Ghost Raider in DC universe
Sean slowly began to open his eyes as the rays of light hit him making him groan out slightly before feeling a pair of arms wrap around him making him smirk holding a blue hand in front of him before turning around seeing his newest lover behind him.
"Good morning." Aayla said before kissing him which he returned holding her close. It's been month since the alliance with the Republic became public and during that time Sean had grown close to a few of the female Jedi such as Aayla who expressed her more intimate feelings for him last night. Aayla smiled before he kissed her chest where her heart was making her moan before she pressed her head into his chest feeling his strong muscles.
"Hey love birds wake up." Turok said from behind the door making Sean sigh before smiling in amusement. Another thing that had happened would be Turok being legally adopted into the family so he wouldn't be alone anymore in his life and have back what he had lost years ago.
"Turok I swear." Sean said before getting up and got dressed in a pair of grey sweat pants and white shirt. Aayla giggled before she decided to do the same getting into a pair of black shorts and black sports bra on her self before they walked out of the room where Turok looked at them in amusement.
"Dude its almost noon." Turok said.
"And my day off." Sean said ruffling his hair making him groan in annoyance.
"Well not for me. Bruce is asking for me to go to Gotham for the rest of the month so he can help me learn a more defined version of control of my powers." Turok said.
"Oh course he does." Sean said.
Later in Gotham
Turok appeared vie portal in an alleyway just as the Dark knight dropped down next to him along with four others. Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl and a man in military armor with a red helmet.
"Uh ok I know these three but not him." Turok said pointing to the man in the red hood who chuckled.
"Not surprised kid." The person said takings helmet off showing he had black hair and white skin and a mask over his eyes.
"Wait a sec...Jason Todd?" Turok asked.
"Bingo." Jason said amused.
"What the hell?" Turok said.
"Long story and before you ask no I'm not telling you right now since we've got work tonight." Jason said putting his helmet back on and loaded some guns.
"Oh so your the Red hood I've heard about. Surprised to see you'd be willing to let someone who kills work with you." Turok said to Batman.
"Times change. In any event we've got work to do. Commissioner Gordon informed us that the Black mask is making a deal with a new partner." Batman said.
"And that would be?" Turok asked.
"Not sure but word is Black Mask is intimidated by him." Red Hood said.
"The Dark Rider?" Turok asked.
"We'll soon find out." Batman said as they made their way to the meeting point.
Black Mask was someone Gotham feared for his ruthless cruel methods but for the first time in his life he was afraid and for good reason. Why? His new partner was known as The Dark Rider a man who nearly defeated the top leading Ghost Riders without so much as breaking a sweat had the second in command of the Riders not shown up and helped them even the odds.
"Let me be clear." The Dark Rider said slamming the top of a metal case down containing an object inside it and gave it to the Black Mask. "You fail and you die." The Dark Rider said before vanishing. As he left Batman and his group observed.
"Whats in the case?" Robin asked.
"Don't know but its clearly dangerous." Batman said.
"No shit I'm sensing a lot of dark energy coming from that case." Turok said.
"What kind of Dark Energy?" Red hood asked.
"Radiation if I'm getting it right." Turok said.
"Alright now lets..." Black mask tried to say before clapping was heard making them look in the direction of where it was coming from only for someone to step out of the shadows and who it was shocked everyone to the core.
"It cant be." Batman said.
"Joker!" Black Mask yelled in shock as the Joker stood before them alive and breathing.
"Hello Black Mask its been a while. Have you gained weight you look different from the last time I saw you." Joker joked.
"How are you alive? The Ghost Riders killed you and mostly everyone else at Arkham." Black Mask said in shock.
"You cant put me down that easily. May I have a look?" Joker said snatching the case from him and opened it reveling a vile of green glowing liquid.
"Thats definitely radioactive. But how is the Joker here I thought Blaze killed him and the others at Arkham." Red Hood said.
"Hang on a sec theres something off about him." Turok said.
"What do you mean?" Batgirl asked.
"Everyone in the world radiates a wave of energy thats practically the same but the Joker here is radiating a different kind of energy." Turok said.
"What are you saying?" Nightwing asked.
"This might not be the same Joker that we know." Batman said.
"Hmm Now what do we have here?" Joker asked looking on in interest as he examined the vile.
"Careful if that thing drops the Dark Rider is going to have my head on a wall." Black Mask said making Joker hum in thought before looking up and saw Batman and his group but said nothing.
"Wait he saw us why didn't he say anything?" Robin asked.
"Something about this Joker is definitely off." Batgirl said.
"Oh uh by the way Black Mask theres something I forgot to mention." Joker said to black Mask.
"What?" Black Mask asked making Joker grin before putting the vile back in the case and closed it.
"BATMAN CATCH!" Joker yelled throwing the case to the heroes who were caught off guard by this while the Joker took down Black Mask and his goons with ease. "Ah just like old times." Joker said amused before Batman dropped down along with the others.
"Ok what the hell? Why did you do that?" Red Hood asked.
"Oh thats simple I'm not the Joker you know. I'm actually from another universe where I like Batman am one of the good guys." Joker said.
"Yeah right." Robin said.
"What don't believe me Timmy boy?" Joker said using his real name making him widen his eyes.
"Ok uh lets get him to Global tech I'm sure they've got some tech to see if he's telling the Truth." Turok said.
"Sally we need a ground bridge." Batman said using the comms.
"You never ask for a ground bridge." Sally said.
"Lets just say we've got an unexpected anomaly." Batman said.
"Oh goody a new Global Tech Building." Joker said acting joyful making Turok chuckle slightly. "Ah see theres a smile." Joker said making Turok laugh.
"Ok I'm starting to believe him completely at this point." Turok said.
"Oy." Red Hood said.
"Of all the unexpected crap." Sean said looking through the Data on this parallel Joker counterpart.
"Well?" Batman asked.
"He's telling the truth about everything." Sean said.
"You cant be serious he's the Joker." Red Hood said taking off his helmet.
"I can hear you." Joker said in the other room reading the newspaper.
"Let him in." Sean said having the guard do just that.
"Now I'm sure your all expecting an answer as to why I'm here." Joker said taking a seat.
"No shit." Jason said.
"Well to put it simply Crime was a thing of the past in my world. All the heroes decided to fully retire including Bruce here settling down with Talia and raising his son." Joker said making Bruce widen his eyes about that knowledge of his counter part.
"Ok so what about you?" Turok asked.
"Please do I really look like the person to just sit around doing boring nonsense for the rest of my life?" Joker asked making Turok chuckle.
"Nope." Turok said.
"So as to how I got here Bruce made a device capable of sending me anywhere else in the universe and imagine my surprise I end up on the Primary Earth sector." Joker said.
"Primary?" Sean said confused.
"Oh thats right. This Earth is the Primary one. All the other Earth's are centered around here. Without it they would cease to exist." Joker said.
"So you basically came here to start a new life." Batgirl said.
"Got that right Barbra." Joker said making her sigh as she took off her mask.
"So how long have you been here?" Sean asked.
"Uh about a month I believe." Joker said.
"How did you know about Black Mask meeting the Dark Rider?" Bruce asked.
"That last part I didn't really know I only heard that he was meeting someone and decided to see what was up and knew you all would be there." Joker said.
"How the hell are we going to explain this to the public?" Turok asked.
"Uh I honestly don't know. I guess for the time being you'll have to act within the shadows till we can sort this whole thing out." Sean said.
"Works for me. Though I have to ask whats going to happen to Black Mask?" Joker asked.
"Well since he's caught and being interrogated for any information that might be useful to us he'll be sent to Iron Heights." Sean said.
At Iron Heights
Black Mask growled and grumbled under his breath as he sat in his cell.
"I warned you what would happen if you failed." The Dark Rider said behind him making Black Mask turn behind him and widen his eyes in fear before screaming in pain as The Dark Rider shoved his fist into his chest and pulled out his still beating heart before he vanished.