we can't really do much about that" Magna would say.

they asked him more about this the only would then sit on the couch with a smile saying "I guess I hit the jackpot huh wait till Julius hears about this"

next day

Asta then headed to the castle of the capital and is met by Yuno, Klaus and Mimosa as they do Noelle will be asking Mimosa if her injuries are really okay and they just talk.

so I'm not going to as he walked off Yuno said he definitely had to when everyone agreed but actually said that if he was you know gonna push the issue

if they're all going to he was just going to fall asleep and they all pry further and further until they reached the castle in the map at Julius who upon

seeing the spirit would be left enamored but he did recognize he approaches the boys as they would go to battle like the others except for Asta since he was bored and he just said hello to them and Yuno's Spirit it's an honor.

doesn't mean much without nurturing huh come on follow me the group will then do so and go to a tower Rejoice would then geek out about Yuno the report Asta uh shattered no let does not say that

it was Asta and Yuno's new spells that were the highlight of his day and as he looks at the two grimoires before him his eyes will not twinkle like a child 'so the rumors about the wizard King being a magic nerd is true' Klaus thought they were honestly a bit put off right

just leave it within and say "It's hard to believe you lead the country" "I don't I just protect it, I do have a lot of talent for that there's an actual King you know"

Not many people know about him, but there are deals other than me. Despite this, the nobles wouldn't say anything. I heard the report, but we thought all of this through. Some may not accept you. Did I mess that up? Some fear what they find too incomprehensible. This would kind of dim the mood a bit, but it's also a fact that his...okay yeah I figured that'd be your hand

The young man motivated him, but Bell was annoyed by Asta's existence. When brought before the Magic Knights and their captains, Asta's second holster with a book was noticed only by them.

This is ahead of time and they thought, "Is it really true?" However, unaware magic knights would simply disdain those at the corners despite seeing them and even the spirit at Yuno's before. "Where's that commoner getting off trying to be different?" So, I thought, walking past, "That makes them all bad," while the others join them in line. But we noticed Noel trying to look away from someone.

The Nebula sensed an approaching danger, causing the two individuals to collapse and foam at the mouth. Commoner pointed out that Asta was responsible for this magic.

While some people felt disrespected, others from that group were actually excited at the thought of a fight starting. Tensions rose in the room, but Asta unintentionally stood his ground, and his control made Nozel shiver. As for me, I'm scared of this trial. Julius' voice ultimately made everyone stop as Asta felt nothing.

I will tell him it's okay, but she's scared for her siblings. He has a second grimoire and Asta still hasn't learned to control himself. He will be punished, no need to worry about the magic.

Leopold confidently declares that the seemingly impossible second grimore is in fact achievable, while the other knights express their disbelief and panic. Louis suggests continuing to observe the situation, and after some time, everyone calms down and guards remove the silver twins. Meanwhile, Nozel remains suspicious, but Julius tells him to relax as the situation is not related to magic.

Nozzle, it will work on you as well. It's just how it is. Swallowing his pride in this moment, the silver eagle Captain would just look away while Asta would smirk. All present now consider us their enemy.

When Julius announced the promotion of Asta becoming a senior magic knight who earned 30 stars alone, they would consider the group even more of an enemy. Afterward, at the banquet, Noel and Asta sat together while Mimosa and Fostas sat elsewhere.

It makes them laugh when Asta says that was just so mad that he used his power without thinking. He didn't even take out his grimoire to find the spell, which apparently is called Heat Pillar. This spell heats up anyone in its vicinity until they lose consciousness from the heat.

Noel said "don't get jealous" "I'm not" as they thought the Nobles actually don't really have anything to say out of fear of what happened to the silver twins.

One Noble was bold enough to approach Asta with a question about his magic, which left everyone stunned when Asta revealed his grimoire. Noble accused Asta of being arrogant, but Asta simply stated that he couldn't be beaten.

Not only does he show he's honest, but he's also serious. This makes them nervous like he's trying to embarrass himself. It takes time to calm down. He also doesn't care.

You enjoy fighting, but never long enough for anyone to see your moves," Noel said as he stuffed his mouth. "If Asta were your rival, he'd say the same. But when I give you advice, you'll listen, right?" Asta responded nonchalantly, "Sure. Why wouldn't I?"

If we allow some people to act boldly without consequences, we have lost our way. As magic Knights, we should speak up against it. Melissa wanted to talk to everyone, but Yuno kept an eye on her and Klaus. Asta's then went off as his eyes shone brightly.

As Asta spoke, he ran to the nearby window and opened it, causing a wave of heat and smoke to flow into the room. Everyone became nervous as a palace guard rushed in, announcing that the Kingdom was under attack. Asta seemed to disappear amidst the chaos.

downwards towards the kingdom being lit ablaze and with once when his fist shifted to magma that is erupting in the very middle of the Capitol horror Mages and previously running.

citizens would then look and see Asta who is above and as he closes his eyes and opens his red grimoire seeing a spell called heat seek.

connecting heat seek to Asta's magma this then allowed him to spot the attackers and the undead and almost see them perfectly before Asta opens his eyes and lifts his arms to the air launching meteors shaped like fists would then finally fall and

spread to the entire Kingdom right saw them look out the window yelling what is that idiot doing he's gonna she'll then feel touch and turn to see

Charlotte was left baffled as she says the wave of man specifically only targeted our attackers it's amazing all the captains were able to sense the precise control us that just used and it was almost like an intricate code that left him amazing lands and walks forward to see nothing but molten rock.

find some citizens and kids who are huddled up but just realize that you know they didn't even feel the heat like the kid the kids and people they literally don't feel it it's bizarre it's literally around them yet it's like a shield is stopping them from feeling it oh it's the guy that uses magic among the citizens will be orphans as

is what is that that's true remorse people be saying you're super more so than seen by adults and then kids cannot

believe what they're seeing but quickly also when they tell them to move and Teresa said that she would take care of these people but now she runs off well

the bull you're that guy how did you do all this I just did it but don't worry I can take care of the citizens I want let's do our best together all right left in the days the guards say sure as they still cannot believe what is happening at this point the girl uh the captain in exit with their people out of the castle to

see the wasteland and Yuno what to say it's us this the magma fist but how is this even possible only kind of begun around this as it was too bizarre to see it but quickly did descent and start to take in.

while Asta is just walking around. you were crazy until I realized you apply Armament to the magic not bad I promise to do better so I'm going to run over in the generated from you know uh um

to bite the Crimson lion who tries to pull him off his head will then tell him to take that back and it won't mean while would then still just be looking around saying I can't believe this neither can I the voice of Forgotten isn't heard as they see him walk up as he laughs saying that he's wouln't be able to melt this much with his magic it is worthy of your magic my rank uh thanks uh this took a lot out of me yeah I can but below him then appears

on Portal, as he begins to fall into it and he disappears as a before we get on guard brother live over with

them look around wondering what just happened that's us fatigued then Fades away instantly because obviously, this is a serious moment when he would then hear a Splat slowly turning to the left you uh he and everyone then come to see and become white I had to see Leopold's brother missing an arm as tears then begin to flow and the little brother runs over trying to cauterize a wound

while Asta was left pissed why do those bastards do any of this snapping his fingers together Asta would then molten rock would cool and those who were captured all

over or left out cold while they were simply apprehended and also would say I don't know but this is a declaration of war I mean let's go to one of the island Midnight Sun hideouts we find a hooded man

mumbling over a Redstone in his hand went from behind him then Rises logos beside him, Rising other men enthusiastically the psycho Sally would say uh this is so fun I apologize Master

like man that guy completely melted everything it was amazing Sally said Evangels would then tell her to be serious and as he turns liquid then take off his hood saying that it's okay since they got what they needed

did you know with the term liquid then create a lightsaber and slice that Julius only for his hand and blade to be Frozen in Time whereas the man smiles and activates his magic but as the orb forms and kind of expands

the liquid then rips his arm away and moves at lightning speed and sees his people before them Illuminating a bright light when the light clears Julius wouldn't find that they are gone "a light magic user with a four-leaf pretty rare"

"not as rare as what we have thought" Julius said he would then turned to face a certain tablet in the room and he starts to inspect it and then things are really sad to motion with Phil Goliath being hurt the magic Knights upon learning this are more motivated than ever

Leopold makes himself promise to beat his new rival for real but it's hard for anyone to currently think they can beat Asta considering the had just shown and word spread of a young man with two grimoires

and he saved everyone and people begin to wonder what family he's from as for Asta well he's back to the black bulls.