
Chapter 13: Serpent dance



- HP: 5M/5M

- Sta: 100/100

- State: Cursed(all stats are 20% lower except health and stamina)

Days left: 22

In this world, the basic branches of the sword ways are these three:

Way of the chivalry focuses on parry and heavy blows. It is usually meant for protecting someone you dear

Way of the trickster focuses on dodge and riposte. It is meant for determination to win by all means. After all, not all things they might seem

Way of the dead focuses on flailing attacks and wide strikes. It is never meant for will to win nor protection, it is just pure berserk and rage. You can't kill what is already dead.

Now, there are many ways to use the sword but the basics are still important as the polished and improvised over time. Nagas treat the ways of the swords and blades more important than their life. It is their own belief. Some may use bows and arrows but never forget the sword ways so that is why they never toss away their dagger when in danger or desperate.

Once they throw away their blades, it means they are sacrificing themselves to kill the opponent even if they live, they rather suicide than living in such shame after tossing the blade to the ground.

Humans in early days learnt the sword whether when they were fighting nagas or when they finally forged the first sword is still a mystery. But one thing is certain, naga handled blades way before humanity could have.

Back to the present, nagas come at the outside of the human village, the biggest one which wields two blades waves the blades, taunting the humans. The guards do not care about the taunt much but the certain thing is that they are at the formation to protect the village. The line formation with spears and shields along with barricades and fences, the commander keeps his calm.

Then a signal from the naga, a wave of monsters is coming.

"Hold the line! ," The commander raises his sword "Arrows! Fire!"

A rain of arrows is sent by archers and hunters. This village is not always prepared for such a large-scale assault. It only takes out a few front monsters.

'We have to hold this until the crown sends reinforcement. I don't know for how long but a certain is that there will be casualties' He bites his lip

When there is no more from the wave, the commander points the sword to the naga.

"Adventurers! Now!"

From the bushes, the adventurers cut off the flow in the middle. Spears, swords, shields, axes and halberds. Chaotic serves the purpose of disrupting the enemies.

**Swish Clang**

The naga parries the hook back with a blade. The hook is being reeled back to its owner, a sudden black pellet comes. The naga knows what this thing can do so it flings the dirt to damper the pellet. From the bushes, the figure uses the hook to directly hit the naga's head. It is Hivon, taking the flank route to try to kill the naga.

"Sait salk sim!" (Cursed human!) it points the blade to him

He uses his hook directly to hit the blade to the left. But the other blade might hit him soon so he uses his fist to punch the chin of the naga. Dazed, it stumbles backward and sways its head to regain its senses.

It proceeds to swing blades back and forth. Hivon has to dodge all of the blows. He can't get any close to its fury. Then he realizes something

He throws charcoal dust to its face. It is a foul play but this is a battle between life and death. Any advantage would change the course.

Then he sees it flailing in fury.

'Curses! Maybe I should finish this before more will come' Hivon prepares his hook.

He throws on top of its head then


This is the end for the naga. Hivon shouts to attract those remaining monsters' attention.

"Hey you foul creatures, guess what? You are next" he points at them after lifting the head of the naga.

The beasts seem wary and they are retreating

The humans raise their weapons up high to celebrate the victory.

might expect .5 for this chapter since I am quite a rush in making deadline in computer vision course

nomanlikecreators' thoughts