
Genius Mode Activated

When a quiet high school student Ethan Wright discovers a mysterious system that allows him to tap into the collective knowledge of the internet, he must navigate the blurred lines between reality and technology to uncover the truth behind his newfound power and prevent a catastrophic event that threatens his school and his friends.

Hikmaah · Fantasía
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112 Chs


Ethan decided to take a chance and approach Luna. He had always felt a connection with her, and he wanted to make things right between them.

"Luna," he said, his voice soft and sincere. "Can we talk?"

Luna's expression was guarded, but she nodded. "What is it, Ethan?"

Ethan took a deep breath. "I know I hurt you when I was under the orb's control," he said. "I'm sorry for that. I was a different person back then, and I didn't know what I was doing."

Luna's eyes searched his face, and for a moment, Ethan felt like she was searching for the truth. Then, she nodded again.

"I appreciate your apology," she said. "But it's going to take time for me to trust you again."

Ethan nodded, feeling a sense of relief. "I understand," he said. "I just want to make things right between us."

Luna's expression softened slightly, and Ethan saw a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"You know, Ethan," she said, "I've been thinking about what happened with the orb. And I've been thinking about what it means to be free."

Ethan's heart skipped a beat as he realized where this was going.

"Luna, what are you saying?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Luna smiled, and Ethan's heart skipped another beat as he saw the spark of attraction in her eyes.

"I'm saying that I think we could be something special," she said. "If you're willing to work on rebuilding our trust and our relationship."

Ethan felt like he was walking on air as he smiled back at her.

"I'm more than willing," he said, his voice filled with emotion.

As they stood there, gazing into each other's eyes, Ethan knew that this was a new beginning for him and Luna. They had both been through hell and back, but they were finally getting a second chance at love