
Genshin: New Archon of Mondstadt

Charles Storm a nerdy streamer and a recently retired MMA lightweight world champion. Using his mind games inside and outside of the octagon, paired with his insane fighting IQ became one of the best strikers ever seen. His mind games on stream which eventually led to Genshin Impact was called “a waste of time”. While this was made fun off by audiences, fans, opponents and in press conferences. This paved the way for more attention, a rise in stock and the capitalization of fame in situation. Gaining more fights through the sheer exposure the gaming community gave. After retirement though his health wasn't all great as the last fight deeply ingrained itself inside Charles’ head. Literally... With a late shown up injury a few weeks later to his head. His health suddenly started declining and with his vision blurring he is suddenly woken up. ‘Hold on a god damn minute, that’s f*cking Venti!’ [Archon System] ________ •MC will become OP eventually, just not immediately it will take time. He will “earn” his power through quests and actually training. Using resources to upgrade himself. •Alex Storm isn't a real person but if you had to base him off someone he would be inspired in a mix of Demetrious Johnson and Alexander Volkanovski. Mostly Might Mouse though, much love no homo ;) •The MC won't immediately go to Mondstadt as the MC will think his situation out using his system. •Charles is more of a Lawful Good side of the spectrum while sometimes leaning into the Chaotic Good corner. •The MC’s system won’t control him with any mission failures but will have either indefinite or a extended prior of time to complete a mission. You will get to know how it works by reading ~_~ ________

Del123 · Derivados de juegos
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9 Chs

Stormbearer Mountains

(Word Count: 1995)


'It should be around here.' I thought scavenging around the area in a hurry. 'I can't lose them, it's too good of an opportunity to let pass.'

[Wind Steps (Active)]

[Stealth (Active)]

Looking throughout the area while using {Wind Steps}, I make use of my improved agility and run past multiple trees with a silent gust of wind trailing me.


This eventually led outside of the dense forest and into a somewhat open area.

Seeing the target right above me, my eyes shine at the glimpse of three birds in the distance.


It's been a few weeks since first killing those Hilichurls and the rest of my time was spent training, daily missions and clearing out any other predators in the area. Thankfully there weren't any other Hilichirl camps close by though.

The daily quests did unfortunately stop after two weeks limiting my initial growth to 14 points in strength, agility and stamina. With a few points due to some improvements in my body like elemental energy and dexterity.

While my dumbass not having any mobile device did show some effects, I already was fine without them as most of my life was spent training. Paired with my endless curiosity of using my Anemo powers I was busy for most of the day.

Not everything was sunshine and rainbows though. There were some predators like bears and wolves, but anyone could imagine the destruction that would occur against an enemy that could summon a hurricane on a whim. Most of them would die to a smartly placed {Gale Barrier} while I hid.

To add to my improving skills, I practised using multiple at the same time which in turn helped out my passive Anemo control.

After a few minutes of chasing and finally getting under the three brown falcons. My body starts to tense up realising they're now in my range.

'This is just like any other hunt.' I told myself starting to focus.

Using my sixth sense I start to create a 5mx5m {Gale Barrier} in front of the Falcons.

Watching as the three closed in on the barrier with high momentum, I further supported their unchanging direction with a sudden gust coming up from behind them.


The three birds getting a weird feeling at the new gust of wind, find an abnormality in front of them. But to their misfortune, it was too late for the front eagle as it was the biggest and leading the small group.

*Slash!* *Rip!*

The front half of the falcon was sliced up horribly as the gushing blood of the now decapitated body started to fall. Fortunately for the other two falcons which were around the same size as each other, they dove straight down avoiding the momentum forward.

With their only option to escape being the forest to lose me, it was exactly what they tried. Seeing them change course to backtrack as their opponent could target them mid-air, the two were in a hurry.

'Not so fast.' I thought seeing them changing course to escape. Using more of my energy I send a raging wind to slam them downwards.


With their gliding being interrupted they could only helplessly hit the ground.


Watching the two slam into the ground I make two {Gale Barriers} to their sides. Right after as they recover from the hard impact, three {Gale Slashes} coming out from my claws were heading for them.


The three slashes flew and tore through the ground forcing the two poor falcons to move.

And as expected they only could try to dodge to the side.

Without much thought, they flapped their wings for the last time and got their heads sliced up just like their leader. Watching their body hit the floor, I calmly walk up to it with a greedy feeling.


'I can finally go for the Gnosis with a safe escape.' I thought remembering the crazy flight time an eagle has. These things can fly for up to 6 hours and with this world having insane weather conditions, it wouldn't be a stretch to expect more.

Before now I held off going near the Gnosis due to not wanting to encounter something too strong to escape, but now I can become a falcon. Other birds wouldn't cut it as something like a pigeon feels too fragile.

This is hypocritical as debatably any monster at Stormbearer Mountains could fold an eagle like an omelette. 

But the more safety I got the better right?

Touching the dead falcon, a familiar pop-up screen appears.


[Do you want to add (Browning Falcon) to your shapeshifter menu?]

'Accept... Shapeshifter list...'

[Shapeshifter list: Rabbit, Boar, Hilichurl, Squirrel, Deer, Pigeon, Grey Wolf, Fox, Brown Bear, Blue Lizard, Brownwing Falcon.]

While admiring the little collection I've gotten, another pop-up hits my vision.

{Gale Barrier} Lv.3 > Lv.4

'Now that I think about it, I should check my progress these past weeks. Menu… Profile.'


{Name}: Charles Storm

(Race): Anemo Snow Leopard

(Age): 5 months

(Vitality): 9 > 11

(Stamina): 13 > 24

(Energy): 38 > 41

(Strength): 7 > 18

(Agility): 16 > 27

(Intelligence): 35 > 36

(Dexterity): 7 > 11

(Bloodline): Anemo Lifeform



{System Storage} Lv.1 > Lv.2

{Imposing Will} Lv.8

{Novice Bloodlust} Lv.6 > Lv.8

{Stealth} Lv.3 > Lv.6

{Wind Steps} Lv.2 > Lv.5

{Gale Hurricane} Lv.2 > Lv.5

{Gale Barrier} Lv.1 > Lv.4

{Gale Slash} Lv.1 > Lv.7


[Passive Skills]

{Primal Instinct}

{Beginner Anemo Control} Lv.6 > Lv.9

{Analyse} Lv.7

{Advanced Cook} Lv.4


My stats looked good to my eyes but I still have nothing to base it off, although that will change later on. I made up my mind to head for Stormbearer Mountains after getting the transformation of a falcon.

Walking up to the other two decapitated bodies, I collect their body structure info.

'I should get a feel for this first.' I thought transforming into a falcon.

Thankfully from little experiments I've had with the ability knowing that the shapeshift will have the best muscle groups from each falcon is guaranteed. From what I found out either the system automatically or I change the composition of the shapeshift body depending on what I want.

The ability to combine different shapeshifts also exists, so becoming an Anemo Falcon was my goal. So right now the falcon I became is a combination of the strongest traits of the three falcon's I killed.



{Name}: Charles Storm

(Race): Anemo Brownwing Falcon

(Age): 16 years (5 months)

(Vitality): 11 (11)

(Stamina): 20 (24)

(Energy): 41 (41)

(Strength): 17 (17)

(Agility): 22 (27)

(Intelligence): 36 (36)

(Dexterity): 6 (11)

(Bloodline): Anemo Lifeform, Falcon sight


'So basically the same as my normal stats but just a little worse. Now is the time to go, daily tasks are over and there isn't anything to gain now besides a slow grind. Track...'

[Gnosis - 5696m]

Looking at the direction of the Gnosis which is technically where Barbatos is located, I started to flap my wings.

With my previous experience with other birds like a pigeon, I instinctively conjure up a breeze to guide me.

Flying with the help of anemo made it feel like the equivalent of using training wheels on a bike.

*Flap* *Flap*

And not before too long my body was already a couple hundred metres in the sky. As the fresh wind gave my body a chill, my mind wandered off for a bit.

'Unironically even though I'm technically a furry now, I'm not sexually attracted to any animals thankfully. Not sure how that works to be fair because don't hormones affect it?' I offhandedly thought going through my daily unanswered theories.

Thoughts such as these could take a surprisingly long time to finish as hours pass.

Not before long the number in front of me started to dwindle a lot. Originally where I killed those Falcon was near and could be considered the start of Stormbearer Mountains.

It was a relatively flat grassy area with a saturated look as I've previously seen. But the further I went into the actual mountain part of the land, a thick forest with trees ranging from at least 20-30 metres high.

All sorts of typical fantasy monsters could be seen but to my disappointment, the variety of species lacked a little. Maybe it's because I didn't search hard enough though.

The only difference between this forest and the one I live in besides the tree size is the atmosphere. Everywhere I go I can feel and see Anemo energy in the air radiating like a large light bulb.

Unsurprisingly though the place where it was the densest was where the Gnosis was.

[Gnosis - 108m]


Taking a straight dive down while activating my [Stealth]. My eyes widen feeling the biggest concentration of Anemo energy I've ever sensed, it felt like a huge explosion. Little did I know how right that statement would be.

Landing on a branch and assessing my situation, I soon landed my eyes on "the eye of the storm".

'Now that I think about it these guys guard the statue of the seven in the actual game. So them doing the same here but for the Gnosis location isn't too far-fetched.' I thought feeling a sudden burst of energy flow through my veins.

[+1 Vitality]


Seeing the little popup my eyes widen with some imaginary sweat going down my face.

'If it only took a few seconds for me to gain 1 vitality, how much does that thing have.' I thought a bit nervous.

Before my thoughts went any further a sudden gust of wind hit my body.


A blurry monster suddenly appeared next to the eye of the storm a slashed down with a humongous axe.


'What in the absolute fu-'


And on time, my instincts started to scream in my head causing me to flinch even as a falcon. Shakily looking at the massive dust cloud made by the monster's slash, a tornado soon after started to form clearing up my vision.

Looking on ahead the sight of a raging brown Minotaur could be seen around three metres tall was grabbing the shell of its opponent and soon after sending another slash from its axe which was half its height.


The eye of the storm not giving in even with one of its shells being grabbed, uses its other shells and starts to curl up into a ball. Recognising the attack I watch in interest while moving a bit farther to not get caught up in the fight.

'I have falcon eyes anyway. It's better to be safe than sorry with these guys fighting, I have months or years to spare to get this Gnosis safely.' I thought as the enemy lifeform started to spin uncontrollably.


The Minitour getting interrupted mid-roar, gets sent flying towards the huge trees and crashing into two before stopping at the third. Not too long after the elemental ball got its extra shell back, It started to spin like a Beyblade towards the monster with a huge wind blade being created on its sides.

*Bang* *Thud*

Trees all over the vicinity started to fall and collapse making me surprised for the tenth time today.

'Holy sh*t, the cutting power of those blade are ridiculous.' I look on in admiration of the spinning Beyblade. I'm not sure how the bull guy would fare against that attack, luckily for it the eye of the storm's speed was pretty bad.

This could easily be chalked up to the growing size of the windfall and blades around it though.


(A/N: I'm more used to writing battles between Pokémon, so forgive me if some battles aren't that good. I'm still trying some stuff out with incorporating magic and huge monsters into fights.)

(A/N: Also my exams are done! Idk why I typed this but ig it means I can make chapters now.)