
get creative in the dungeon!

after Bell Cranel was saved from the minotaur during their rampage in the dungeon, instead of running away, he fainted from the blood loss, The sword princess felt reasonable, so she stayed with until he woke up...yet it feels to her that he is a bit different... ************************* This a random idea I got, so like most of dumb stories I have no idea where this goes,

SamiOyakodonLover · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

6th floor

"I want from you..." Bell said as he created a kind of suspense to the half-elf, which made gulp, 'what will he ask??' Eina had dreadful thoughts filling her mind, but a seed of excitement couldn't help but spurt at the same time.

Bell decided to stop teasing the poor woman, and said: "hehe, look at you, all scared Eina-san, I just wanted to say your name without honorifics."

Eina felt cold water fell on her head, freeing her from her tense expression, she had a tick on her forehead, and pulled Bell's cheek, and said : "You cheeky boy! You dare tease me that much! You'll see what will I do to you!" and she proceeded to Pul his another cheek making funny expression on his face

Bell laughed while apologizing: "hahaha, I'm thorry, I'm thorry, Eina-san, my cheeks will fell on this rate!" after surrendering to Eina retaliation, she stops after feeling satisfied, make Bell face became red,"Hmph, next time I dare you to tease me like that!" Eina said with hmphing tone.

"I can't promise you that." Bell muttered and Eina gave him a sharp look,"what did you say?" she asked

"I said you acted adorable while you are pissed off, Eina." Bell lied as he breathed air, causing Eina to blush, and say: "Don't call me adorable! And I don't remember agreeing to call that!"

"But I thought you give me any wish..." Bell asked with disappointed tone, continued, "Or does Eina-san dislike calling her that?" he sounded depressed saying that like a wounded deer

Eina's words stuck in her throat, actually she didn't dislike when he called her that, but quite like it, but no way she would say that, right?, Eina coughed, and said with smile:"if Bell-kun really wants, I don't mind."

"Really!" Bell asked with a bright smile, as if the depressed aura around him was an illusion all along

"Y-yeah..." she didn't think he would be so eager to call her without "san", which made her somehow sweet in her heart,

"hehe, thanks! Eina!" Bell laughed in joy, and thought, 'Baby step, baby step, despite Richard experience, this body of mine is still 14, seducing Eina and make her do the move first wouldn't be easy.'

[ding! User manged to trick his first woman! +300 LP, LP: 680]

Bell smiled wryly, 'Am I beyond saving? I wasn't like that!' the LP points he got can't lie, so bell shook his head, Eina who were giving Bell a contemplating look asked him suddenly:"Hey, Bell-kun, are you on Sunday?"

"I am." Bell nodded, not like the busy guy, Eina smiled and said: "then accompany me that day."

"Why?" Bell asked curiously, the half-elf just smiled, "Just do it, it will be fun, at noon, near the fountain"

"Alright." seeing no downside of having a date with his beautiful advisor, Bell agreed readily, making Eina smile in response

"Now I should go, I took too much time." Bell wanted to dive to the dungeon as soon as possible

"Mm, don't let me keep you, remember to prioritize your life first." Eina warned and give him some potions

"I will." Bell nodded thanked her and went on his way...

/in 5th floor/

Bell didn't slack, he speedrunned toward the first floors, killing monster left and right, picking loot whatever he can, "Ugh! Looting take much time, especially the gutting part, should I look for supporter?" Bell said while picking the magic cores and some of the items they dropped.

He then used [cleanse] on the dagger, cleaning it from the blood of the unfortunate monster who were dumb enough to cross his way, killing them got him a few LPs but nothing substantial, which is understandable since he thrives on a challenge and those monsters don't give it to him.

Bell reached the end of 5th floor, took a deep breath and focused, "Time to start the real deal." he then smiled in excitement and rushed through, he raised his guard up, and immediately activate [Sense] to have a better picture of the surroundings.

The range is only 10 meter, but that is enough to give a great edgy when come to fighting, he sensed something BIG jumping(?) to his direction, Bell took a fighting stance and get ready to combat, soon after a shadow of what seems a frog came to his field of vision

"shooting frog!" Bell recognized the frog monster, A big green one-eyed frog, who shooting his tongue rapidly, the excelia ba- I mean the monster blinked his own eye.

*RAPPID* it launched it's long toward the boy, who softy side stepped, avoiding the speeding tongue, Bell then hold the tongue with one hand, using the elastic nature of the tongue to get closer to the monster and gain momentum

the shooting frog who didn't expect his prey to hold his main weapon didn't panic, as many tried this strategy from before, many adventurers thought were smart by doing this...what they didn't account, forget, or bluntly ignored is...the sticky nature of the tongue!

Bell, who he couldn't free himself, wasn't one of them, he looked at the frog's eye who if had an expression, it would be smugness, and just smirk, and said:"You think you won? Sorry to burst your Bubble." Bell chuckled, and at the moment when came close to the monster's range, he used [cleanse] on his sticky hand, freeing it from the tongue clutches!

[cleanse] description says it will clean anything that the user considered filth, the downside is that depends on the 'filth' it may take a different amount of mind, the sticky substance didn't take much thankfully.

Bell, who is now free of the monster tongue, smiled in victory and used the momentum he gained and did a stab movement into the frog's lone eye, making it scream in agony and dropped dead.

Bell maneuvered in the air and land on the frog dead corpse, and smiled, "easy-peasy." he laughed lightly but jumped suddenly from the frog evading another tongue, Bell now in the air cursed on the another frog that he sensed not long go, "ugly cheap knock-off cyclops! You can't interpret a hero's victory's laugh!"

Bell held the tongue shooting at him and used the same tactic, killing the frog in a single strike, Bell couldn't celebrate as another tongue launched at him, "seriously?" he said in disbelief, "that's it! My name won't Bell if I didn't have a frog-slaughter in my skills next time I level up!"

After Bell killed the 10th frog, sighs in relief, "finally...", the teen then began to disassemble the monster to get the monster core

[ding! User killed 10 monsters of the same type under 1 minute, +1000 LP gained, 20 MAGE (magic excelia) gained! 200 AE gained! LP : 1680]

Bell was surprised to see so many LPs he gained, but he wasn't type to complain about having freebies, he used cleanse to clean and continued his march for exp points...


After hours of frog slaughter, Bell decided to eat lunch in a safe zone, or Syr's breakfast who had forgotten to eat because of his excitement, he opened the box to see a neatly ordered meal who made Bell drool a bit, without ceremony, the white-haired boy began to devour the food, Bell had tears in his eyes, "SO GOOD~" Bell said while eating.

[+500 LP from enjoying a tasty meal, LP:2180]

The LPs he gained were the icing of the cake, before long, Bell finished the box, "I'm full~" he smacked his belly in satisfaction, "I'm definitely visiting Hostess of Fertility later!" he said to himself and rest a bit.


Readying up, Bell looked at his dagger who needs a repair by now, "this kitchen knife won't last long...wait... how about..." Bell looked up skill recommendations and after a bit found something


Weapon repair rank null : use mind to repair a weapon, using the skill repeatedly will decrease the said weapon durability, the mind's amount depends on the weapon.

Cost : 500 LP


"just what I wanted" Bell grinned and created the skill, applied it to the skill, feeling a bit of his mind gone, the knife was repaired as if new,"Good, let continue." Bell smiled and went into the dungeon further more.