
Genesis Initiative

[Participant of WPC #316: Kingdom Building] GENESIS INITIATIVE- UNs bid to build a colony on a Xeno planet as a safety measure in order to ensure the human race's survival. Follow the journey of UNSS REAPER crew as they face one problem after another with their guns and fists while trying to make the utopian dream come true in a world that defies all common sense. Hi, author here some of you might know me by my old account aka DRACULA and my novel Timeline Restart anyways enjoy the read thou be warned there are stepsiblings involved thou their not blood-related at all if you get my drift.

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37 Chs

Speak Of the Devil!

"Now that we got that out of the way it's time I stopped fooling around and get myself familiarized with the things that happened during my absence."

I said more myself than Ark as I started grinning from just the thought of how busy AM had to be after all it's not easy to be the Captain.

I was about to walk back to my bed but remembered that I can't even take a step without my legs immediately becoming jelly.


I cursed out under my breath as I extended my hands towards Ark who knew exactly what to do.

To think id be carried by a man in a princess carry one day and a dead one to boot.

I thought in my mind as I mentally cried while keeping my usual dead fish face on as Ark carried me to my bed not knowing that AM carried me in a princess carry towards medbay after I blacked out.


AM started reviewing another report from Lilith about her exploration results and after not being able to hold it anymore he finally snapped.

"Fuck! I can't fucking take this anymore! Got Damm fucking report after another!"

The furious AM cursed as he threw away his tablet, closed his bloodshot eyes from not having enough sleep for the entire month and started massaging them with his fingers.

XO that, XO that just as I think that I can finally get some goddamn rest someone comes knocking down my doors, and it's either a request or something bad happened!

The depressed as fuck AM cursed in his mind.

"Drac you fucking bastard! Wake the fuck up already If this goes on ill really will blow my brains out!"

AM threatened under his breath only for a message from the said person to pop out in his HUD view.

[Im awake come over]

After reading it AM didn't waste any time he sprang up from his chair, grabbed his beret resting on his table, and stormed out of his room leaving the two fully geared up MP soldiers guarding his doors full of question marks.

"What do you think happened?"

"Don't know maybe the Captain finally woke up or someone fucked something up again?"

"Well, it better be the former because the XO has been going nuts lately so if it's another problem then I'm afraid he might really blow his brain out soon."

The two soldiers debated amongst themselves not knowing that they were completely spot on.


I was happily puffing out clouds of smoke from my vape.

"Damm this shit really hits."

I muttered under my breath as I felt the nicotine assault my clean of it body.

Only to see and hear my doors get slammed open as AM stormed in only for his head to almost get chopped off by the death knights on the doors on each side who luckily to AM stopped their greatswords just an inch from his neck.

But the fellow didn't seem to care one bit because he just ducked his head and ran straight to me.

"Drac you have no idea how I suffered during this month at first I had to land the ship, then..."

AM with a blond grown-out beard started complaining as he sat down on my bed while tossing his beret onto it.

Oh, brother...

I thought as I mentally prepared myself to listen through AM complaints to the end as I opened the ship's database and started reading through it.

After a whole, hour AM finally ran out of breath while I familiarized myself with the most meaningful events that happened during my coma.


I asked.


"Feeling better?"

I asked again.


"Good, you did well man."

I said as I looked at AM's tired face with dark eyebags under his eyes and slightly visible cheekbones while extending a lightning left fist which AM returned with his right fist.

"Seriously Drac how do you do it? It's a complete nightmare to be responsible for so many people and things."

AM asked as he ran his right hand through his unkempt hair.

"After enough time you just get used to it."

I answered as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Anyways Beowolf really outdid himself this time with his plan to actively condition and passively brainwash the dwarves you made the right call giving him free rain."

I said while smirking evilly after remembering Beowolfs's report which stated that some dwarves are already showing clear signs of a sense of belonging with the crew.

Not to mention that the R&D wackos found out that the death mana inside the death mana cores from the dead zombies that Natasha found in them after dissecting the corpses to the horror of the death knights.

Who felt their skin crawl from seeing how enthusiastic she was about it can actually be converted into electricity so a peanut-sized death mana core can power the Einherjar mark 2 exoskeleton armor that R&D had upgraded for an entire month without a problem.

Another quite pleasant surprise is that the engineers found oil under the city and based on their initial scans there's more than enough of it to support our needs for the foreseeable future.

And apparently, there is a big bad evil racist and genocidal Elve empire which is almost an exact copy of nazi germany except that the nobility and religion are still mostly in control and its emperor well how should I put it his name sounds exactly like hitlers I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually him.

I thought as I couldn't help but start thinking myself of a king I felt like I'm about to play a real-life grand strategy game and it made me excited as fuck.

"But what did that woman mean by that a little wolf girl needs her dark prince to save her? Hehehe. Don't tell me a waifu is about to land in my hands?"

I murmured under my breath as I started snickering evilly only for a sense of warmth and love to overflow my body just thinking about that woman who for some reason felt like she was my mom only to notice that AM was already out cold sleeping like a baby without a care in the world sprawled on my bed.

This fucking bastard he actually fell asleep! Oh well, he deserves it.

I thought as I looked at AMs sleeping face which had utter bliss written all over it.

Suddenly the castles installed loudspeakers started blaring while an emergency notification appeared in my HUD view and AMs causing him to wake up instantly and making him sit up on the bed.

Speak of the devil it seems like I'm about to meet my new waifu.

I thought evilly while the unhappy as fuck AM cursed out at top of his lungs.

"Motherfucker what now!?"

"Hehehe you can sit this one out ill take care of it."

I said while chuckling evilly as I extended my hands towards Ark who knew exactly what to do.

"Thx Drac."

I heard AM thank me as Ark carrying me in a princess carry and other death knights following behind him stormed out from my room with demigod speed leaving the two fully geared up MPs guarding my room from the outside flagger basted.

Just as they started wandering why did the death knights who refused to leave the captain's side even for a second stormed out like that one of the soldiers peeked his head inside the room and realization immediately dawned on him.

"Well, that explains it seems like the Captain finally woke up, and knowing him he can't wait to kill something."

The soldier said after seeing none except the already snoozing AM on Dracula's bed.

"Well, that's our Captain for you."

The other said as he helplessly shrugged his shoulders.


"Bravo to Hotel Quebec we spotted civies who are being attacked by unknown hostiles on our way back and were going to engage them requesting backup over!"

Yan Ning who was the only one currently on the bridge since she was on duty listened to Jack's report.

But even though the rapid response force was already gearing up and will be ready to move out in 4 minutes she still couldn't dispatch them without the XOs orders.

So she waited for AM to arrive but she didn't expect to see the death knights storm inside the bridge while carrying Dracula only in his underwear in a princess carry.

"Give the sit rep senior lieutenant!"

I barked as Ark placed me inside my chair making the dumbfounded Yan Ning snap out of her daze.

"Captain the Marines had encountered civies who are being attacked by unknown enemy forces they said that they going to engage them and they're requesting backup!"

"Send it!"

"Yes sir!"

"Ark you and your boys go and assist the RRF."

I ordered Ark while Yan reported back to Jack since although the guys from the onboard MP company first platoon were ex-army grunt veterans they couldn't hold a candle to the jarheads who were ex-special forces.

Understood sir...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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