
Genius Mode Activated

When a quiet high school student Ethan Wright discovers a mysterious system that allows him to tap into the collective knowledge of the internet, he must navigate the blurred lines between reality and technology to uncover the truth behind his newfound power and prevent a catastrophic event that threatens his school and his friends.

Hikmaah · Fantasía
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112 Chs

The Final Awakening

Ethan tried to brush off the feeling of being watched, hoping that the men in black suits would lose interest and leave him alone. But the sense of unease lingered, making him feel like a target.To distract himself, Ethan threw himself into his art, using his sketchbook as a refuge. He began to create a new piece, a fantastical creature with wings and a fiery spirit. As he drew, he felt a strange energy building inside him, as if his creativity was fueling a hidden power.Without thinking, Ethan signed his name to the piece with a flourish - and suddenly, his art came to life! The creature burst off the page, its wings beating fiercely as it soared around his room.

Ethan's mind raced with the endless possibilities of his newfound abilities. He spent every spare moment practicing, experimenting, and pushing himself to new heights.As he honed his skills, Ethan began to notice strange occurrences around him. His art seemed to be affecting the world in ways he couldn't understand. Colors became more vibrant, sounds more harmonious, and even the air seemed to vibrate with creative energy. One evening, as he worked on a new piece, Ethan felt an unusual surge of power. His pencils moved on their own, crafting a masterpiece that seemed to pulse with life. Suddenly, the room was filled with a blinding light, and Ethan felt himself being pulled into the art itself. When the light faded, Ethan found himself standing in a world unlike any he had ever seen. Rolling hills of color stretched out before him, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of creativity.

The System's Console

A sleek, futuristic console appeared before him, its screen glowing with an otherworldly light."Welcome, Ethan Wright," the console said, its voice clear and digital. "I am the System. You have unlocked the Artistic Awakening. Let me show you the world of learnable skills and knowledge."

The System's Database

The console's holographic interface transformed into a vast, shimmering library. Shelves upon shelves of glowing orbs stretched out before Ethan, each containing a unique skill or knowledge set.


Arts: Painting, music, dance, theatre, and more.

Sciences: Physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and more.

Languages: Spoken and written languages from around the world.

Martial Arts: Various disciplines and fighting styles.

Crafting: Blacksmithing, woodworking, tailoring, and more.

Magic: Elemental manipulation, spellcasting, and mystical arts.

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