

The work-aholic 22 year old Annabelle wakes up one morning ghosted by her own body… literally! A strange voice decends to Earth and announces the commencement of “The Falling,” whatever that is, and now Annabelle has to figure out how to fight her way to happiness in this crazy upside down world as a ghost… and a zombie? A ghost girl and her original body make a sight for sore eyes as they feast on the fruit of their success in a river of death and blood. Her crazy mother roots and cheers for her and her minions clap and whistle. The Gods laugh in amusement… or run for their lives. It depends, really. In this life Annabelle is determined to do what she wants, and if that means subjugating a few Gods here and there, she’s willing to do whatever it takes.

BlueStars28 · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: My bad!

After a few moments of silence, Melissa brought up the call she made to the police just a few minutes ago.

"When I called 911, they didn't answer. It makes me wonder if something similar is happening to other people too." She said.

Annabelle tilted her head in surprise, "that's a really good idea! You might just be right. Let's go turn in the news!"

The mother daughter pair quickly hauled themselves down the stairs, their footsteps thudding loudly and they collapsed on the couch, choosing to leave the zombified body upstairs in her bedroom which they locked from the outside using zip ties that attached the door handle and an old laundry shoot door. They had seen enough zombie apocalypse movies to know what is supposed to happen next.

Flipping on the television, they studied the news anchor for any signs of panic, however there was none. Flipping to another new channel, there was a similar result. Punching in the numbers to reach a third, they somewhat achieved a result. Screaming and complete and utter chaos.

Nobody was able to make a coherent sentence and the male news anchor looked like her was going to pass out before the screen when black. A few seconds later a recording of the anchors telling them at they would be back after a short break played, followed by a long line of commercials.

Melissa turned to where she assumed her daughter was sitting and said "so clearly something is happening." Annabelle giggled and moved to sit on the other side of the couch so she see her expression. "You're right. I wonder if other people have turned into zombies and ghosts as well."

Melissa nodded her head, "mn. It's entirely possible. But then I wonder why it is only happening to some people and not everybody. Clearly, it's not determined by bloodline because I'm completely fine. I wonder what it—" she was interrupted by a loud crash.

The girls froze in fear. Did her zombie daughter wake up?!


'Oh, right, I forgot I put a pizza in the oven' Melissa thought. "Pizza." She said simply, and Annabelle nodded despite knowing it wouldn't be seen.

They plodded into the kitchen together and Melissa opened up the oven to see a completely frozen pizza. Standing up straight she looked at the dials and realized she never turned the oven on.

But if that sound wasn't the pizza, then what was it?

Ding! Ding!

Melissa turned around "what…?" She paused "Belle, can you hear that sound?"

"Huh? What sound? I don't know what you're talking about mom." She replied in confusion.

"What do you mean what sound? It just did it again—"




A light melodic tune swept though the room.

« Welcome, players, to the 9,742nd annual falling!  The system is installed and activated. For more information, please consult Bubbles! Work hard to collect rewards and blessings from our patron gods and sponsors. Good luck! »

Melissa funded dully to Annabelle, "now don't tell me that you didn't hear that."

Annabelle paused. "Hear what?"

"I'm going to kill you."

"Aren't I technically already dead?"

"We'll we're about to find out."

Annabelle shuddered in fake fear, "ooooohhh scary."

"Oh, shut up!" Melissa bit back. "Yes ma'am."

Melissa turned back to the pizza, turned on the oven, and closed the oven door. "We can eat pizza later. That noise I just heard told me that the world is undergoing some sort of 'annual falling' and that we should work hard to gain rewards from Gods."

Annabelle just sort of stared at her, "oh," was the only thing she could think of saying. She didn't have much time to think, anyways, because her thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash from upstairs. "Mom. What did we do?" She quickly asked.

"I've got no idea. The voice said there was someone we could talk to if we had questions. They're name was Bubbles—"


« Hello, Player! How can I be of assistance today? »

"Are you bubbles?" She asked, "what is happening to my daughter? Can we undo it?"

« Your offspring has reacted negatively to the falling. She has become a zombie. It is advised to slay the creature or leave the premises. »

"Negatively?! What do you mean, negatively?!" Melissa screeched.

« Due to the falling, your offspring, Annabelle Knight, has turned into a zombie. It is reccomened to slay the creature or leave the premises. »

God, you said the same exact thing! Can you tell me more?

« More information regarding the falling exists, however, cannot be accessed at your current level. Please uncover the truth through your own discovers or achieve level 50, where a higher level of information and privileges can be accessed »

Melissa quickly relayed what Bubbles told her, both of them quietly deciding to ignore the thuds and crashes above their heads.

"Slay the creature? Is there really no way for me to get my body back? We have to kill… me?" Annabelle said, "I mean don't get me wrong. I'm willing to do it if it means keeping us safe, but I would rather avoid it if possible"

"Right," Melissa said, "I wonder if there will be a way to keep it locked up until we find a way."

They both went quiet at that, knowing it was pretty unlikely, however they didn't completely disregard the possibility. "Anyways, are you able to talk to Bubbles?" Melissa asked.

"Not sure. Let me try," she answered before shouting out "Bubbles!"

Nothing happened.

"Nope!" She relayed.

"Bubbles," Melissa called out, "why can't my daughter talk to you?"

« You're daughter if currently a low-leveled zombie. Basic intelligence sufficient for system communication has not yet been achieved. System will be activated at a later time. »

"Bubbles. My daughter has separated from her body and become what we are assuming is a ghost. She is fully conscious and able to communicate. Why does she not have the ability to speak to you?"

« Loading analysis… »

« Scanning surroundings for life signatures. »

« Two active souls located. »

« Scanning system history… »

« Analysis complete. »

« Distributing system fragment. »

« Hello Player Melissa! We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience you and your offspring have experienced. Thank you for bringing this error to our attention. To show our appreciation, both yourself and the victim have a pending reward. Enjoy! »

"Bubbles said that he gave you a system. Did it work?!" Melissa relayed in excitement.

"Yes! It says we got presents, too! How do we see them?" Annabelle happily replied.

"Let's ask Bubbles!" She replied.

"Oh! Can I try?" Her daughter requested, and Melissa nodded. The young woman squealed lightly before asking her question.

« Players can view system status by requesting it from Bubbles. Would you like to view your status? »

"Yes!" Annabelle quickly answered before telling her mom how to do it herself. A screen appeared in the line of her sight.

- - -

Name: Annabelle Lee Knight

Race: Ghost

Age: 22

Level: 0

Skills: none

Blessings: none

Quests: none

Invintory: 0/10

Messages: 1

[Would you like to view your messages?]

[Yes] / [No]



> From: Bubbles

Hello, Player! We deeply apologize for our mistake during the system fragment distribution. As a result, please choose from one of the listed rewards! This message will never expire, and you may take as long as you wish to decide your prize. May your journey be long and fruitful!


1) Item: [Short Sword— Yellow quality] {Abilities: boots speed and stealth. Grants skill: swift escape, which can be activated once every 2 hours, teleporting a target to desired location within 10 feet of current position.}

2) Skill: [Enslave— orange quality (upgradable)] {Description: Enslave a target of your choice. Target can not be more than 2 levels higher than target upon time of enslavement. Number of slaves depends on quality of skill and player level. Current target limit: 2/25 (increase level to reach limit).}

3) Blessing: [Maytyr— God of faith] {Description: Nothing is stronger than faith and loyalty! Create a following of true believers and bring the light to their dull lives. Turn their faith into a tangible power and use it to boost the power of your attacks. Don't bring the light at the end of the tunnel, be the light at the end of the tunnel!

'What to choose, what to choose…'