

That night when Dylan and Jason got to Dylan's house, Dylan let go off his grip from Jason grasp.

"My sister just died. I can't let someone else die because of me "Dylan said

Jason sighed as he scratched the back of his head " I really hate you, do you know that? Let's go back for them. Call the ambulance , hurry "


They ran back for them and the ambulance came just in time and took Fraca and Sean to the hospital.

Dylan and Jason waited nervously outside the emergency room.

When the doctor came out, they ran to him .

"Mister, are they okay?"

The doctor nodded his head "Yes. Thank God you were there just in time. If you were a minute late, they wouldn't have made it "

Dylan sighed out in relief"Thank goodness"

Jason held his shoulder"Can we leave now ?"

Dylan nodded his head "Yes"

In his ward, Sean opened his eyes and winced in pain. His head hurt alot.

He liked around for Fraca. He sees a nurse beside him and turned to her.

"Ma'am, where's the girl that was brought in"

"She's okay, just rest"

Sean stood up from his bed"I need to see her immediately"

He rushed out of his ward and searched every room for Fraca .

When he finally saw her, he ran to hug her.

Fraca's eyes welled up in tears as she hugged him back "I was so scared"

He hugged her tightly"I'm sorry for earlier"

As the memory flooded Arnold's head, he shouted.


There was no way his memory was wrong. He was shot. They shot him and ran over his Fraca .

They'd both died. That was what he remembered.

So what was this person saying.

"YOU ARE LYING!!!!" He roared swinging his axe and breaking the nearest vase around him.

Scared Raquel whimpered to Dylan "You just made him angry and what's this awful memory you two share?"she turned to face Claire "And where the f*ck is your second?Did she leave you too like your boyfriend?"

Claire suddenly remembered Anne. She had to be in danger too.

"Anne! Anne can you hear me !" Claire screamed.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL!!!"Arnold roared.

Back at the hospital, Thomas looked at the brave teenager who said she wanted to go to the hotel.

"Fine, I'll direct you there"he looked around him"Anyone else interested in going with her?".

"It's just me so hurry up"The girl said with heightened irritation.

"Walk straight down from here and turn right, you'll see the hotel"Thomas said.

The girl nodded her head and walked into the hospital and came out with a small pistol gun "Bye bye suckers "

"Aren't you going to stop her?" An old woman asked Thomas.

Thomas smiled"Why stop someone who's walking to their death, voluntarily?"

With that said, he went into the ward and rested.

If they couldn't leave this place, he'd rather just say here and die than go back to that hotel.

That girl had no idea what she'd just bargained for.

As the young girl,Angelina walked towards the direction of the hotel, she tightly clinged to her gun.

"It's kill or be killed anyways. There's nothing bad in killing a serial killer"she muttered to herself.

As she got to the front door, Jack saw her from inside.

"Hey, open the door quickly!" he shouted.

Angelina watched as Arnold raised up his axe preparing to swing it at those inside when she opened the door, walked in and pointed the gun at Arnold.

"Mister, put down the axe"Angelina said"I'm not afraid to shoot"

Seeing the gun, Arnold winced in pain as his head hurt.

He was remembering something. Something about Fraca's death.

"I can't date you anymore, Sean" Fraca said after two months of dating "You are too possessive and won't let me do what I want"

Sean looked at Fraca hurt"So? You want to break up?"

"Yes. The company is going on some trip abroad, I want to use this opportunity to relocate with my mom and sister"

"What about me ?"

Fraca sighed"Sean"

"Did you never love me?"

"Of course , I did"

"Then why do you want to leave me!" Sean shouted.

Fraca whimpered"This is exactly why.You scare me sometimes"

Sean scoffed"I scare you? You don't know what it's like to be scared"

Sean walked past Fraca and locked the main door.

"What are you doing Sean?" Fraca asked with a shaking voice.

"You want to leave me" Sean turned around to face her with a gun in his hand"Then leave me but if I can't have you, no one else can"

Fraca shivered"Sean, please put down that gun"

"DON'T TELL ME WHY TO DO!!!"He shouted as he raised the gun up to the air and fired.

Fraca screamed.

"Let's just leave together, Fraca. What do you say about that?"

As the memory resurfaced, Arnold shivered.

It couldn't be. He killed Fraca?

Did he make that memory of those young boys killing her instead out of his guilt?

It didn't make sense. Nothing made sense anymore.

All these while the revenge he'd been wanting to take..was on him?

Raquel and Jack moved to escape through the door when Angelina said "There's no way out of here"

"Anywhere is better than here"Raquel replied as she and Jack scurried away.

Claire runs upstairs to find Anne. When she got to the last room, she screamed as she saw those crawling bodies on the floor.

She managed to get to Anne and untie her.

"Are you okay?"Claire asked a sobbing Anne.

Anne hugged her"I thought I was going to die"

Claire hugged her back"What's that?"

Anne refrained from Claire to see what she was talking about.

She saw white smoke"It's like something is burning"

The girls coughed and looked at eachother with wide eyes as realization hit them .

The hotel was on fire.
