
Ghoul in Aot

What is freedom? Izack a boy reborn into a world were everyone dreams and searches for freedom. With his own idea of what true freedom is, he will do anything to achieve it. ------ Imagine the usual I don't anything stuff here.

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5 Chs

Meeting The Gang

"There they are…" said a boy with blonde hair and a blue jacket.

"I wouldn't try to call out just now, god only knows what they've seen." an old man wearing a brown hat, green scarf with a beard responded to the boy seeing his hesitation.

So that is Armin and his Grandfather, they both look just like their anime counterparts, same goes with Mikasa and Erin.

"Why are you raising the ramp?!!" shouted a man waiting to board the ship.

"There isn't any space left." responded the soldier causing panic to spread through the crowd.

"What about us!!?"

"At least let the children on!!"

The people continued shouting at the guards till they saw the boat was leaving causing them to take more drastic measures. The idiots attempted to jump onto the boat, most missed meeting a swift end on the bank of the river. The others just continued to scream at the soldiers, some even tried to assault them.

Izack gazed at the events unfolding with indifferent eyes, he doesn't view them as Eldian devils like the three warriors, no he knows that it is either him or them and why should he give up his life for someone he has never met?

"Boy are you cold?" looking at the source of the voice just talking to him, he sees Armin and his Grandfather looking at him or to be more precise his clothes. Well, the lack of clothes, the thing is Izack never actually found any clothes, he did find a sack which he ripped two holes in so it could act as a makeshift pair of trousers.

"Not right now." answered Izack looking at his clothes.

"You will get colder as night approaches. Here you can have my jacket." he said whilst removing his jacket. Izack, seeing this to be the perfect chance to get close to Armin and not freeze at night takes it and wears it.

"Hey how come you were just wearing a sack?" asked Armin in an insensitive and childish way.

"I was getting changed when they came." responded Izack on the fly.

"Oh I see, I'm Armin Arlert what's your name?" asked Armin.

"Izack." responded Izack, paying more attention to the rumbling sound that seems to be coming from just past the gate. 'The Armoured titan, so it is finally here.'


With a massive boom a massive cloud smoke came out of the gate with pieces of rock flying away from it. As the smoke clears it becomes clear to all, The Armoured titan, standing at 15 metres tall with bone like plating covering its body, red muscles where the armour doesn't cover and short blonde hair. It just stands there in the previous running position till the jaw section of the armour lowers and it lets out a breath of steam.

"Let me introduce you guys, these are my childhood friends Erin and Mikasa, Erin and Mikasa this is Izack." said Armin, introducing Erin and Mikasa to Izack and vice versa.

"Hi I'm Izack." said Izack with a smile.

"Mikasa." came a muffled voice from Mikasa due to the scarf hiked over her nose. Izack and Armin both looked towards Erin waiting for him to introduce himself. Instead of answering he stared at them with tears rolling down his face. He stood up and started walking towards the railing.

"Erin what did you see?" asked Armin, grabbing onto Erin's shoulder causing him to push him out the way.

"I'm going to put a stop to this, I'll kill them all, every last one." said Erin grabbing onto the railing whilst looking at the sunset with tears rolling down his face.

"How are you going to do that?" asked Izack, drawing Erins attention.

"Your a kid what can you actually do against them?" continued Izack.

"I'm going to join the scouts and wipe out every last one of them." said Erin with a creepy expression on his face.

"You do you mate." replied Izack with a shrug.


Sitting on the floor is Armin with his face buried in his grandfather's hat and crying, Erin is sitting next to him with Mikasa standing watching and Izack leaning on a wall.

"We have to do something about them, we can't rely on those cowards to do everything for us. That's it in a year I'm going to join the cadet core to grow stronger and retake our home." said Erin standing up whilst saying that.

"Me too." said Armin wiping away his tears.

"Same with me," said Mikasa.

All three of them looked over at Izack who is leaning against the wall, Izack's appearance has improved over the year, he no longer has the same yellowly skin and a skinny build now he has skin on the paler side with a decent amount of muscle on him standing at 5ft.

"Sure I'll join, got to make sure you don't get yourself's killed." replied Izack to their looks with a smile on his face. 'Got to make sure Erin doesn't do anything stupid and lose the founding titan and ruin everything.'

The group of four has stuck together through everything that has happened ever since first meeting, Izack has become a close friend to the trio who serves as a voice of reason with cold hard facts.

"Then its decided we will join the cadet core, grow stronger, join the scouts and retake our home." shouted Erin with his hand up in the air.

"Who said anything about joining the scouts, I'm going to get a nice job as a member of the military police so I don't have to risk my life everyday." said Izack.

"What! That just makes you a coward!" shouted Erin looking at Izack, to this Izack just shrugged and responded, "You know cowards are usually the one to tell the tales, that's why there are not many tales of cowards. The cowards wrote the story of how they where brave and a hero."

"Fine you join the military police then whilst I become a Scout."