
Chapter 19 - Shiketsu High entrance exam(Part 2)

Everyone in the area suddenly lost their memory of how to walk, falling to the ground. While they all remembered the times they walked, no one could recall how they did it.

"See you fuckers." Theresa smirked, her eyes on the arrogant boy who was lying with his face on the ground.

"Wait! You are DISQUALIFIED!" A girl shouted, looking up at Theresa walking to the opened gate.

"Yeah! A boy shouted, "You can't attack anyone else!"

"..." She froze, turning to them. "Oh sh---"

"Hahaha! A witch casting a spell to put me down? HAHAHA!" the arrogant man laughed. "I will call it a fitting test for me to prove myself to the heavens!" he exclaimed. "Peng Sect martial art: chapter 1 - verse 7, crawler style!" He started dragging himself and his seven-foot-long peacock tail forward with his hands like a cockroach at a surprisingly fast speed, entering the gate before any of them could react.

"Fucking cockroach!" Theresa shouted, turning to run into the gate, but a voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Examiner 420, release these people from the spell, or you will be disqualified." Present Mic 2.0 voice came from the loudspeaker, calmer than ever. "Although there was no intention to harm them, it is a subjugation. Even subjugating others using your quirk is not permitted. I will let this slide because I forgot to mention this, so release them."

"*Tsk*" Theresa spat, hiding her joy at not getting disqualified. She wasn't scared of more competition as she was confident she could beat them all, but being disqualified? She pushed the thought to the back of her mind, shouting, "I heard a rumor that you all remembered how to walk."

Memories that were once locked away returned as everyone slowly started standing up. "YEAAAAH!" Present Mic 2.0 shouted, "NINE MINUTES TEN SECONDS REMAINING! YOUNG MASTER COCKROACH IS IN THE LEAD!!!"

"Fuck!" Theresa screamed, sprinting into the city replica. The first thing she saw was a one-point robot shattered to pieces, with the cockroach being the only one who could have done this. Grinning, she ran around the rubble, "I like some challenges, but this struggle will be futile. Just like a cockroach struggles to live."

She kept running through the city until a villain bot, Victory, burst through the building wall beside her, blocking her path. Not wasting time, Theresa took a deep breath before releasing a scream louder than when she screamed at that boy in the alleyway ten months ago.

Due to having a decibel level above 194, her scream had turned into shock waves. This is because all sounds this loud no longer pass through the air but actually push the air along with it. This creates a pressurized burst of moving air known as a shock wave. So, when she screams louder than 194 dB, she ends up with something that's more of a shockwave and less of a soundwave.

Ten months ago, she screamed just higher than 194 dB, enough to push them back and cause his eardrums to rupture, but now her scream was clocked at 200 decibels, the shock wave was strong enough to rip the one-pointer robot into pieces, with some of its parts exploding.

"Piece of shit." Theresa spat, running past the villain bot.

She continued running through the city, decimating any 1 or 2 points villain bot she found, never coming across a three-pointer. Turning to the corner, she saw a girl struggling to handle a one-pointer with a mutation quirk that turned her arm into bird wings. This reminds her of the rescue point that her father told her about. She grits her teeth in anger that she will have to rely on that to be certain she will pass since she flunked the written test.

Dashing forward, Theresa slammed the heel of her foot into the girl's ribs. This sent her flying several feet out of the villain bot's way as it slammed its fist down at where the girl once was. If she hadn't been pushed away, she would have definitely been hit with the fist that cracked the concrete.

Not caring about getting disqualified since she 'saved' the girl, Theresa turned to the villain bot, took in a breath, and released a sonic scream, destroying it.

Turning to the girl she 'saved,' Theresa noticed she was standing up while holding a broken rib and coughing spit. Seeing that she didn't get disqualified, she was pleased. It gave her an opportunity to let out her anger while 'saving' these measly bunch of twerps. "Kukuku. This is fucking grea---"

*CRASH!* A massive robot smashed through the building in front of her, drawing her attention. Standing before her was a massive villain bot built like a tank with missile launchers on its back and the number 3 written on it. "Target Lock On!! Establishing Murder Protocol!!"

It immediately launched multiple missiles at her. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Theresa yelled, swiftly jumping out of the way of all four missiles, which hit a building behind her and exploded, destroying a part of it. She shivered at the sight of the destroyed building, her voice trembling. "Are they actually trying to KILL everyone!?"

"Murder! Murder!" The robot chimed, dashing at her.

Quickly turning her attention back to it, she took a deep breath and let out a sonic scream, stopping the robot in its tracks. The equivalent amount of that would have obliterated the one or two-point robot, only halted its movement.

Stopping her scream, she took a deeper breath and let out a more powerful sonic scream that sent the three-point robot crashing into a wall. Though it survived, many of its functions were damaged, causing it to twitch and speak incoherently.

"Damn." She muttered, rubbing her throat. Screaming that loud causes her throat to itch and her mouth to dry. She brought a bottle of water for that reason and also in case she becomes thirsty. "Let's end this--"

"Oh? Is it a gift from the heavens?" A voice that she had long forgotten reached her ears, and she turned to see a massive cockroach crawling through the ground. His once clean body and clothes had become covered in dirt and dust, but that didn't seem to hide how handsome he was. "This one must have piqued the interest of the heavens."

He suddenly pushed himself off the ground, leaping many meters into the air, his peacock tail trailing behind him. Spinning, he uses his tail as a blade, slicing at the robot and serving its head from its body. He landed on the ground in a push-up position, turning to the shocked girl. "Ah, yes. The witch tried to bring down this one with a curse."

"Wait. Hold on a second." She paused, squinting her eyes at the young man. "You still can't walk?"

"I shall be on my way, witch. Heaven's trials await." He ignored Theresa's question, crawling away at superspeed.

"He is still---" She froze, turning to the dead 3-point villain bot. "HE FUCKING STOLE MY SHIT!" She roared, her competitive spirit growing. There is absolutely no way she would lose to a cockroach. "HAHAHA! I WILL KILL YOU!"

In a dark room, multiple shadow figures sat, watching the numerous screens in front of them that displayed different areas of the replica city. Certain screens were only focused on one person, but those were only for people doing exceptionally well on the exam.

"Such diversity. It's beautiful." A woman said, her eyes fixed on a man who spoke, watching a screen that showed a young man laughing vigorously while a fierce wind lifted multiple villain bots into the air and let them drop to their doom. "The ability to fight with vigor and excitement, blowing all the enemies away with powerful attacks without showing fear and saving those in danger."

"A range of destructive attacks, bringing down a vast area with one attack filled with villain bots but used in a way that no bystander would be harmed in such an AOE quirk." A woman said, her eyes focused on a boy with a sinister smile, slamming his arm on the ground, destroying the area in front of him and crumbling a building to pieces, taking down more than ten villain bots in an instant.

"The ability to face situations with composure and coolness, taking the spotlight away from other competitors while also effortlessly defeating the villain boss." A man grinned, watching as a girl leaped through the air with a big and bright smile, her body glistening with multiple bright lights before releasing a barrage of beams that destroyed all the villain bots around her.

A woman folded her arm, watching a boy swiftly moving through the replica city while crawling, swiftly taking down the villain bots with as little movement as needed and continuing on to the next one. "Using personal skills, ability, and experience to overcome the disadvantage that would put anyone else down and continue moving forward. Truly fascinating."

"Pure destructive ability and sheer fighting prowess, ripping the bots to shreds like they are nothing and 'saving' other competitors in danger despite their competitive nature." A man said, watching a girl release a sonic scream to push back a 3-point villain bot, slamming it into another one and both of them exploding.

"WE HAVE A GREAT BUNCH THIS YEAAAAR!" One of the shadow figures shouted. "U.A. WILL GO DOOOOOOWN!"

"U.A also got a great bunch this year." A woman added, "Like the boy who managed to destroy the zero-point robot."

"Right. We can't be sure of that yet." An elderly man spoke, reaching forward to the keyboard in front of him. "The thing to really test their mettle. Their power. And their will." With that, he pressed the 'enter' key.

2 minutes and 3 seconds remaining for the practical test, and Theresa was running through the replica city while chugging down the bottle of water before throwing the empty plastic to the ground.

"Fuck." She mumbled, with a hoarse voice, massaging her throat. Screaming at the one and two-point robots was nothing, but the three points were another problem, and after fighting against them multiple times, her throat began to go sore.

She had removed her leather jacket, tying it tightly around her waist, now only wearing her white short sleeve shirt that accentuated her toned figure. "How many points do I have?" She asked herself, stopping to take a deep breath. "Shit. I forgot. It has to be above ninety---"

*BOOM* A massive explosion cut her off, drawing her attention. Turning to her north, she could see an enormous robot, far larger than the buildings that make up the faux city, causing destruction halfway across the city.

"Zero point." She muttered, a grin forming on her face. With a concentrated scream to its head, she was confident in taking down the zero-point robot, so she started running towards the Arena Trap's location, wanting to use this chance to prove her power.

She believed the school wouldn't reject her even though she didn't get enough points to enter. Why would they? And

"Kukuku." She chuckled, increasing her speed.

"Fucking Maniac!" A young man shouted, running towards her. "They want to kill us!" Noticing her, he got in her way. "Can't you see! The zero point is that way---"

She shoved him out of the way before he could finish his sentence and continued running, passing other people running away along the way. She finally reached the destroyed area where the zero-point robot was, staring up at the titan.

"It is much larger up close." She chuckled hesitantly, but that was not the issue at hand. She came here without thinking of a plan to get to its head and blow it to smithereens. "Haha." She chuckled, staring up at the massive goliath. "I guess I should retreat---"

The Arena Trap suddenly turned to her, its eight eyes glinting red. "Oh, shi--" Before she could finish her sentence, it threw a punch at her, its fist many times bigger than the three-pointers, casting a large shadow over her.

Dreed overcame her as a cold shiver swept through her body. Her eyes dilated as she took a deep breath, puffing her chest out in the process, before stomping at the ground and letting out her loudest sonic scream yet at the arm above her

The scream carried a powerful shock wave that collided with the Arena Trap's arm, piercing its arm and ripping it to pieces. Large chunks of metals and wires fell from the destroyed arm, causing even more destruction around her and raising a cloud of dust.

The eight eyes of the Arena Trap flickered as it stumbled back, its right arm completely destroyed, wires hanging out from its elbow. After the dust had cleared around the area, Theresa could be seen standing in the middle of the rubble of the Arena Trap's destroyed arm, with her right hand clenching her throat and blood flowing from the side of her mouth.

"Fuck." She said in a hoarse voice. She knew she could scream once more, even though it was just a simple scream of 180 dB, or she could rip her voice box apart.

Knowing this, she began to slowly back up, not trying to attract the attention of the Arena Trap, but it turned to her, its eyes glowing more menacingly.

"Shit." She muttered, turning to run only to see a massive cockroach climbing on top of one of the robot's fingers on its destroyed right arm.

"The heavens are merciless. To put such a guardian in the place of the weak." He grinned, standing with his hands. "Good! Very good! THIS! Is a REAL test for this young master!"

"Peng Sect martial art: chapter 1 - verse 3, One step to heaven!" He used his arm to push himself into the air with his arm, shooting up like a bullet and appearing many meters above the Arena Trap, drawing its attention. He was not upright, with his white peacock tail unfolding like a fan into a semicircle behind him, extending more than 10 feet wide, with a magnificent and alluring pattern of red and black eye spots.

Theresa, who had stopped to watch, couldn't help but be drawn in by the eyes, feeling hypnotized. The young man clapped both of his arms, his eyes widening. "Heavenly Sky Annihilation Rain!" He roared, vein bulging on his neck.

*RATATAT* His unfolded tail started shooting down a barrage of non-stop feathers like rain on the Arena Trap. Each feather chipped a piece of the Arena Trap, dealing only minor damage, but with hundreds of feathers raining down on it, it was a different story.

A massive dust cloud formed in the area, moving outwards to engulf both Therese and the boy, expanding outwards to the city. Suddenly, a strong wind blew, washing away the dust clouds to reveal the Arena Trap ripped to shreds, pieces of its body on the ground.

The feathers flew back to the boy, reattaching themselves to and reforming the open peacock tail that allowed the boy to glide down. He landed on top of the Arena Trap's head, whose eight red eyes were still flickering, sitting on it and looking down at Theresa's wide-open green eyes, staring up from her kneeling position on the ground with his piercing red eyes.

"The heavens underestimated this one." He arrogantly uttered, looking up at the sky. The sun shone directly at him as his long snow-white hair flowed with the air. "I am, after all, a heaven-defying genius."

"THE TEST IS OVER!!!!" Present Mic 2.0 voice came from the loudspeaker, drawing the attention of all examinees from all the replica cities. "YEAH!!!!!!" He screamed, causing most people to hold their ears shut.

"You can head home now." A calmer female voice came, " Your parents were contacted ten minutes ago, and they should be here by now. Your results will arrive in a week, so stay tuned."

The boy jumped off the Arena Trap head, gliding towards Theresa, who was still on her knee. He landed in a push-up position in front of her, glaring at her, which actually made her flinch.

"The heaven trial is over. Having this curse on me any longer would be courting death." He said, sitting and crossing his legs. "So this one will permit you to lift this curse on me."

"Ri-right." Theresa mumbled with a hoarse voice, her mind unable to process how the boy in front of her made it through the entire examination without walking AND destroyed that massive goliath. "I heard a rumor that you remembered how to walk."

The boy took a second before standing on his two feet, dusting himself. "Peasant, kowtow, slap yourself ten times, apologize, and beg me, and I might forgive you for your misdeeds." He said, looking down at her.

"Kowtow? Slap myself?..." She paused, her face contorting in rage. "Beg?!" She blurted, standing up but still having to look up at him due to their height difference. "YOU should be the one begging ME for forgiveness. If I wanted, I would have left you incapable of walking, and you will have to relearn like a fucking newborn!"

"...When the rabbit dies, it's a tragedy for the fox." The boy said, walking past him. "You are a worthy stepping stone for this young master, so I will let you live to grow as my stepping stone."

"WANT TO DIE!" Being called a stepping stone was the final straw as she turned only to feel something on her throat. Looking down, she saw the boy holding one of his white peacock tail feathers as a sword to her neck. This was the same feather sharp enough to cut through the robots and pierce through the Arena Trap.

"The difference between us is like heaven and earth." He glowered, pushing the feather closer to her throat, cutting a bit into her skin, and drawing blood. "Before you can utter a curse, I will slit your neck. BEFORE you let out the devil's scream, I will serve your head." He gave her a grim look like he was looking at shit. "Do you wish to challenge this one or run with your tail between your legs?"

"Oh, really." Theresa smirked, not backing down but pressing her neck closer to the feather sword, causing it to cut deeper. "Then do it. Serve my head before I curse you to serve my head." She whispered to him, a confident grin on her face. "Why don't you do it, young master?"

They stared at each other, green eyes meeting red eyes, the situation between them growing tenser with each passing second. "Why don't you both just kiss?" A voice interrupted their intense gaze, causing them to turn and glare at the owner.

The voice's owner was a six feet tall elderly man in his mid-seventies, yet still having a fit and muscular physique of a middle-aged man. His eyes were blue, with a full head of gray hair, dressed in a doctor's lab coat and a simple white shirt, black pants, and dress shoes.

"Who the FUCK are you?!" Theresa roared at the man, focusing a bit of her anger on him.

The boy beside him let his feather sword go, which flew into his folded peacock tail behind him, reattaching itself. Turning to the old man, left palm and the right fist together, and bowing, performing the infelicitous salute.

"This young one greets the elder." He greeted with respect, unbenounced of his former attitude. "I hope you will forgive this one impudence of glaring at you."

"Apologies accepted." The old man smiled, turning to Theresa. "That's how you show respect."

"Fuck off. I respect only my mother." She said, sticking up the middle finger at him.

"You are quite feisty, aren't you?" He sighed. "That attitude will be fixed, but that's for later. Now, it's time for you to head home. Most of the other examinees have already left." He paused and looked at Theresa's neck. "If you are injured, head back to the test building, and they will be healed."

"I am out." Theresa said, walking by the boy and purposefully bumping into him, smirking at his glare.

She left the replica city and saw her father standing with her things in his hands. They said nothing to each other as he handed her things back to her. While acknowledging her bleeding neck, he did not point it out and led her to his car in a nearby parking lot.

She entered the back seat, noticing a roll of bandage. Taking it, she tied some messily around her neck, throwing the remaining roll on the chair before turning on her phone. Garrick started the car, driving off the parking lot and down the campus's road.

They drove in silence for more than fifteen minutes, with Garrick back on the Hiroshima mainland when he shattered the silence. "You failed the written test."

"I know." Theresa replied, her voice still hoarse, not moving her attention from her phone.

"You were too confident. Studying could have earned you a better score."

"I know."

"You went towards the Arena Traps villain bot, confident in taking it down but not knowing how."

"I know."

"You would have died if it wasn't for that boy---"

"I know, I know, I KNOW!" Theresa roared, hurling her phone at her father, who effortlessly caught it while still driving. "You don't have to fucking narrate what I already fucking know! I am aware that I failed. I know I didn't think things through..." She fell silent, burying her face in her palm. "You don't have to say it." She mumbled, feeling ashamed of herself. How could so many things go so wrong in just one day? What did she do to make it happen? What did she do to deserve this?

Silence returned to the car. "...You did well." Garrick praised her as they reached their home.

Chapter End~~


Word Count: 3811

Finally! I am finished with this fucking arc! It was a whole 6 chapters, with an average of 3k words per chapter and more than 18k words in total. Though that is nothing compared to the first arc that was 13 chapter long with an average of 3k words per chapter and more than 39k words in total.

Now looking at it, I am genuinely surprise I was able to write 3k words per chapters, except the first one that was only 930 words. I compared it to some other fan-fiction I read on webnovel, and that's actually above average! And I am a beginner author. HAHAHA!

Well, either way, the next arc start next chapter, and you know what that mean. The villain will be reviled! "OH YEAHHHH!" Present Mic 2.0.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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