
Gene System

Blake is a young man who has had to suffer through devastation over and over again losing more than just an arm. With no power of his own he could barely stand a chance against others or even be deemed useful by the military. All he can do is accept his sister's help bitterly knowing he can't return it to the same effect. After a series of events a meeting with near death shocks him to his very core changing his life forever. Awakening a hidden element buried deep within his genetic code. The Gene System, an advanced complex genetic technology used to expand and improve the overall potential and direction of evolution for the user's genetic code naturally mapping out and directing where the user should go with the growth they obtain. Not much else is known, only that few on every planet are given one through unknown means. The current state of the world is racked with unbridled chaos as the military fruitless attempts to stop the atrocities committed by the organisation known as the Gene hunters. Seeking to steal and splice any genetic data they can get their hands on by whatever psychotic means whether it be dissection, slow harvesting or cloning ethics are not a concern. Hundreds of thousands have been affected by the gene hunters including Blake's family. Some are never seen again, just used as cows for genetic harvesting over and over again until they dried up never to see their families again. Changes have begun to sprout in the background of earth leading to more and more mysterious events occurring, genetic powers becoming stronger, animals becoming mutated and evolving faster than normal generational lines. All the while in the background an unknown force beyond human comprehension lurks just beyond the veil waiting patiently for the time to run out and indulge in his planet level feast devouring all life in sight. Blake will give his all to overcome these brutal circumstances by whatever means. No matter the pain, suffering or loss he will continue to go forward no matter the cost. Failure isn't a devastation but a stepping stone in his larger goal. In his pursuit to build his strength he wont forget where he came from guarding the weak as someone who grew from that. Seeing the lack of care or acknowledgement to the majority viewed as weak in the military disdain makes him step up as the leader needed to change the structure of this world for the better. In the weak there is strength which Blake knows all too well. His reason to go forward is to become the man he wants to be. The only thing that truly terrifies is the idea of letting it all go, giving up and betraying himself and his potential.

NocturnOwl · Ciencia ficción
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194 Chs

At The Edge Of Oblivion

The raging green bolt of electricity comes crashing down, tearing through all the clouds in the sky like the flick of a paintbrush. It streaks and splits before coming together once again. Honing in on Blake.

Swimming through the thick green bolt of lightning hones onto his dads old cigarette holder in his jacket, Like a moth to a flame. The lightning comes crashing down unforgivingly like a waterfall. Thoroughly electrocuting Blakes entire being.

His very flesh and blood became the perfect conductor for the passage of this energy. The energy begins to surge and split apart his body coursing all throughout his nervous system.

*ZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZ* A loud symphony of buzzing emits off of Blake's body. Every cell is engulfed with the pure unfiltered energy of the lightning as it wreaks havoc on his body.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" An attempt at a scream fails as pain courses through every fibre, every cell, every bone. His entire body bathed in green agony.

It becomes unbearable, the unrelenting burn of the electrocution coursing in every part of him. His mind starts to rip apart, breaking piece by piece as his life reflects back at him. Each piece disappears as soon as it's recognized.

The blackness of his unconscious mind comes to claim the foreground of his reality. The void encroaches slowly cutting off his vision as it claims what's left of him. The lightning continues to crash down on Blake unrelenting in every way. It lights up the grey sky of Boreal. Filling it with an ominous hue of green.

His flesh and blood become eviscerated by the overload of energy being thrust into him. All he can do is attempt to scream through the pain as the surging energy forces his jaw to clench shut.

 "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Blake lets out a agonised grunt through his clench teeth.The immense level of torture his body is going through tears through him making him fully aware of its existence even through the forming void of his mind.

His psyche starts to crack from the otherworldly level of mental and physical anguish bestowed upon him. The lightning continues to pour out of the sky mercilessly flowing into Blake.

Blood seeps out from the splits in his skin, oozing plasma making the torment even worse. His heart comes to a slow stop. Life force spilling out of him as the rhythm of his heart slowly dies out.

Images flash by his eyes as his mortal coil unwinds from this earthly plane. An old memory bubbles to the surface in Blake's time of need. The spinning of a baby's mobile comes into picture.

His small hands guiding it along and letting the tune play out for his baby sister. His mother comes into view for the small boy now. His jet black hair is more curly than ever at this age.

"Do you love your sister Blake"? Her comforting maternal voice washes over his being, a voice he hasn't heard in so long. A warm comforting glow emanates from the figure but the memory isn't clear enough for Blake to depict her.

"OF COURSE I LOVE HER" An annoyed pout is formed on the little boy's face. A warm laughter encompasses the room now. The security of this memory is such a foreign feeling for him. 

"Then you two look after each other no matter what." A chirper tone is heard from the motherly figure, eagerly motivating her son.

"No matter what, even if it's scary." The young boy struggles to form his words properly whilst clenching his little fists in motivation. His youthful sincerity is clear as day for his mother to see.

"That's my little protector." His mother coos at him as the memory dissipates and Blake is then faced with the remainder of the agony befalling him.

Seconds have gone by but for him it's been an eternity the concept of time losing its meaning under the weight of the suffering being delivered onto him. He screams out in the blackness of his mind as the pain encroaches every part of his psyche. Before he vanishes entirely, one word echoes out. 

"RAVEN!" With that the rest of the reality Blake could perceive is severed.

The pain disappears along with the remnants of his ego, all that remains is the glowing essence of his being, perceiving only a primordial black river before him. The entire space itself is painted in only ink black.

His essence is sucked in along this river, flowing down the current for what feels like years. Finally it comes to a stop.

A large doorway blocks the current of the void-like river. Barring him from going forward. His fathers words chime through now urging him forward. A memory he experienced in his youth starts to play, long forgotten from Blakes waking mind.

"Son, I left you a gift for the future. When everything seems like it's going to fail and the world comes crashing down on you it will reveal itself to you." His fathers comforting tone fills what's left of his being.

"Remember son humanity's strongest and most reliable power is perseverance, never forget that." His dads words echo out into the void. Imprinting into the core of Blake's mind.

Absorbing the wisdom of his father, what's left of Blake stands up in the black soupy river however beaten down he may be he continues bringing himself back up. Putting the idea of hands against this doorway. Flashes of his life flood through everything that has led up to this point fueling his being into pushing the gigantic doors open.

"I WON'T LET IT ALL BE FOR NOTHING". The words not being said only the meaning being felt within his mind. The doorway is unforgiving not wanting to budge in the slightest.

However Blake doesnt stop the only thing that dominates and rings throughout his whole essence is FORWARD.

The door starts to let a crack form, a bright light illuminates the black void he's been wandering in. A sense of guidance and motivation forms seeing this light. Not relenting, using what's left of his mental strength he pushes as hard as he can, his being starting to break apart as the door starts to open.

The more the door opens the more of what's left of Blake disappears. As the doorway gives way, the perception of a body goes with it. All that is left is the observer of the body, that is Blake.

A cosmic light fills Blakes view, colours he's never seen nor experienced before burst forward with life. Pure wonder illuminates Blake. Drifting along in this blinding light.

The sounds of a variety of different birds flow through everything. His consciousness struggles to define this nonsensical place. A unique entity enters his vision, it says nothing to him, only meaning comes through

"Give." Leaving him in utter confusion Blake responds to the entity in the only way he knows how, language.

"Give, Give what?" Blake asks in confusion before the meaning implants itself in his mind immediately understanding the message. 

"A part of you". Without any time to decide the entity walks over to him and tears a piece of Blakes essence off.

A screaming pain envelopes his being. However it quickly dissipates as the concept of pain is nonexistent here.

The entity walks over to a gigantic mass of green energy swirling around, dancing with life itself. The essence from Blake is then merged with this vast energy.

The chirping of the space starts to get louder. The energy starts to condense into a much smaller form, a tiny being made of green electricity takes shape in its stead.

"Hey I'm alive, I exist." The being chirps, buzzing with joy over his newfound existence. Looking over he catches the bewildered Blake. Immediately a sense of love washes over the being seeing Blake.

"Brother, finally I can meet you!"Chirping ecstatically seeing his newfound brother. The entity from before now looks towards Blakes essence. 

"You are now linked, look after this one he's beloved in this space. Be safe out there conductor of vast energies" Leaving behind his message before vanishing entirely. Blake is left with the tiny being, utterly confused in this space. 

"So what's your name then tiny one"? He says in his puzzlement at the predicament he's left in.

"What's a name?" The being asks curiously, clearly not understanding the concept.

"It's something to refer to you as, allowing for more of a sense of familiarity to be developed. As well displaying your identity and self agency in this world." Blake says trying to boil the concept down to its bare bones.

"I like that idea, I like it a lot. Can you give me a name, brother?" The tiny being starts to jitter and shake over the revelation of this concept, excitement spilling out like uncontrolled currents. Blake awkwardly responds to the idea.

"Uh yeah, I can give you a couple off the top of my head." Blake says starting to brainstorm as his consciousnesses faculties slowly slip back into place.

"How about electro?" Blake jokes struggling for anything better.

"Boring." The being groans not satisfied at all with this name.

"Okay how about Bolt?" Blake responds, racking his mind for something better.

"Come on brother, you can come up with something better than that!" The being says, teasing him. More of his mind starts to fall in place, flashing inspiration throughout him. 

"Considering the mass of electricity you were created from. It seems fitting to give you the name of a god for the otherworldly existence you propose to me. One befitting of your composition. So how about Zeus!" Blake says with a snap of inspiration.

"That's it brother, that's the one, It fits perfectly for the little brother of the conductor." Zeus chirps now giddy with joy over his name.

"Why does everyone refer to me as the conductor?" Blake says, baffled at the title.

"Oh brother, you have yet to realise. We love you, we saw the core of your being when you entered this space". Zeus says giving an inkling of what's to come.

"We got to see how much of a kind and loving being you are, despite all your scars you still give your all in everything even when opening that door not many can handle that". Zeus chirps full of admiration as it sparks off of him.

"We find that admirable, especially for lesser beings like us. You could say the name is a sign of how impressed we were. We won't hesitate to help you brother, you'll understand in time". A wide smile envelops the face of Zeus.

Blakes consciousness finally gains clarity slowly flinging him back to the mortal plane, before he can spiral and crash down into his body. A screen forms in the front of his vision before everything disappears.

[The gene system has been awakened]

[You have met the requirements to unlock inaccessible genes]

[Your body will now go through a drastic change]