
Genius in Kuroko no Basket

In middle school basketball scene there was a lots of good players such as "Generation of miracles", "Uncrowned kings" etc. But there was a single individual who appeared short time and considered absolute genius. But he vanished from the basketball scene when monsters from Teiko dominated middle school basketball competitions. This is story about that Genius.

TraCe_SliP · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

I started the dribble while looking at Kise's posture. His defence is good but nothing i cant shake off. I started to speed up and crossover to right and left then when he shifted his balance to left a little, in that split second i speed up to right and got past him and lay up easily.

Kise:" Well you're not all talk huh.My turn." , ' He's fast, not at the level of Aominecchi but very fast'

Next possession Kise attacked the same way i did, at least tried i intercept him when he crossovered to right and got the ball and shoot no hesitating three and scored. Now its 2-0. Then he did the same shoot and scored.

Hyo:" Well rumors about you being a copycat is true huh"

Kise:" Hey thats not nice to call human a copycat"

Hyo:" How about we bet something and extend the winning score to 10"

Kise:" Sure but what are we betting"

Hyo:" If i win i'll call you copycat for a year. And if you win well i will obey you for 1 week how about that. You can ask to buy a juice or hold your bag something like that not so serious but exciting isnt it."

Kise:" Not bad but a whole year is a bit long how about 1 week and you can obey me for 1 day."

Hyo:" Okay. Copycat-kun get ready i will get serious."

Kise:' His aura changed. He's going for real huh. Thats interesting.'

Kise's defence got tighter but its not enough. I dribbled the ball to right corner and when he gets closer i faked the shot and go for a mid range jumper and scored. When Kise's turn came i tightened my defence and focused on him. I can see his moving like an slow motion and not missing a little detail i got the steal at the perfect time. You can say that this is my abillity. I can see things in slow motion not all the time but when i really focused and concentrated it really happens and i got speed to react so its really cheat like skill. I defeated Kise for 10-3 and got to call him copycat for a week.

And so time goes by Kise and i got starter position. I can shoot threes but my accuracy is about 80% but my mid range is 100% so i can easily score buckets. Kaijou's practice is hard but nothing i cant deal off and after practice Kise and i played 1v1 all the time so we became good friends and respected each other. Then about week goes by and here comes the practice game against the Seirin high school. Well i dont think they will win against us what im actually looking forward is meeting Midorima. Its been 2 years since i met him i played against him in middle school and defeated him so i cant wait to see his face when he sees me.