
Ghost Lord

Long Chen is 32 year loser who wastes all day on anime and games, while his friends from university are married and leading a good life he still lives with his parents that keep blaming him. Until one day he found an old book that will end his suffering or start a new one?

Abdullah_Hamada · Oriental
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3 Chs

Where Am I


It hurts!

My head hurts!]

The bizarre dreamland full of whispers quickly shattered. Long Chen, who was asleep, felt that his head had a painful ache as if he had been slammed with a pole. No, it was more like a sharp object piercing through his temple with a stirring action!

Stumbling, Long Chen tried to stand up. He wanted to rub his head and sit up, but he could not even move his hands and feet. It seemed that his body had lost control.

[Perhaps, I haven't really been awake yet. I might be still in my dreams… thinking that I'm awake but actually I am sleeping…]

As someone who was not familiar with such situations, Chen tried to focus his mind to get rid of the feeling of darkness and constraints. However, as a person who was half asleep, his will was as erratic as smoke. His thoughts were difficult to control and difficult to converge. However hard as he tried to focus his mind, it was in vain.

[Why do I have such a headache suddenly?

And so much pain!

Could it be cerebral hemorrhage?

F**k, will I die prematurely this year?

Wake up! Wake up!

Hey, it doesn't seem to be so painful anymore? But in the head, there is something like a blunt knife slowly cutting, …

It seems that I can't continue to sleep. How can I go to work tomorrow?

Why do you want to go to work? It's a real headache, of course, take a medical leave! Don't be afraid of the manager's mumbling!

It doesn't seem that bad now. After all, I've earned a day's off!]

Wait I don't have a job!!

Who I'm!

I'm Long Chou!

No, I'm Mu Ling!

After a series of tingling sensations, Mu Ling slowly accumulated some illusionary mindpower. Finally, he straightened his back and sat up. He managed to open his eyes and completely escaped the half-sleepy state.

The line of sight was blurred at first and it was cast with a faint blush of crimson. Mu Ling saw a wooden desk in front of him. There was an open book in the middle. The paper was rough and yellow and there was a sentence in strange letters. The words were written in dark, eye-catching ink.

On the left side of the book, there was a neat stack of books by the edge of the table. There were about seven or eight books in total. The walls on the right-hand side were inlaid with gray-white pipes and a wall lamp was connected with the pipes.

The lamp had an Arabic classic style. It was about half the size of an adult's head. The inner layer was of transparent glass and the outside was surrounded by ferrous metal.

Underneath the extinguished wall lamp, a black ink bottle shrouded in light red brilliance, and the embossed surface formed a blurred angel pattern.

Before the ink bottle, a round head, dark-colored pen lay quietly on the right side of the book. The tip of the pen shimmered in the dim light and the cap rested next to a knife with blood on it.

A knife? blood? Mu Ling was stunned. The things he saw were so strange and born of no similarity to his own room at all!

Amidst the shock, Ling realized that the desk, book, ink bottle, and knife were all covered with a layer of red "gauze." This was because of the light shining through the window.

Subconsciously, he lifted his head and moved his gaze upwards by a little.

In the middle of the sky, above the black velvet curtain, a crimson full moon glowed serenely with a second half-moon at the sky edge.

This… Mu Ling's fear rose inexplicable, he swiftly stood up, but his legs were not completely straightened and his head was tinged with pain. This caused him to lose his balance momentarily and he fell uncontrollably. His butt slammed onto the hardwood and landed on the chair's surface.


Fortunately, the impact did not cause any injury, Mu Ling pressed his hands on the table and tried to stand up again. He panicked and observed the environment he was in.

This was a small room with brown doors on the left and right. There was a low wooden bed next to the opposite wall.

There was a cupboard between it and the left door, facing outwards with five drawers.

At the edge of the cabinet, there was a gray-white pipe on the wall at a height of a person. It was connected to a strange mechanical device with a few places exposed by gears and bearings.

Near the desk, the right corner of the room was piled up with things like coal stoves, as well as soup pots, iron pots, and other kitchen utensils.

Behind the right door was a two-way mirror with a simple and plain wooden base.

After sweeping his eyes, Mu Ling vaguely saw himself in the mirror and his current appearance.

Dark hair, brown pupil, linen shirt, thin, average-looking features, slightly deep facial outline…

This … Mu Ling suddenly breathed in deeply, many helpless and messy speculation emerged in his mind.

The Knife, the Arabic classical flavor setting, the forging memory in his head, and the two crimson moons that were very different from the earth, all pointed to one explanation!

[Did I transmigrate?] Mu Ling's jaws dropped.