
Quasi [Bonus]

[Alex Reynolds (FFF+)] 

[Level: 31] 


Sylas couldn't see the rest of his stats, but the Level was enticing enough. 

"Long time no see, Psycho Syl." 

Sylas gave him a long look before taking the last bite out of his steak. It wasn't a bad dinner and seemed to be made from the body of a very weak beast, probably only Level 5 or so. But it was still definitely more filling for him than a normal steak would have been. 

"How did you find me?" 

"Of course because I've been looking for you." 

Sylas didn't reply, still waiting for an answer to his question. 

Alex chuckled. "I've been waiting at this city. I was pretty sure that you would come by this one." 


After some thought, Sylas nodded. 

The government should know where his Woodland Territory was by now if they were able to send aid to the likes of Braxwell and the others. So the fact Legacy would know wasn't too shocking either.