

The year is 2080, thirty years after WW3. Due to the war, there was a phenomenon called the "Manifestation," said to be caused by God. Due to this, humanity developed abilities called, "Gifts." Alex Chevalier, a man whose only redeeming quality are his fists, has a chance encounter with a young girl who changes his life. For better or worse.

Tyler_Bouquet · Acción
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7 Chs

A knight in not so shining armor

The rails come to a screeching halt. Crowds of people suddenly pour out, all with gleeful smiles across their faces. Such is the city of Athens, a city of progress, a name earned through the efforts of the scientists and artists that founded the city after the war.

A man steps out from the car and with such poor luck managed to become a victim of a wandering birds feces. Shaking his curly hair he could not help but complain.

"Things cannot possibly get any worse."

The man greatly contrasted the other passengers. With a stained duffel bag, he wore cheap armor that was dented and rusted, his jeans were worn and ripped, and his face was haggard.

Frankly this man was a mess.

Alex pulls out his phone, with a tap of his finger, it projected a hologram that showed a map of the city.

Putting his hand to his chin, "I think the exam is supposed to be here... right?"

He puts down the map and in front of him is an amusement park, swarming with kids.

"You've got to be kidding me..."

Coming to the obvious conclusion that he made some kind of mistake, he wanders off through the city. Despite his burning desire to get to the exam site early, Alex was analyzing the city. Athens was a complete man-made port city and it showed. Robots were everywhere doing monotonous tasks, something that was just mind blowing to him. The technology advancement was wonderous and unique as not all cities were like this. The sea breeze filled the air, and the buildings clearly were inspired by Greek architecture. Despite being impressed, Alex would not let his face show it. He was focused.

Well he was, until he saw a couple of teenagers that were using their talents to literally play with fire.

Putting his hand to his face, he couldn't help but feel disappointment.

-What a bunch of morons, don't they know that's dangerous? What if they hit someone? Bet they don't even have licenses.

Well not my problem, he shrugs. I'll let the Enforcers take care of it. It is apart of their job.

He turns to walk away but he stops and stares at the sky. He gives out an exhausted sigh.

"Yo. what's up?"

The two teens were startled, this man seemed to appear out of nowhere. They looked at each other like they didn't know what to do. One of them seem to have made up his mind to act defiantly.

"What'd you want man?"

"You trying to start something?"

Alex motioned for them to calm down

"No, no, no. I'm actually trying to warn you guys. Didn't you see the enforcer that was patrolling around here?"

The fire starter teen puts out the fire in a hurry, "Oh really where?" The other began to look around.

Smiling deviously, Alex puts his arms around the teen's shoulders. He could tell that these two weren't gifted, but instead a couple of mages. They didn't have the same eye glow that all gifted have when they use their gifts. Not to mention the fact they were afraid of getting caught proves they don't have licenses. Too easy.

The two were pulled in close, fear began to creep up their spine as it began to dawn on them that this man isn't normal.

"Right here."

They completely froze, the color quickly drained from their faces. Alex couldn't hold back his laughter anymore, the teens quickly got away from him.

"What is your problem?"

"Y-you just were impersonating an Enforcer!"

"Yeah! That's illegal! Maybe we should tell on you!"

Alex couldn't help but scoff at the idea, "Yeah, go ahead and waste their time for a simple joke."

"Look, I'm only gonna say this once, but you guys need to knock it off with the fireballs."

The teens looked defeated

Suddenly Alex began to feel a little bad. These guys probably just started to learn magic and got carried away. This was a cause of ignorance. Not a sin. Snapping his fingers Alex proposed an idea.

"The law on abilities only state that you can't exceed a certain power level and that you can't publicly display it. So all you gotta do is switch to a lower level spell, like the waterball spell, and you apply for junior licenses. That way you using your magic in public can be categized under training."

The teens that were once deflated, now had stars in their eyes. The enthusiasm that emanated from them created a soft smile on Alex.

Good, Alex thought. Now that they are after licenses, they will receive further education and be able to practice more safely.

The teens leave and wave goodbye. Alex in turn waves but then soon remembers that he has no idea where the exam site is at.

"Wait! Hold on a sec- shhhhiiiittt."

Sighing, he picks up his bag and starts walking.

Noticing the sun is starting cross the sky, it must be around one o'clock. Alex wanders through streets. He passes an alley but hears a "Whack," he walks backwards to check on that noise.

A man is getting roughed up by couple of guys in suits.

They must be in organized crime, I'm thinking Mafia.

The Hispanic man who was getting beat up looked like he was from the country. His height was about 5'9''. He wore brown overhauls and a white shirt. Although most of his outfit didn't stand out, he had this beautiful blue feather ear ring and a comically large hiking backpack.

Walking away, Alex smiles as he justifies himself. It would be illegal if I got involved. I'm not allowed to use my gift for violence. I'm also busy with looking for the exam site. If I see an Enforcer then I'll send him your way dude. I'm rooting for ya!

The biggest of the two assailants stepped forward, he stood at around 5'10'' and his poor head reflected the sun as he looked down at the young farmer.

"What do you mean you don't have any money?"

"I already told you! I used it all up when I payed for a ride!"

The man's partner stepped forward, he was shorter than the farmer. No bigger than 5'5'', with slicked back hair that was... too slick.

-Seriously? This guy needs to lay off the hair products.

"Well then just give us your backpack then and we'll let you go."


"Whaddya mean no? Do you want us to beat you up again?"

"Not really."

"Then give us your backpack."


The slicked ruffian physically recoiled at the absurdity of the farmer.

His eyes began to glow, he entered his Soul State. His hand became wetter and wetter until it became water itself.

"I say we water board him!"

"Go for it."

The man reaches for the farmer, when suddenly, his neck sprayed a deep red crimson. He fell over. The man had been shot.

Both the farmer and the bald ruffian looked to the direction of the attack. From the shadows stepped Alex, his eyes glowing red from being in his soul state and his finger smoking while being waved in the air as if to taunt the ruffians.

"You killed him you bastard!"

Alex stops moving and points

"Dude, relax. I just turn him into a paraplegic. Good thing we have such good health care now, you can get that fix in a heartbeat."

The bald ruffian is panicking. He looks at his comrade again. The dude is still alive and breathing but he's twitching trying to move. He looks back at Alex who is calmly smiling and walking towards him. Alex's body began to protrude bones. Ribs like claws, arms like blades, and his legs like thorns.

"Not a sin if he's still alive right?"

The ruffian throws his shirt, Alex sidesteps. It was an obvious attempt to blind him.

The ruffian who is now empowered, use's his gift to strengthened his muscle fibers. He explodes off the ground and slams his fist into Alex. The punch rocks the nearby windows.

The muscle head felt a sharp pain. Alex simply blocked with his arm, the bones impaled the man's fist. Alex gave a whistle

"Ouch that look's like it hurts. You gotta hit harder than that big guy. Here, like-"

Alex takes a step forward, he moves his shoulder and hips accordingly and delivers a sharp right cross.


The force of the blow, left a hole in the man's chest. The blood from the injury sprays onto the farmer's stunned face.

The ruffian claws at the arm but he inevitability falls to his knees. Alex's bones crawl back into his skin as he slowly pulls his arm out.

He walks past the farmer nonchalantly, as if nothing had even happened. The panicked farmer raced to tend to the injuries of his assailants. But the holes that were created were plugged with bone.

They are still alive!

The farmer's entire being was overcome with gratitude. He bowed his head in respect.

"Thank you for saving my life!"

Alex gives a wave as he leaves

"Don't mention it! Seriously, don't! If you talk to the Enforcers don't mention me."

The farmer grips his hands.

Alex, once again, begins his journey to find the exam site.

He walks past a young girl, around the age of ten.

She turns around and sets her sights on the distracted man, her smile was that of a devious imp.

Hey everyone. This story was orginally a manga but right now my artist is busy. So I thought I'd convert it into a light novel for fun and work on my writing skills. Hope you enjoy.

Tyler_Bouquetcreators' thoughts