
The Winter Soldier


Just In

"I've never seen anything like this and theres no information on it in the archives." Superman said inspecting the crystal.

"Damnit I asked Hawkgirl since unlike you she grew up on her planet her whole life before coming here. If your people don't even know what it is who will?" Sean said putting the crystal away.

"I recommend placing all the remaining crystals in your most secure vault till we know what we're dealing with. Daisy is already showing signs of her own unique abilities appearing." Batman said.

"Define Unique?" Lantern asked.

"She's showing abilities of vibrational frequencies of sorts even causing slight earthquakes in a small area. So far she's managing to control it but I need to know exactly what we're dealing with." Sean said.

"Perhaps I could help with that." A male voice said making them turn around and saw a man in white robes and a blue vest and a straw hat. He had white skin and surprisingly for minus one has glowing eyes.

"Raiden?" Sean said surprised seeing the thunder god.

"You know this man?" Batman asked preparing for a fight if necessary.

"He's the thunder god and a friend of mine." Sean said.

"The Crystals you speak of are not from this world but from another one. Many years ago a group of beings of unknown origin to my knowledge arrived on earth and began to experiment on humanity transferring their own blood into humans. The Crystals are known as Terrigen crystals. The mist inside them unlocks the abilities of the individuals however it is unknown what the abilities of these inhuman's will be until they go through terrigenesis which results in these human husks you've seen." Raiden said.

"How many inhuman's are there?" Batman asked.

"Hard to say there were many during the first generation. However though while the bloodline is passed down through these people their powers can only be activated through the mist there is no other way." Raiden said.

"What about regular humans what happens if they get exposed to the mist?" Lantern asked.

"I'm going to assume nothing since Hardcastle showed no changes during his exposure to it." Sean said.

"Correct regular humans are in no danger from the mist though I would recommend keeping this information to yourselves for the time being. Humanity has always feared what it does not understand." Raiden said.

"Been there done that. We'll keep Daisy's status as an Inhuman known to only a small few who can be trusted in global tech and SHIELD." Sean said before the communications activated. "What is it Talbot?" Sean asked.

"We have a problem involving Lex again." Talbot said.

"Oh great what now?" Sean asked annoyed.

"3 hours ago we received an encrypted transmission directed to Lex's office for a ransom of one billion and a half american dollars all unmarked bills. The hostages are held on a mobile satellite launch platform. However though Lex only requested the Data be transferred not the hostages." Talbot said making Sean tighten his fists in anger.

"And what is so important about the information?" Raiden asked.

"Good to see you again Raiden and its unknown as to whats so important about the Data but knowing him it cant be good." Talbot said.

"We need to get there now. I don't suppose you'd be willing to spare a few of your warriors to help in this." Sean said to Raiden who nods.


Two quinjets were flying towards the large cruiser.

"Alright listen up we need to go over the mission for each team." Captain America said. Raiden had sent Liu Kang and Kung Lao. The groups consisted of Captain America Black Widow Frank Castle Daredevil Elektra Iron fist Luke Cage Kung Lao Liu Kang and a new addition to the Defenders Cassandra Castle Franks Cousin who joined the Defenders after the battle of New York 2 months ago. (I know Cassandra is actually his daughter with Elektra from the comics but I'm making it to she's his cousin in this story)

"Natasha you Cage Iron Fist and Liu Kang will secure the engine room then after that go to the data storage room and download what you can. Whatever Lex is planing we'll know soon enough." Captain America said.

"What about the hostages?" Liu Kang asked.

"Thats our job. Frank what are we up against?" Steve said.

"25 Pirates top mercenaries led by this guy. Georges Batroc Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He's one of the few at the top of Global Tech's red notice list. Before the French Demobilized him, he had 36 kill missions. This guy's got a rep for maximum casualties." Frank said.

"Why the hell would Pirates steal from Lex corp anyway it doesn't add up." DareDevil said.

"Figure that out later we got a job to do." Captain said jumping off the Quintjet.

"Uh did he have a parachute on before he jumped?" Kung Lao asked.

"Nope." Frank said grinning before putting his on. "He doesn't really need one out here." Frank said.

Captain America dived into the water feet first before getting on the ship and quickly started to take out the Pirates on the deck.

Just as one of them had a gun to his head Frank shot the guy with a silenced weapon to keep the noise down.

"Thanks." Cap said.

"Yeah cause looked helpless without me." Frank said with a grin. "Alright you have your orders lets move." Frank said as Cap ran off to do what he needed to do while his team searched for the hostages. Steve managed to place a small unnoticeable listening device on the glass of the bridge listening in on any conversation.

"Hostages located." Frank said.

"Frank get into position where they cant see you." Cap said.

"Don't need to I've got something special from weapons development to get these bastards through the wall." Frank said. "Kang place some small charges on the door then wait for my order to charge in and take out any we miss." Frank said.

"On it." Liu Kang said.

"Natasha whats your status?" Cap asked.

"Almost there." Natasha said fighting off some of the pirates before Kung Lao threw his bladed hat at one of them cutting him in half with ease. "Well thats new." Natasha said making him shrug in amusement before they shut down the engine room.

"Engine room secure." Kung Lao said.

"Alright lets do this." Frank said as he and Cassandra fired through the wall killing all but one pirate that as soon as the door blew up Liu Kang charged in and gave him a powerful uppercut that broke his neck and killed him. "Alright everyone lets go. Hostages secured moving to extraction point." Frank said on the comms.

"Roger that moving to extraction point." One of the Quinjet pilots said flying towards them.

Steve had tried to take out Batroc but he managed to give him the slip.

"Be advised Batroc is on the move." Cap said.

"Don't worry we can handle him if he shows up you just get to Natasha and her team to help secure the Data." Frank said.

"Copy that." Cap said before Batroc tried to attack him by surprise but Cap blocked his attacks with his shield before managing to knock him out and cuffed him.

"Data secured moving to secondary extraction." Natasha said.

"Right I've got Batroc." Cap said picking up him and dragged him back to the second quinjet.


"So whats so important about this Data anyway?" Kung Lao asked Sean as he plugged it in to a secure and advanced super computer.

"We're about to find out." Sean said accessing the files on the flash drive Natasha secured. Sean looked through the files before growling in anger. "Son of a bitch he somehow stole the designs of the carriers when he was in our custody when we were looking for Loki." Sean said in anger.

"But doesn't he need approval for this?" Natasha asked.

"Since when has he ever gotten approval for anything he does." Sean asked before getting up. "Talbot we got a problem." Sean said on the comms.


"So I used your designs for my own uses. Doesn't mean I stole them however since you have no physical evidence." Lex said making Sean growl. "Besides you should be thanking me for what I've done to improve those defenseless toys of yours." Lex said smugly.

"Meaning what?" Sean asked ready to punch his face but Talbot held him back.

"Let me show you." Lex said leading them to the hanger and to their shock the Carriers he was building were armed with heavy weapons along with new turbines. "Call it project insight my version of your little toys that are synced to a network of targeting satellites." Lex said.

"So thats why you only wanted the data from the ship and not the hostages." Sean said not amused.

"They are nothing but cannon fodder." Lex said making Sean growl and tried to punch him but Ross and Talbot stopped him. "Besides I'm sure the united nations will approve of these carriers over yours any day. The weapons on these carriers can eliminate a thousand hostiles a minute. The satellites can read a terrorist's DNA before he even steps outside his spider hole. A lot of threats will be eliminated before they even begin and its all thanks to my brilliance." Lex said boasting.

"Except the united nations will never approve of this." Ross said.

"Oh really and whys that?" Lex asked amused.

"Because any designs of the carriers belong to SHIELD and Global tech which means your in violation of breaking the law of stealing the designs of the carriers that did not belong to you nor did you get the approval of this." Talbot said making him frown.

"What are you saying?" Lex asked.

"That these carriers along to SHIELD and Global Tech which means they belong to me. The president made that clear if anyone tries to copy anything from my company or from SHIELD that I have authority to confiscate the designs and the built carriers and thats whats going to happen." Sean said.

"You cant do that these carriers belong to me." Lex said in anger.

"Oh stop being a little bitch like you always are. We'll be back soon to get these." Sean said as they walked away making Luthor growl in anger.


"I understand your problem of these new carriers however though do we really need to destroy them?" The President asked Sean Talbot and Ross.

"Sir these weapons cannot be allowed to be airborne since odds are they could be easily hacked and be used against the UN thats something we cannot allow to happen. I understand that there are benefits to having such weapons under UN control or my companies but the benefits are nowhere near the price of having them in the air if they get hacked." Sean said.

"I see then you have my full permission to confiscate these weapons and destroy them." The President said before ending his transmission.

"We can still have the blue print designs in the vault should we ever need them in a time." Ross said.

"On that I agree." Sean said before his phone went off. "Maria what is it?" Sean asked. "Whoa slow down what happened?" Sean asked in concern. "Alright we'll be right there." Sean said hanging up. "Fury is in the medical lab he just got attacked." Sean said.

"By who?" Talbot asked.

"By the Winter soldier." Sean said heading down.

Raiden and a few other medical personnel were healing Fury from his injuries.

"How did this happen?" Sean asked entering the lab.

"Fury said he was on his way to see you about the carriers that Luthor built when he was attacked by the winter soldier." Maria said.

"Who's the Winter Soldier?" Steve asked.

"A deadly assassin one who's been credited over a few dozen assassination missions for the past 50 years but for some reason he doesn't age." Sean said.

"How is that possible?" Kung Lao asked.

"Hell if I know but theres something about him that seems familiar. No ones ever gotten a picture of his face and if they do its covered by a mask of sorts and the main way he's always been identified is with his left metal arm with a red star on it." Sean said before Fury and Raiden walked in. "Why we're you on your way to see me here anyway?" Sean asked.

"The carriers that Luthor has I think those things are going to be used by something or someone else. Something didn't add up. After the battle of New York I've had men on the inside of his company giving me intel at any chance they got and then they told me someone was planing something big." Fury said.

"Wait...You hired those pirates to take that ship didn't you so we would have a reason to get the Data didn't you?" Sean said.

"I had to something about this plan thats going in his company had me concerned. I don't think Lex even knows himself." Fury said.

"You should have told us." Steve said.

"I couldn't risk any talks we had being intercepted by Lex so I made a choice." Fury said.

"Smart move. Ok if Lex isn't behind this plan you've heard about then who is?" Sean asked. "I cant even access the files fully on the hard drive because of some kind of A.I on it. However the one thing I could get out of it was the location as to where it came from." Sean said bringing up a map location of the area. "I think you'll find the area very familiar Steve." Sean said as he showed the location. Wheaton New Jersey.

"Hey isn't that the place you trained at before the Serum was injected into you?" Luke asked.

"Yeah it is." Steve said.

"I don't want Lex or whoever is behind this to get suspicious so only three of us are going. Steve you Me and Natasha will have to go. The Rest of you I need you all to stay here. Talbot you and Ross are in charge while I'm gone." Sean said.

"Understood." Talbot siad.


"So this is where you were trained before the Serum?" Sean asked as they walked around the old base.

"Yeah. Nothing here has really...Changed?" Steve said seeing something that didn't belong here.

"What is it?" Natasha asked. Sean looked behind him and noticed it as well.

"Back during World war 2 army regulations forbid storing munitions within 500 yards of the barracks so that shouldn't be here." Sean said as he melted the lock and opened the doors. They walked down the stairs and Sean turned on the lights. On one of the walls was the symbol for SHIELD.

"SHIELD?" Natasha said confused.

"The original SHIELD. After the war Peggy and Howard Stark and Steve's old general formed the original SHIELD after Hydra was defeated. However after Howard was killed it wasn't doing so good so it was shut down since it was still in the process of being formed." Sean said.

"So you recreated it." Steve said.

"I had a lot of respect for the Original SHIELD after Talbot showed me the files 2 years after Global tech signed a contract with the UN. I wanted their legacy to continue in a new age so the new SHIELD was formed and is doing extremely well." Sean said seeing the old photos of the founding members of the original SHIELD before he notice at the bookshelves that air was blowing some webs. "The hell?" Sean said going to where the air was coming from.

"Whats this?" Natasha asked.

"You already got a secret bass on sight so why." Sean said pulling the shelves down revealing a secret elevator. "Do you need an elevator?" Sean asked before seeing a key pad for a code and used a device on his arm to see the right code. Once he opened the door they went down further. Once the doors opened they saw an ancient computer in the room.

"Is anyone else getting the feeling we're getting played cause this technology is ancient." Natasha said.

"Why are there so many Data containers in here? SHIELD didn't have that much intel when it started so whats the deal?" Sean asked before spotting a plug in attached to the old computer for the flash drive. "Someone was here a few years ago I'd say. This shouldn't be here." Sean said plugging in the flash drive and the Data containers started spinning. "This is the origin where the A.I originated from." Sean said before the camera on the computer activated.

"Sean Ashburn Kruger. Born 1997. Rogers Steven. Born 1918. Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna. Born 1994." The Computer said. (I know in the movie it said 1984 but this way she's almost the same age as Sean only by a few years older)

"What a second that voice. Arnim Zola?" Sean asked.

"Correct Ashburn I see you've done your research on the war." Zola said.

"Best to be prepared then dead." Sean said.

"How are you still alive?" Steve asked.

"Uh after the war the allies recruited German scientists with strategic value. I'm guessing he was one of them." Sean said. "My guess is his body was dying so they must have transferred his mind into this place to save him." Sean said.

"Correct again. They thought I could help their cause. I also helped my own. The Red Skull still lives and you don't even realize it yet." Zola said shocking them. "And he is not the only one. Many others of HYDRA are still alive from the war some of which I'm sure your familiar with captain Rogers. When SHIELD was founded we secretly sabotaged many of their operations as it was being built and had our most prized asset take out those who are a threat to us." Zola said showing a picture of Howard Stark and the Winter Soldier. "Over the years we have infiltrated every government in every nation and country for the past 70 years. however though we could never get into Global Tech since your tests and routine scans proved to be far to difficult to get past. It matters not though soon HYDRA's world order will rise." Zola said.

"Well that explains a lot. So I'm guessing you secretly influenced Lex into building those carriers." Sean said before the door closed. "And you've been staling us." Sean said before Natasha said a missile was heading right for them.

"Seems your all out of time. A pity I'm sure HYDRA would have been forward to working with an extremely intelligent young individual like yourself." Zola said before the missile hit the base however though Sean managed to activate the Ghost Rider State and transported them out of there.

At Global Tech

"Its been hours we should have heard back from them by now." Liu Kang said.

"Patience Liu Kang I'm sure that..." Was as far as Raiden got before Sean Steve and Natasha appeared in the room with Natasha out of breath due to the force of the blast that nearly hit them forced the air out of her lungs.

"The hell happened?" Talbot asked.

"We have a fucking huge problem. HYDRA is still alive." Sean said.

Hours later

"How the hell can HYDRA still be active I thought after the Red Skull was killed it would be over." Ross said.

"Thats the thing about HYDRA cut off one head two more takes its place just like the Greek Mythology version. Not only that but apparently the Red Skull's death was over exaggerated. I don't know where he is but Zola said he was still alive along with a few others from the war. Look regardless of reasons we need to strike now even if it means attacking Lex Corp." Sean said.

"No way we need the approval by the government first." Talbot said.

"Didn't you just hear what I said HYDRA is everywhere even in the government. The second we tell anyone within the government the second HYDRA launches those carriers." Sean said.

"He's right we cant wait around we need to stop Lex and HYDRA before its to late." Superman said.

"Perhaps a different approach is needed first." Raiden said.

"Meaning?" Batman asked.

"We still have one strong adversary. The Winter Soldier. Regular forces would be slaughtered if your government was involved in an attack on Lex Corp." Raiden said.

"Damnit thats a good point." Sean said.

"So you want us to draw him out?" Steve asked.

"It is a logical choice not only that but this Winter Soldier might be being used against his will to commit his actions." Liu Kang said.

"Ok lets say we draw him out the question is how?" Ross asked.

"With bait of course." Sean said.


"Sean this is a stupid idea." Steve said on the comms as Sean outside in a diner. With Steve was his running buddy known as Sam Wilson who apparently was given an experimental flight suit code name Falcon given by Global Tech. Natasha and Liu Kang were also waiting for the Winter Soldier to strike.

"Got any other ideas because I for one am open to suggestions." Sean said before gun fire was heard and nearly hit him had he not jumped back away. Like he planed the Winter soldier had tried to assassinate him however what he wasn't expecting were HYDRA/Lex Corp goons. "Well shit." Sean said before changing into the Ghost Rider form.

"Sam and I got the Winter soldier the rest of you take out his back up." Steve said as they attacked the winter soldier.

Sean wrapped his chain around one of the goons burning him to ash before two of them fired at him but the bullets just melted before even getting close to him. Liu Kang and Natasha took these guys out with martial arts.

Steve managed to finally get the upper hand on the Winter Soldier and tore off his mask and threw him over before the Winter Soldier got up and turned around and Steve widened his eyes when he saw his face. He would recognize it anywhere.

"Bucky?" Steve said in shock and confusion seeing his old childhood friend was the winter soldier who he thought was dead.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" The Now named Bucky said about to shoot him had Sean still in his Rider form not thrown him into a wall. Seeing he was outmatched he quickly escaped.

"Was that who I think it was?" Sean asked in confusion.

"Yeah. It was Bucky." Steve said just as confused if not more.

"How is that possible? You told us he was killed from falling to his death." Liu Kang said remembering the story.

"We'll figure this out later right now we need to get back." Sean said as they transported back to Global Tech.


"How is that possible? Sargent Barnes was declared KIA during the war after the fall." Ross said.

"Memory serves me correctly his unit was captured and Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did might have helped him survive the fall." Sean said.

"His mind must be under their control which would explain why he's doing all this and keeps him on Ice till he's needed again repeatedly." Batman said.

"What do we do about the Carriers then? They're scheduled to launch in mere hours." Liu Kang said.

"We have no choice we need to act however though there are still innocent people within Lex Corp completely oblivious to the enemy around them and to Lex himself." Raiden said.

"I got an idea for that." Steve said.

an hour later

"I understand your concern Mr. President but I assure you my carriers are much more safer then whatever Global Tech's young upstart is capable of." Lex said to the President on a transmission along with the Presidents staff all of which were against this action of allowing Lex to send those carriers up.

"The only reason I'm even allowing this is because after the battle of New York which you nearly destroyed I might add the world needs a new line of defense and the heroes from the three groups will be the last line if this fails." The President said not approving of this.

"I assure you my carriers will force the league the defenders and the avengers to retire for good." Lex said.

"Attention all personnel. This is Steve Rogers. I know many of you are only working for Lex for good reasons such as to support your families of because Lex threatened your or people you care about. But its time you learn the Truth about project insight and the world. Its not what we all once thought. Its been infiltrated by HYDRA." Cap said shocking many in the building including Lex since he was unaware of this. "The Red Skull is still alive and he is more then likely still in the building and Lex may be involved with him." Cap said making Lex frown since that wasn't true.

"Of all the no good cheep shots." Lex mumbled in anger.

"The Insight crew are HYDRA as well. They attempted to kill Nick Fury and Sean Ashbrun Kruger to keep them out of the way. They wont stop there. If those carriers are launched they'll have what they want. Complete control of the world. Ask yourselves who you stand with. Do you stand with us the Avengers the Defenders and the Justice league who fight for Freedom and justice or will you stand with HYDRA and enslave the entire world." Cap said before ending his speech.

"Luthor." The President said in anger.

"Mr. President I swear I am not involved with HYDRA." Lex said calmly.

"Nor will you ever." A male voice said before knocking Lex out. The person in question was none other then the Red Skull himself.

"So Captain America was telling the truth." The President said.

"And now the end of humanities freedom begins." The Red Skull said as he ordered the carriers into the sky.

"SHIT!" Sean yelled as he spotted the bay doors opening. "Raiden their opening the bay doors take out those carriers now!" Sean yelled as he Johnny and Carter drove on their motorcycles to the carriers.

"Understood Liu Kang Kung Lao get the civilians to safety. Odds are the carriers will drop down on the building." Raiden said.

"Yes Raiden." Liu Kang said as he Kung Lao and Batman made their way inside and took down the HYDRA agents that revealed themselves.

"YEEE HAAW!" Johnny yelled as he drove on one of the carriers with Sean and Carter.

"Whats the plan?" Wonder Woman asked.

"Take down these goddamn Carriers before they reach 3,000 feet in the air once they get that high they'll start firing down on the people below." Sean said killing a few HYDRA agents that fired on him.

"What about the Mobile Satellite wouldn't destroying it destroy their targeting system?" Liu Kang asked killing more HYDRA agents.

"Good idea I'm on it!" Superman said going with his cousins along with Lantern.

"Look out!" Kung Lai said dodging a grenade that Bucky Barnes fired at them. Just then Cap dropped down and looked at his old friend.

"Get these people out of the building I can handle this." Steve said.

"Carrier one destroyed." Hawkgirl said.

"Wonder Woman I need some assistance with the second Carrier." Raiden said.

"On my way." Wonder Woman said.

"Look out below!" Sean yelled as he and the other riders destroyed the third carrier with ease as it exploded while Raiden and Wonder Woman took down the second carrier.

"All carriers destroyed." Talbot said on the comms.

"Mission complete." Sean said as he and the other Riders landed on the ground. "Steve whats your status?" Sean asked but got no response. "Steve?" Sean called again.

"He's alright but knocked out. No sign of Bucky Barnes but from the security footage I'm seeing I think Sargent Barnes is no longer under HYDRA's influence." Batman said.

"No sign of the Red Skull." Frank said as he and the defenders search the main office where Lex was knocked out.

"He must have retreated when he saw the carriers destroyed." Raiden said.

"Great." Sean said annoyed.


Lex Corp was being rebuilt and after Lex was questioned by Global Tech he unfortunately was not involved with HYDRA leaving them no choice but to let him go but the President and Global Tech would be putting Lex Corp under 24/7 heavy security watch for any more of his crazy nonsense. All around the world members of HYDRA within the world governments were being found and arrested or killed depending on the area.

"I found this. Figured you'd want to read it." Sean said handing Steve the File of Bucky Barnes when he was under HYDRA's control.

"Thanks so when can I look for him?" Steve asked.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Look he needs time to himself for now." Sean said.

"You know where he is don't you?" Steve asked.

"Yeah but look just leave him be for now. After all those years under HYDRA's control the best thing he needs is his space figuring himself out. When he's ready to come back he will. Until then just leave him be." Sean said making him sigh.

"If you say so." Steve said.

"So what now?" Superman asked.

"Honestly I have no idea but for the most part we need to do our part and finish HYDRA like it should have been decades ago. Frank is leading the Defenders in finding the rest of HYDRA's strong holds and the Red Skull along with those who were dangerous during the war." Sean said.

"So what we just wait?" Flash asked.

"No we do what we always do and protect the people and take down any HYDRA cell we encounter." Sean said.

"What about Lex?" Superman asked since Lex got off easy again.

"I don't think we'll be having any trouble from him for a long time for now." Sean said.


"Thanks again for the help guys I owe you one." Sean said to Raiden Liu Kang and Kung Lao.

"Maybe you would consider participating in the next mortal kombat Tournament." Raiden said.

"I usually don't like getting involved with Violence unless I have to but if you insist sure." Sean said as they left in a swirl of lightning.


"So the Carriers were destroyed Skull?" Barron Von Strucker said to the leader of HYDRA.

"Yes and now apparently the owner of Global Tech has become even more powerful and has captured many of HYDRA's best agents with the governments of the world. However soon enough I will have my revenge against him and Captain Rogers." Red Skull said.

I think you all did not want to read this Fanfictinal so I all stop this here because I already not getting powestones

Aditya_Kumar_2408creators' thoughts