

Amelia Rosi is a very ambitious and talented girl. By meeting a wealthy businessman, the door to her dreams opens for her. But will she be brave enough to get out of her comfort zone? **** - Good morning, Miss Rosi - he muttered and passed me by accidentally nudging me. This gentle blow was enough for me to stagger and fall down from my squat to my knees. I closed my eyes at the mere thought of how pathetic it must have looked when I landed with the cloth straight under his feet. - You don't have to worry about that - he said, looking down at me with a ferocious smile. Only when I lifted my head and on the way noticed that the button in his pants was unfastened, and the shirt was being buttoned, I understood what he meant. I leaned back as if I was burned, rolling my eyes in the process. - It was inappropriate - I pointed out to him. ****

Ania_Madejska · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Chapter 2

- No! I exclaimed at the closing bus door and started pressing a button frantically, hoping the driver would notice me - I threw my hands up in irritation as the bus started, leaving me alone at the bus stop.

I looked at my phone clock and scratched my head nervously. Thanks to my elderly neighbor, whom I met in the stairwell, I will be late for a meeting that made me unable to sleep half the night today. I didn't have the heart to refuse her help, and I dutifully brought each shopping bag to her apartment. This should explain my shortness of breath because I must honestly admit that today I have achieved my time record in covering the block-stop route.

I glanced at the text with the address one more time to make sure I had read the street name correctly and took the next bus to the stop. I squeezed between people to find a place where I would be able to grab a tube because, despite its good motor coordination, the bus struggling in all directions wins with me.

- I am asking the driver to block validators, and passengers to prepare tickets for inspection.

There was a buzzing noise next to me as everyone started taking their tickets out of their bags or jacket pockets. I unzipped my purse and dived into it with my hand, trying to find my city card. I huffed softly under my breath when I didn't feel her in the pocket that was her permanent place. I glanced nervously at the ticket inspector as it was approaching me, and quickly slipped my bag off my shoulder to get a better view of it.

Now I really promise to buy myself a practical bag.

- Ticket please - I heard right behind me.

I was still nervously stuffing my hand in every possible pocket trying to understand how she might have evaporated since she had been in the same place for a good month!

- I always had my card with me, I don't know how it happened that ...

- Then I have to stick a mandate - the old man grinned as if at least telling me that I won a hundred zlotys in the lottery.

- I really always have a monthly card with me, this is the first time I have not taken it with me - I started to explain myself hoping that I would somehow influence him. I felt on myself the inquisitive eyes of the passengers who suddenly stopped their fierce conversations and focused their full attention on the two of us.

Hell, I'm not lying.

- It will be eighty dollars. Cash? - he asked, clicking on something on his device.

- I don't have any money with m - I muttered truthfully. - I'm sorry, I have to get off at this stop - I looked at him pleadingly, hoping that he would let go of this one slip-up.

- You have two weeks to pay the fine - he said, tearing off the receipt that had been printed from his machine. - Have a nice day - he added as I started squeezing between people toward the exit.

- He's gonna be fucking nice now - I huffed under my breath, waiting patiently for the young boy to graciously move away from the aisle in response to my "apology".

I looked at the ticket printout, growling loudly under my breath. Three hundred zlotys in the back for a one-time lack of a city card, it's stupid. What should I deny myself now? Electricity, internet or maybe hot water? At this rate, I'll never, ever raise money for this fucking college.

I moved quickly towards the appropriate street, running through the lanes at the speed of light. I'm ten minutes late, and if this woman has any job-related offer for me, I'm putting myself in a bad light.

- Wow - I murmured, standing in front of the gate of the house to which my cell phone navigation led me. To be sure, I looked at the text message with the address for the third time and yes, I was in the right place.

I pressed the door handle, but it didn't even budge, only making an unpleasant sound of metal against metal. I noticed an intercom in the pillar next to it, so I quickly pressed a button in it and jumped from foot to foot, staring at the windows of the huge, luxurious house.

- Oh, it's you, come in - The woman's voice echoed from the device, and I narrowed my eyes, guessing that there was also a camera mounted there.

I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and pushed open the gate again, which now allowed me to enter the property without the slightest resistance. I looked from side to side as I walked along a perfectly laid path of decorative cobblestones that looked as if it were paved with thousands of glowing pebbles. There were two sports cars and two large, more business cars in the driveway. I don't know anything about it, but I can only guess that none of them are cheap cars.

- Good morning Amelia, come in - The woman opened the front door just as I got under it.

- Good morning. Sorry, I'm late but the city is really traffic-jammed - I smiled apologetically and stepped inside.

The blonde looked at me, apparently noticing the change in my appearance. Today I wasn't wearing a tight, elegant black dress or heels, and they were replaced by tubes and comfortable sneakers that I have been wearing for a good year. If I had expected that I would have the pleasure to enter such exclusive thresholds again, I would choose a completely different outfit, or at least rub the mud shoes around the corner, which I managed to step into while hurrying to the stop.

- Please follow me - she muttered indifferently and started walking towards the living room.


This is the only way I can comment on the way it has been arranged. The vanilla walls perfectly harmonized with the huge beige sofa standing in the middle of the room, so that you could spread out on it and watch movies projected on a large screen hung on the wall. The glass table sank its legs into the down, and I have the impression, very soft carpet. A fireplace built into the wall, he asked to light wood in it and relax to the sound of its burning, but my eyes were most drawn to a white piano standing right next to the window with large light curtains. A vase full of fresh red roses contrasted perfectly with the shimmering structure of the instrument. I smiled to myself as I looked over to the kitchen island that separated the two rooms. I've always dreamed of such a combination, imagining my family resting on the couch while I cook dinner with excellent insight into them. If I am not mistaken, even in my portfolio you can find one of the projects in which I designed the house in this way.

- Please, have a seat - the woman gestured to the couch.

I nodded affirmatively and a moment later I sat slowly on the sofa, being able to see if my assumptions about her comfort were correct. I watched as the blonde walked towards the chair, shaking her hips gracefully. Her expression hadn't changed since I was admitted to her house, she still looked bored and indifferent.

- As you already know, we do not need interns in our company anymore - she began, crossing her legs.

Ours? Does this mean that she is a joint owner?

- Yes, unfortunately, yes.

- But I must admit that you fell from heaven. Are you still looking for a job? she asked, tapping the panels with her high heel.

- Yes - I nodded, impatiently waiting for him to offer me another position in the company. I can do anything that will allow me to earn good money and get useful references for which I will get extra points when enrolling for studies. This is all very important to me.

- Four days ago, our previous cleaner, Ada, quit. I have no idea what went into her head, but I'm completely in a mess because this house needs constant care. Can you imagine Amelia doing so much to me by leaving me with a sink full of dirty dishes? - her voice jumped up one octave.

I raised my eyebrows, completely ignoring the fact that she calls me once as a lady and sometimes she speaks my name, and I followed her hand as she pointed at the sink full of dishes. She shook her head disapprovingly, sighing really hard.

It is a huge mess indeed.

- Therefore, I need someone to replace her, because a little more and all this will completely exceed me.

- So this proposal is a job as a cleaner? - I asked, trying not to show my great disappointment.

I don't smile to accept it, starting with the fact that it only took a few sentences to convince me that I was dealing with a pedantic pink queen whose crown would fall off her head when she had to personally wipe the countertop with a wet cloth, to the fact that I already have a job where I am from sweeping, wiping and setting.

I got up from the sofa and straightened the strap of my purse on my shoulder, intending to make my way to the exit.

- In the beginning, I propose thirty dollar per hour.

I automatically sank back onto the couch again, looking at the woman as if she were a monument.

- How much? - I repeated in disbelief.

- Of course, it's just introductory wages. Ada always had some bonuses paid at the end of the month, although now I'm not sure if she was entitled to it for what situation she put me in. She spent five hours a day with us and suddenly quit completely. - She shook her head, looking at me regretfully.

Thirty dolar an hour multiplied by five hours a day gives me one hundred and fifty dollar in one day. Assuming that I will work every day except Sunday, in six days I will earn nine hundred dollar, which is almost my entire monthly salary in a supermarket.

- I agree - I interrupted, not even wanting to think about it any longer.

- Honey, haven't you seen my navy blue tie somewhere? - The male voice echoed around the house.

My gaze automatically shifted to the stairs where exactly the same man who had introduced himself yesterday as the owner of DDesign was walking. I gently parted my lips at the sight of his bare, well-defined chest as he slowly buttoned his white shirt.

Ah, I should have guessed right away. Our company, a few cars in the driveway and an exclusive house - the salary of an ordinary receptionist would hardly allow you to live in such luxuries.

- I have no clue, honey. I told you that Ada slowed down without finishing sorting the laundry, and I don't touch it - she got up from the chair and started walking towards him with small steps.

I cleared my throat and rose from the couch just as I was caught by the brunet staring at his torso. The fact that I have a soft spot for muscular guys did not help me to get under control. I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear, trying to find the answer to why I got so stressed out at the sight of it.

- But don't worry, everything is under control now, because I have found a person in her place. Meet our new cleaner, Amelia Rosi - she said happily, looking my way.

I felt my cheeks begin to burn with the man's cold gaze on my face. He raised his eyebrows questioningly and adjusted the collar of his shirt, looking at the blonde again.

- Eliza, how many times have I told you to consult me ​​when making such decisions - Why I had no clue about this? His voice was low and slightly hoarse.

- Yesterday she applied for a job at DDesign, so I had the idea that she would be a perfect place for Ada.

- It doesn't change the fact that you should consult with me first. I don't like your decision - he replied firmly.

I opened my mouth to say something but didn't because I wasn't sure if I should interrupt them. I kept looking at the piano, not daring to look at the man who didn't even try to hide that he didn't like me. Being a businessman probably comes with being a cold dick, because that's what he represents. Maybe he doesn't care what I think of him, but he should at least appear cultural.

- What's wrong with her? - She pointed at me with a shake of her head.

I'd love to hear it.

- We don't need a girl like that in our house. I'll call Ada today and offer her a raise if she comes back. She is experienced and will not cause any problems hanging around under our feet.

- Since when do you need to have the experience to clean? - I tossed, unable to help myself.

Brunet shifted his eyes to me, he ran it over the whole body and pretending that he hadn't heard my question started to put on a black jacket. He adjusted his collar one more time, still staring at me.

- Let's make it go through a trial period. Amelia, you will work with us for a week, if you prove yourself, you will stay longer - the woman gave me a meaningful look and sent a gentle smile to the brunette who did not look happy after all.

- When should I start? - I asked, trying to ignore the man's insistent gaze.

- From tomorrow. Be at eight o'clock. Unfortunately, I will not be there anymore, so Nath will show you where Ada kept all the cleaning products she needed.

- I do not tolerate being late - noted brunet, and then headed to the kitchen.

I bit my tongue so as not to comment on his behavior and straightened my back, smiling gently at the blonde.

- Okay, I'll be on time.

Davis chuckled low under his breath as he sensed my emphasis on the last word. He knew that I had noticed someone in him who was not easy to argue with. It has a strong character - one thing is certain and beyond doubt.

I closed the gate tightly behind me and exhaled loudly from my mouth. I was trying to figure out why this woman had hooked up with a man so much younger and arrogant, and the only answer that hit my lips was that she must have been giving her bloody good sex. Money can also play a major role here, but since it reacts to dirty vessels in such a way must mean that she was brought up in very good conditions.

After less than ten minutes, I am fed up with this man's overly confident and proud attitude. Nor does he look like one who suddenly turns into a nice and romantic guy. I feel like it's going to be a hard time, but I respect every penny that can bring me closer to fulfilling my dreams.