
Chapter 8

And so south they went, though Othello stayed behind to dry himself some more in the sun before catching up with them and Iago stayed with him saying that it was better to move in pairs in the forest cause you never know who or what might be just round a hedge or tree. So only Des and Rodrigo headed south to the festival camp site making their way through the thick forest as leaves fell round their track and a light breeze blew through the trees. The sun too found little holes between the cluster of trees to shine through as the pair made their way through the track. "Quite the fun day we've had," commented Rodrigo as they walked on "blessed with fresh and gentle winds, no doubt the Lord Barbatos is in a good mood today and gave us this good omen.". "Not surprising, the Weinlesefest is just around the corner and his probably getting all excited." said Des half jokingly, "Can't argue with that and hey I thought you said you saw Emilia, Cassio and Biance heading south but we haven't came across them yet.", "I said I saw 3 people on gilders head south that were probably Emilia, Cassio and Biance, they are probably already at the camp site though.", "Hmm seems reasonable.". said Rodrigo in a tone that sounded oddly like a finality.

Silence soon followed this exchange much to Des's surprise cause Rodrigo wasn't someone who enjoyed silence and would normal fill such moments as these with small talk or another other kind of talk. Des waited for him to say something about the days gliding, splash fight or some banter about Othello or some other person but nothing came. As she looked at him walking beside her she noticed that his gaze was darting about their surroundings and that he was rubbing his arms in a sporadic manner. From what she could tell it seemed to her that Rodrigo was anxious but what for she couldn't tell, What's he got to be anxious about? she asked herself He isn't thin skinned so being isolated in the forest isn't it, hmmm maybe his afraid of wolves? Nah we aren't near wolvendom though the wolves could venture this far sometimes.

"Hey Rod you afraid a wolf will sneak up on you?"asked Des teasingly, he looked at her and gave a chuckle, "Not in the least, I know how to see off a wolf. A big rock and careful aim usually works and if they don't well that's what swords and spears are for. But since we don't have those at the moment we would have to make do with fists and kicks." he answered, "Oh please as if a city boy like you could take on a wolf.", "You better believe it cause I can do crazy things when something is trying to eat me.". "Ain't that all of us though?". "Well yes but I am confident when I say I could handle a wolf so be not afraid fair maiden for I shall protect you if ever a wolf comes near." If that actually happens it would be me protecting you than the other way around thought Des as she went on to respond "Oh I do thank thee brave knight you are ever my strong and loyal protector." then watched as Rodrigo gave her a faint smile as his pale blue eyes brightened letting go of their angst.

"I only do what is expected of me my lady." he said then continued "So what are we doing after we reach the camp? I mean other than the gliding we just did you weren't too clear about what we would do after.". "Well, I thought we could hang with the people making the preparations for the festival. Eat lunch with them and maybe help with the construction then head back to the city when we were done.". "Cool, cool, but do we have to really help with the construction bit?" he said as he jumped over a puddle, "Yes Rod, think about it this way the Knights currently have their hands full so they don't have much to spare for preparing the festival. And the vendors selling at the festival will take whatever help they can get, so we pitch in and help them and then by the time of the festival we might get a generous discount." answered Des as she followed Rodrigo over the puddle. "Well well now you got me motivated, how far do you think the camp site is right now?", "Not far, we passed the blue flouting pillar a while ago so we should get there in a few minutes.", "Oh the one Othello swears was stuck in the ground a few years ago?", "Yeah and you know he is right don't you? Those things usually didn't flout. As far back as people cared to remember they were stuck to the ground.".

"I know, I know, I have seen them myself, just that my brain can't take anything Othello says seriously the guy can make the obvious seem like a work of fiction with his endless theories and all that I am sure you understand." said Rodrigo in good humor, "Yea his head is all over the place when it comes to this stuff. First time I got exposed to one of his theory making sessions I couldn't believe half the things coming out of his mouth. Calling some of his theories outlandish would be too kind a word for them." said Des in agreement, "I hear that but he does make sense once in a while.", "Well I would say he is a reasonable person on most occasions he just kind of slips from reality when he makes his…..'theories'.". Rodrigo's red hair rustled as he turned to look at her "Kind of slips?"he said,"It slides down Dragonspine on a snowboard is what is does, it can be fun to watch but kind of makes you worry for the guy after a couple of them.".

Des raised a finger "Yes, but you got to admit he is right on the Mora sometimes and that kind of makes up for it." Rodrigo turned his head back towards the path ahead to look for puddles and the like to stay clear off them "Yea, your right and if it wasn't for him I might have never met you or the rest of the guys. And how long do we have to go before we break to an open field again?", "As I said before, probably a few minutes.". Rodrigo put his hands behind his head and looked up at the trees fluttering in the wind, bits of light pocked at his eyes and face as he walked. He remained like that for a moment and Des looked up to see what he was looking at only to be suddenly blinded by a cheeky bit of sunshine before it passed on. It was a nice view but Rodrigo wasn't looking at anything in particular. Then he looked forward at the path with his hands still behind his head which she now recognized as him being deep in thought.

A thought suddenly formed in Des's mind, she was alone in the forest with no weapon along with someone she considered a friend who had asked her numerous times the distance left to get to a large camp sight. Des knew she was overthinking it but she still felt the need to stay alert, Is this betrayal? she thought No, it couldn't be Rodrigo couldn't take me in a fight even if he wanted to. So maybe someone or someones are laying in ambush in these woods? He was anxious about our surroundings after all. But that could simply mean he is just jumpy in such settings, uhhhhk whatever let me just stay near him in case this really is an ambush so I can catch him if he tries to bolt. Des then came right beside Rodrigo and matched his stride, he turned to look at her and almost hit her with his elbow, she saw his face and saw the brightness that she had seen in his eyes just a moment ago had gone. They looked to her now as if searching and worried, filled with all the angst she thought had left him it, which now filled his whole face.

He outstretched his arms upward then brought them down slowly, one of his arms was about to land on Des's head but passed just behind it where she vaguely felt it strain for a moment just below her neck or her upper back around her shoulders before it went down all the way to Rodrigo's side. Rodrigo then again looked forwards and finally saw a break in the forest but his face contracted as he did so. Des saw the break in the forest too and felt that if an ambush is going to come it would be now, "Des"she heard Rodrigo say and turned to him see him looking right at her boring into her with his gaze, he had stopped walking just a few strides from the break in the forest and she stopped next to him ."Yea?"answered Des trying and failing to keep the apprehension from her voice, Rodrigo paused for a few seconds as if her response short-circuited him then said "I have been meaning to tell you this for a while but I just couldn't find the right moment or had enough courage to do so but now I do. I can't make anymore excuse not when the lord Barbatos has blessed this day and given me such an opportunity. So I am just going to go right ahead and say it...".

Hearing this Des was as perplexed as a person could be, she looked at Rodrigo with a tilted head and narrowed eyes as he gathered his courage to say whatever it is he had to say, she was quite curious about what it was but then a thought came which reveled the obvious and before she could explore or comprehend the idea Rodrigo just went on and said it "Des you know I like you right?". Well looks like I was ambushed in a manner of speaking thought Des, "Obviously I knew that Rod, I mean how can anyone not like me?" she joked "I am quite the charmer you know so people liking me ain't exactly a surprise.". Even as the words came out of her mouth however Des was chiding herself inside, of course she knew what he meant when he said he liked her but then she talked without thinking or rather grasped at the first thought that crossed her mind trying to deflect it. And now she came out as being willfully ignorant and uncaring, it was a conditioned response on her part being a noble came with perks but also down sides, like strangers she has never met wishing to court and marry her who all ranged from being part of other noble houses to overly ambitious people of lesser standing.

The response she gave was meant to be used for people of the latter category, feigning ignorance of what was meant to show one rejected what ever it was that was proposed and passing it of as a joke as not to insult the person in question, the side effect of course being that the person in question might feel like they were being belittled and to an extant that was the point. Though Rodrigo has never been trained in etiquette so it might seem a bit harsh to him due to how quickly she answered, but Des's worries were unfounded as Rodrigo gave an awkward if genuine laugh before speaking. "No Des," he said "I mean that I LIKE YOU, LIKE YOU. You know romantically, you really thought I started all that build up to simply say I like you 'as a friend'. I was going to say that I loved you but that just sound like a bit much in my head when I thought of it.*Tch simply saying the word makes me cringe inside and I never thought I would say it to anyone really, so in a way this is quite the compliment.". Des could only dumbly say "Hmmmmmmm?"to that, skies above he thinks I misunderstood him she thought in despair.

She pointed at herself askingly and said "You like me?", Rodrigo nodded in affirmation, "As in romantically?", "Yes Des, I said as much a moment ago." answered Rod. "Hah" was all she could say to that as she screamed internally to herself WHY ROD WHY ?!!TODAY OF ALL DAYS. I loved you as a brother and friend but never have I thought of you as being more than those things to me. And why should I have? We were happy, I was was happy with the way things were. Gods I am already thinking of it in past tense. But wait let me think. And so she thought, delving within herself she looked through her memories for any hint of feeling for Rodrigo that was or might be romantic. But she found none, Desdemona was fond of Rod she truly was and loved him platonically yet this now made her feel sorrowful since Rod wanted more than while she didn't.

Rodrigo spoke again trying to keep his words casual yet failing to keep the anxiety from his voice " I was also hoping Des for you to do me the honor of coming with me to the Weinlesefest. I sort of planned this whole confession to take place before it so we could go together but I kind of procrastinated on the confession part cause I had got the nerves and Iago wouldn't stop making fun of me for it.". Des then realized why Iago had elected to stay behind with Othello since that way it would only be her and Rodrigo in the forests with no one around to listen in. She told Rod this and he meekly shrugged saying " Yes that was just about the whole of it. Gods I am not so good with this whole confession thing am I?", Des laughed, glad to have something to laugh about " No you are not." she said in answer. That is so like him she thought Has to be between a rock and a hard place to do anything that gives him the nerves.

Rodrigo joined in on the comedy about himself laughing along side Des at his own anxiety, their laughter echoed faintly in the forest provoking an unseen choir of birds in the trees around them to break out their song in response though weather it was wholly due to Rod and Des's laughter or the birds simply praising the new day was hard to tell. For all the good humor she showed however Desdemona was still incongruous within herself. Things escalated faster than she'd like and her astonishment at Rod's confession hadn't fully subsided yet, so she gripped hard at the familiar things still present within this unforeseen exchange which were Rodrigo's timidity to emotionally charged talk. He was brave and daring enough when it came to physical feats but conversations such as the one they were having now were never Rod's strong suit. Des wondered how much encouragement/ coercion Iago needed to employ to get Rod to do this as it became clear to her what he and Rodrigo were talking to themselves about back in the city.

Looking at Rodrigo standing before her with his red hair shimmering slightly as the small sun rays passing through the trees reflected off the water that had yet to dry on his head. His laugher abating and his hand reaching up to rub his head, his face put on a brave front of smiles and chuckles while his sky blue eyes spoke of the terror he felt within. Thus he stood before Desdemona as the tall grass of the forest tickled their legs looking for all the world like a thief who was caught red handed and now tried to explain his innocence. Aborable thought Desdemona sweet and aborable like a pumpkin, this happy thought ached her however, she didn't want to lose Rod to the inevitable awkward silence and gradual distancing that followed hot on the heels of a rejection. Yet she couldn't affirm his affections, she had love for him which was true but it was not the kind he sought from her.

Was the love she already had for him not enough? Had he though it too little for him? And thus seek more from her than she was willing to give. He was a brother to her, as real a brother as the ones that shared her blood and it was for this reason and others that she could not accept him as he wished to be accepted. She parted her lips to say as much then hesitated for but a moment, she saw Rodrigo's eyes shaking as his body went rigid momentarily in anticipation of her answer. He still put on a brave face with a smile still on his lips showing a bit of his cleanly brushed teeth, He flossed, bleached and brushed his teeth noted Des remembering that Rodrigo's teeth usually had small bits of yellow on them. The realization ached her knowing who Rodrigo had done that for, so when she finally spoke her own words surprised her since they were not what she had planned to say " You surprised me Rod " she said " I had thought you were going to pull some kind of prank on me when Iago excused himself to stay behind with Othello." What are you saying? She thought to herself What in heavens name are you saying?

Rod shook his head a laugh escaping him as he did so since it was more than justified for Des to think that, "Nope," he said "No prank at all. Just a real heart to heart moment, with all my cards on the table." the clear gentle tone with which he said this served as evidence of his genuine intent. "That was hard for you to say wasn't it." teased Des, " You have no idea." he replied his smile growing wider, glad at Desdemona's sympathy. But his smiles and laughter felt like a blade slowly pushing through Desdemona's chest as it became harder and harder for her to say what she had to say, she tried to push through regardless of the pain but found she couldn't as the fear of loss gripped her heart with claws of iron. Rod spoke again "So," he said a little nervously, his one hand on his hip while the other hand outreached itself half way between him and Desdemona"Would you like to come to the Weinlesefest with me?", she wanted to say no, to explain why it couldn't be so, to tell him she loved him platonically and that it was no less worthy a form of love than any other then pray that he be content with that. But even as she thought this she felt that it wouldn't be what he wanted to hear, her platonic love sounded too much like a consolation prize that would rouse nothing but resentment in Rodrigo and she feared that.

It was this fear above all other reasons that twisted her words as she now spoke, slowly without knowing it Desdemona chose the path of avoidance, the path of kicking the can down the road even as her sense of reason screamed at her not to. "When I said I was surprised Rod I meant it in every means of the word, I wholly did not expect you to confess your love for me today. I am still trying to process it right now even, so when you ask me weather I would want to go with you to the Weinlesefest I really can't answer cause I don't know if I like you in that way." she said as her mind screamed at her YES YOU DO, YOU DARN WELL KNOW. DON'T LED THE BOY ALONG A PATH THAT IS NOT THERE, TELL HIM TRUE AND TELL HIM NOW.

Rodrigo pulled his hand back as his fingers clenched slightly, he did not know what to make of Desdemona's response, he had finally committed himself to this endeavour after a long time of procrastination and avoidance with the understanding that he would either win Desdemona's affection or receive her rejection at the end of it. It was a simple case of saying Yes or no but what he got was neither and he was plainly confused as his face now advertised. His smile quivered on his lips uncertain weather to stay on or leave in search of a more cheerful person. Des felt like she was seeing his dear friend's very soul disintegrate before her, Rod's quivering lip and seemingly wounded expression along with his body language looked to her like he was on the verge of tears. No, no, please no, heavens no, gods no, you surely are stronger than that Rod, please don't, if you starting crying I will start crying too thought Des.

"What I am trying to say is," said Des hurriedly "I need time to think about all this Rod, I mean, you practically ambushed me out here. I was thinking about the guys and what we would do together after we regroup at the camp site. I was not expecting...well...….this really, I wasn't expecting this, so lets have some fun today rod. All of us, lets just have our fun today and keep this between us, I promise you Rod I will answer you after I have thought about it clearly alright? And you will have my answer before the Weinlesefest, so what do you say Rod? Deal?". Rodrigo paused for a moment considering her words and came around to her reasoning as it seemed very sound to him, he did indeed surprise her here and to an extent himself so if even he was shocked by the brevity of his bold undertaking then Des must be equally if not more flabbergasted then he was. Rodrigo felt a tad embarrassed by this fact and it showed on his face as he blushed, he outstretched both his hands in a gesture of acceptance and said "Alright, that is fine by me.". Des was glad for this and sighed in relief within herself as she clasped Rod on the shoulder and led him outside the forest telling him of all the fun they were going to have today, making outlandish unrealistic plans of daring adventure which she didn't expect to be taken seriously but told them nonetheless more for herself than for anyone else as all the while that voice within her head she knew to be her sense of reason screamed and cursed her a coward.