
Chapter 1


It was entirely dark

As garments appeared on his previously bare flesh, he slowly awoke, feeling strangely exposed and vulnerable. He turned around on his feet and tried to identify the environment he was in, but all he could see was frightening, never-ending fog. The dark room felt empty, like he was the only person there, yet he also sensed the presence of thousands of others who were around just beyond the fog.

"Is anyone present?"He yelled out loud

"Where are you, Jessica?"

"Could someone please let me know where I am?"


From beyond, there were chanting sounds that were gradually becoming louder and louder. These sounds may have been prayers.

louder and louder, until he thought his ears would burst from the ringing chant that started to echo inside of him as well as all around him, and he collapsed to the ground on his knees with his hands over his ears in a futile attempt to block out the cacophony.

And then it quickly ceased, leaving horror in its wake.

He heard a familiar voice call out to him out of the blue.

"Goh, goh, goh!Please wake up! I don't want to lose you too!" A child of about 9 years old was seen with a grimace on her face, trying to wake up Samuel. Hearing that, Samuel woke up with a jolt of light, after which he realized that it was all a dream before.The darkness, the voices. However, when he looked at all sides, he found himself with his sister in a dark, cold, and gloomy cave with numerous strangers. He then hugged his sister tightly after turning to face her with a worried look on his face.

"Jessica, where are we?" He inquired her, his voice puzzled. "I was so worried about you when I saw you last time lying on the floor!" Jessica looked at her brother with the same look and replied. "I don't know, Goh. Last time, I remembered before passing out that my heart was beating heavily and I was losing control of my body. It was a feeling that couldn't be explained. luckily, I found your co-workers here, Aaron goh and Rachel jie. They are asking people about the situation." Samuel sighed with relief when he heard that.He looked at her and said with a small smile, "We will be okay, okay? like always," hearing that Jessica also smiled at him. However, their reunion was cut short because of the unknown entry of an unknown entity.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, I who is the streamer of this part of world named Chan Zi Ming welcomes to participate in which you need to complete quests in order to stay alive or else be eaten by the monsters. It will be an entertainment for our dear viewers.Please make your decision now." stated by an entity who was floating in the air with a fulu stuck on its forehead.

Most of the people in the crowd were unsure. Unexpectedly, most of them were spooked by a shout from a tall, bulky-looking guy who glared at the unknown entity with a twisted look. "Why should we do it, you puny little piece of trash. Is this CGI? Are you taking a video of us?If so, very funny." The guy questioned the Zi Ming.

The Zi Ming started to stare at the guy for a few moments. With a sigh, it started to laugh at the guy in a blood-curdling manner.After that, Zi Ming looked at the people.

"This is what happens to those who disobey the rules of the game." It stated this before snapping its finger.

The unknown people were shocked when they saw the boy who disobeyed before was being blown up like a balloon before bursting out, causing his blood and insides to be spill everywhere. In which most of the women and children present started to cry in disbelief. While the most men were too shocked to even say anything.

Samuel looked at the scene in horror, and he grabbed his sister while covering her face. because it was too gruesome for children to be exposed to this.

Zi Ming looked at them for a split seconds which Samuel didn't noticed before looking at the group of humans and started to smile mischievously. It questioned them, "So now, will you play the game to entertain our viewers?"

"One of the last few groups of humans on earth."