
Ghulsaw with the intimidation system-ish.[on haitus]

In a freak accident, a normal human gets summoned to a world of Dungeons and dragons where a pare of mental dice allows us to be assisted in the actions we take or bring us to ruin hehe who needs dice when you can intimidate your way thru life see ya on the other side. Anything except my Oc and the story I narrate is not my property respect is due to the originals even to Krod the Angry carpenter. I decided to try and keep the multiverse hopping at a minimum.

DaoistqemBat · Otras
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23 Chs


As I arrived I noted the forests and plants and the dirt all data nothing more and nothing less than a network of data I have to adapt my soul power allows my being to generate codes as a response to this world I have begun the making of an avatar first was the pixel ball than with a bit of tussle and bustle I made a skeletal body small and cute short about a cats size I checked the body bear bones I had no lower jaw dang it I have hidden my main Hypno body as it cant affect this world as my small Player avatar can I used my energy and infused the bone body forming a golden and a purple light one in each socket I walked a bit feeling the programmed environment with a different look I see data crystals and many other crystals monsters and creatures as currently, I found myself in a Dungeon by the codes around me I blinked then recognized a skeleton and a couple of other players I dug out of the ground from which I formed in surprising the Players I scratched my head and they started taki g no idea wat the hell they spoke i turned to the skeleton on the ground and pated his head then turning at the players they laughed untill another pigmy skeleton came up and another and another untill about ten hundred skeleton of my size but then 10 small skeletons made ten piles as then they fused in ten tollers skeletons of level ten then i dog piled my dolls on them restraining them but they were strong enough to dismantle em returning to a wave of pigmy skeletons nonstop attacking them getting destroyed and me just making more casually the skeleton guy was surprised i was rather happy he saw i am level 0 and with a special tittle Outer Skeleton i was happy they were struggling and getting cut after cut damage after damage pile ling up untill they became downed redy to be killed as i saw a guy in silver armour arrive scratching his head he was not hostile so i just was there unequipping the hostile players armour eating them one at a time adding datta to my main Avatar wile my Pigmy skeleton army gained random armour and stuff wen one was destroyed the armour peace fell to then be grabbed by another S.Pigmy you know Skeleton pigmy i will keep calling them that as they reached about two minutes they all just puffed only the new ones remained five well armed they were fresh wile i did my stuff the players that are heteromorphs were talking about something i don't know wat its getting annoying but my voice is just gibberish and they're are rather curious they saw my form smaller i walked to the five guys and with the players surprised i bit them each crunch was painful enough to make em disconnect at least for a wile but i have chuckled and wen to the Skeleton sallary man he was rather curious about me and a bit nervous i had allredy leveled to 45 getting some job classes and race classes i invested it all in the Pigmy race class granting me even more S pigmy,s about twenty times more they noted i grew a bit got my lower jaw to properly bite now and from under my skull down to my tows wight bone like skin interwived with my bones i looked like a kid variant of the sans with movable jaw and naked no reproductive organs and i sat i cheked the job classes and ofher new race clases avalable i will keep going on my custome made one wen i was done and my many dolls blew upp in piles of bones that dicepered i have started testing this avatar then i saw the two heteromorphs players talck still i have no clue of wath they say i scrached my head and sent a invitation to bowth of them they saw it is jibberish except two words Freand Request witch was on the top of the text box with a yes and no they looked at each other shrugged and pressed yes then they gamed a tittle [Freand of the Outer Being ] effect grants Tier 1 Skeletal pigmy Summoning supported by the system of this code made world it took movement patterns and codded them in the pigmy skeletons they managed to summoned from 10 to 6 and they're speed strength and personality,s slightly varied i have then summoned my Army then i formed a wave like way summoning half of them then wen they fall apart i summoned the other half this gave me movement but wen i made smaller waves about a 10% of my army at a time i can move for longer time with less damage the two were surprised at my strange use of my minions they noted they're pigmy,s were moving gathering items and bringing them to they're masters i also got items from the felled tree and such i have given the order to harvest any that is not bolted to the ground the two were suprised as wen i was done i ate enoght datta they saw my army gather up with each piling up and stak like barrels forming a large scilinder the two players saw this then with a clap of my hands and a tuch to the piller they all blew up before theyr time was done as they reasembled in a Huge Skeletal Golem of the same level as me but i patted it on the foot it opend up the mouth as i walked in its chest were a room is i moved the golem and the two players were curious they came to look in the mouth were i was in a meditation pose as i kept healing my golem witch has no timer but its Hp is in constant dekcay as i need to heal it constantly i possesed it and the players were moved to be on my shoulders i tapped the knite and pointed to were shood we go he was jolly and heroic i saw him point and i followed about a few days as they made camp and i was left alone for a cupple hours then they were once more online i have kept with them so i can join Nazarik as a Outsider i can join any group,s of players and my looting capability,s are rather good wen the group formed i had to select carefully i have felt the Dragons spells start seaping in the system as the second uppdate was finished i have took time to remake my home witch became a permanent structure unless destroyed witch it was since i got targeted by many other races and i get xp from any thing i eat or kill the players learned to not die at my hands since it ment a full eventory wipe then death of the Avatar the Administraitorrs saw me then saw the coding witch is so Allien it worked but ot was so mind bogeling since wen one managed to get under the first lear he got separated from the controlls and given a outdated game to compleet to get out and they didnt attempt to do it again no way to delet isolate or modify my small fortress i have gotten enoght time with my descriptions and many upgrades to this Avatar many accesory,s and tools wile wen Nazarik was formed i had reached level 100 far time before i had 9 permanent Pigmy witch i got from maxing my pigmy Racial class wile i alocated my other 30 levels in comander , strategist , Brainiac, wile the other 60 Level Permanent Skeletal Pigmy,s had vsried usefull jobs specialised straight in one or another my small group has the moust humanoid form and the army is now capable to stay active about a hour if i summon them all unless i summon half and use the passive skill to consume a summoning to keep the already active summons going untill i go empty on stamina ..... I am undead I have about an endless amount of it since I can consume the stamina from my summons to refill my absurd large amount of and with my items and special skills I am a nightmare to battle I specialize in utility and go with the Dungeon diving team since I am a good back up item fixed good crafter and about all as my nine permanent body,s can use with me temporarily getting me up to 130 Lvl with all the job classes and the rest to fix make and such I can't do it for long periods but it's enough to make quick fixes of items and much much more I am the Nazaricks Mascot and they even allowed me to make an NPC I made a special NPC I called her Innocence and she is an overall useful keeper of knowledge her lore was very large as my creation I made her for the express purpose to assist the Nazarick in the new world along with some special items I have gotten from the Creators a couple of wishes for roleplaying as they think when I was done i also got Ainz to get the human transformation and the other 41 Suprime beings with the same quest that Ainz did so they can enjoy they're lives as the time came i finally spoke :This is it the time has come our freedom is here and the new world is expecting us the God of Drama has chosen us and we are here to answer.

as I finished my speech they saw everything change the Npc,s are now Alive Innocence jumped on Ainz, and they saw my minions jump at once in a pile with me, and then I emerged now hole I was quite cool and dangerous looking the power I reached with the Avatar I made witch became a separated yet connected to the bond of Will I have between all my body, she is my Avatar, not a secondary body I have dubbed him Skullmageddon when the supreme being sawed me I saw a couple faint since the name and form I took was notorious to be the most, hard boss of an old game that is still popular even at this day I laughed out loud with the iconic voice my lough reminiscent of papyrus jolly and friendly I seem to be a bit naked nude more precisely I covered my private parts with s clawed hand then with a create a greater item I was clothed in a metallic suit copied right from Skullmageddon clothe selection I posed as some burst out laughing some facepalmed and the rest were incredulous I smiled and Ainz was asked if he will adopt me since we look similar i gave a nuggy to the fool as they started to realize this is reality i snapped my finger and the hole room was covered from sealing to flore in my Ninja pigmy skeletons keeping a respectfully meter from the supreme beings witch all have they're own Pigmy summons each personalised for they're characters then they started a discussion i ignored it and left Moman was aware but the others were preoccupied with the situation i found myself arriving at the colosseum were i had summoned my army fully this time as the throne room is to small i saw the twin elves and asked them to try and eliminate all my army after i introduced myself once more they were eager at least one of em was i saw all my pigmy,s gather up in a even larger bone golem it was quite funny they had to deal with a big guy and about twenty small ones as they were kept for emergency prepare the intelligence in the eyes of the golem was good news and then they all fell apart at the cordinated attack of the twins i sent message and reported to my guild telling them : All the NPC,s are alive all our powers are functional and afected by flavor text and we are in a different world i will go out to explore , they tried to stop me but no luck i left the tomb with my World item , i call it the ultimate stick but my fellow supreme being call it the staff of billion forms it allows me to change it in amy weapon like having a symbiotic weapon i have defeated many enemy,s with it and now that is real well due to those idiotic dragons and the wild magic all my descriptions make me even harder to beat and with my nine permanent minions i am about level 370 level i wood hab been 300 if my main avatar was level 30 but with 100 adding to my small minions witch is 60÷2=30 job class and raw stats adding to myself i am thrise as dangerous then before wen i was just my level 100 well i clothed myself in more casual were and prepared to enter a town .

As I walked my silhouette wearing howdy jeans and boots and my bone face with purple and golden dots of flame as eyes I have 3 battle classes 3 support and 3 utility classes from my minions as my own make the fusion coherent and a lot more durable I have seen a small contingent of guards come at the gates to Great me so nice of them about a few meters from them they said: Stop approaching and state your purpose to coming to Arentel .

As I saw them shiver as I let out a breath that chill them to the bone and I say this :

Hellow Humans my name is the Great and Terrible Skullmageddon and I have come today to register as an Adventurer to spread my Great and glorious name to the knowledge of mortals which live in this lovely community, my brother may follow he chose to stay Human while i the Great and Terrible Skullmageddon followed the steps of my lovely mother to become an eternal and glorious Creature of the Unkillable kind, and I do say this Town is quite welcoming you even brought a welcome party for one such as I thank you for your swift arrival if not I may have gotten lost, which would be unacceptable to make people wait for my Glorious and Terrible self, now gentleman can you show me the way to the Adventurers guild?

The soldiers were dumbfounded they got a lot of information which they finally processed in about a minute, rather funny they discussed it with each other and they circled me to then escort me to the Guildhall where I followed the procedures until they asked for money I then asked the number of gold coins needed and used Greater create an item to summon my purse filled with good and black diamond,s witch have in them souls of demons for selling and such, I gave her the requested amount and wrote my full list of classes and racial evolutions I went thru when they read the list they asked how do I have so many specializations I politely split in ten kid-sized versions of me with my main self being the tollest I bow and answer the questions and after an assurance, I resemble me I then asked for any good quests to do so I can spread my glorious and Terrible name, the receptionist was dumbfounded but a light chuckle came out, unexpectedly she saw my acting as goofy that the right thing even if i am a tall scary looking genteel men with bone spikes and greem ripper vibes witch wood shatter wen i opened my loud mouth to a goofy presence and caring personality i was a oddity a good one as such i had went thrue misions and got local mony and a promotion after a bit of time.