
Generation Of Miracles: Reincarnation Of Evil

"They were made to kill me." Zenith seriously answered as when as her old friends asked her. A group of teenagers with miracle powers that will create a new generation of warriors. Back when Zenith died because she sacrifice her life to save humanity, her batch didn't know that everything is an act and she's actually alive and living in the future while teaching six students to be the best warriors they can be. Will the new generation succeed? Or it will also need a life to sacrifice?

Kyle_Marie_Merez · Fantasía
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1 Chs


"Freya! Where are you?!" I heard Mother call me.

I quickly got down from the tree and ran home. I saw Mother walking around the house as if looking for me, I immediately slowed my steps and approached quietly.

"Mother!" She was surprised by me.

I laughed a little when Mother jumped and dropped the box she was carrying. She picked it up and then turned to me with raised eyebrows.

"You're really annoying! I've been looking for you for a while now and then you're going to surprise me? What if it the thing inside the box breaks?" She pointed to the box she was holding.

"What's in that?" I asked her instead.

Suddenly, Mother handed me the box. "Open it, it's really for you. Your gift..."

"Huh? What occasion?" I wonder.

"Have you forgotten? It's your birthday today, because you're going everywhere so we don't have time to go for a walk," Mother insisted, which surprised me.

I remember today's date and Mother is right, today is my sixteenth birthday. I opened the box and saw a mini robot that I wanted to buy in the market. My eyes widened turning my gaze to my Mother.

"How... it's expensive, Mother. This is a new production so it's impossible..." I said.

"Don't think about it, Freya. The important thing is that you are happy today," Mother said.

I rushed to her giving her a tight hug. "Thank you, Mother."

"Hmmm, let's go. I'll cook our dinner first if you have plans meeting up with Zeke and then go home before dark, okay?" I just nodded.

I first took my motorcycle from the backyard and drove it to Zeke and Luna's house. My friends since childhood who I have considered as brother and sister, their house is really far away because they chose to live in the main city so I really had to ride. I found them outside the house and leaving.

"Luna! Where are you going?" I asked loudly for them to hear.

They turned to me at the same time and stopped so I immediately parked my motorcycle on the side of the road.

"Oh, it's you Freya..."

"It's already afternoon? It's good that you caught us up. Are you coming? We're going to the robotics event near the plaza," said Zeke.

"Yes, Freya! After all, it's your birthday. Brother Zeke wants to buy something for—"

Zeke didn't finish his sister, Luna. "That's right, just leave your car at home, Freya. The event is about to begin."

I just followed Zeke's wishes and quickly chased after their brothers. Because they preferred to walk so we had a chance to talk.

I suddenly remembered a light I saw earlier while in the tree, it was strange and seemed mysterious because it was the first time I saw a light that was not created using technology.

When we arrived at the venue it was still closed.

"Wait, why isn't anyone fixing it?" Luna wondered.

"Are you sure we went to the right place? Maybe later it will be somewhere else or the time we know is wrong," I insisted.

"I couldn't have been wrong, Freya. Now must be the beginning because every afternoon there are a lot of people but... Why isn't there even one here?" Zeke explained that he was also confused.

I looked around and didn't notice anything unusual except for the quietness of the place which was not happening yet.

"Brother Zeke..." I heard Luna call his brother.

I looked at him with a trace of fear on his face.

"Why Luna?" Zeke asked.

I followed the direction of her eyes and was shocked into a deep pit. I bravely approached to look at its contents but I was suddenly nervous to see that strange light that I had seen just now.

Why is this here?

"It can't..." I said.

"Why Freya? Do you know what that's called?" I heard Zeke ask.

I shook my head. "That's the light I saw earlier."

"Brother Zeke, I'm scared," Luna said next to him.

"Just a moment, Luna. We have to wait for Freya, don't worry because I'm here," Zeke replied and seemed to encourage her sister.

I didn't pay much attention to them and just stared at the light at the bottom of the pit. I felt a heavy tie around my body that seemed to pull me closer to the light. I don't know but it's like someone is calling me and whispering to take it.

For a few moments, I didn't realize that my feet were walking down the pit and towards the light.

"What are you going to do, Freya?!" Zeke asked nervously.

"There you go, I'll just take a closer look," I answered as I continued to descend.

I was impressed to see up close the beautiful type of stone that shines brightly, enveloping it in a white light that entices me to touch it.

"Freya! Get back here!" I heard Luna call. "We don't know what could happen and there's something there so let's just leave! Let's just let the experts look at it, maybe something bad will happen. They're definitely coming..."

Instead of listening I found myself close to cutting your rock and ignoring Zeke.

"I have a bad feeling, Freya! Let's go!"

It was too late before I realized it, I was holding that stone and it seemed to be swallowing my whole body. My vision gradually darkened and I didn't know what happened next.

I woke up to a blinding light, I immediately saw an unfamiliar face in front of me and a white room. I got up and saw Zeke and Luna also lying on the bed next to me, they were unconscious.

"Where am I?" I asked an old man in front of me with difficulty, I looked around and saw no one else.

It smiled at me. "We found the three of you unconscious so we immediately brought you here to the hospital."

I looked around the room and realized it was a hospital.

"What happened?" I still ask.

He turned his back on me and went to a drawer, I saw him take something from there and then suddenly the surroundings went dark. When he faced me, I was surprised by the ball he was holding that seemed to be broken.

"Do you know what this is?" He asked, furrowing my brows. "I'll change the question. Do you remember what it is? It's just refreshing because it doesn't really look like this."

I thought and suddenly remembered something.

"The light!" I said making him smile. "But... How—"

"The light you saw earlier was no ordinary light. It was an energy source that is now useless because all the power of this ball has gone to you. It chose you, Freya..."