

An ordinary man born with luxury but condemned to an awful death—will history repeat itself? Find out as our unlikely, timid hero grows into a powerful but awkward fighter.

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152 Chs


His sister still wants to bring him elsewhere, but after telling her an excuse that he was tired after what he had experienced, she let him rest in his room.

Silence descends in the room after his sister left. After looking around his room, he starts searching for any sort of item that the original owner has, like a diary, but unfortunately, he finds nothing.

"If this is the case, then, how am I able to find any sort of information regarding my origin? *Sigh* I wish someone or something can assist me."

Just as his voice dies down, a robotic voice suddenly appears: "How may I assist you, master?"

A robot with a humanoid figure appears, and Leon's eyes widen as he can see some similarities between this robot and his so-called sister.

He takes a deep breath and asks, "Who or what are you?"

The robot answers, "I am Eclipshea, your robot assistance, programmed to cater to your every need. How may I assist you, master?"

"Uhm, is your appearance built in from the start or picked by me?" He does not want to know the answer to this question, but he is unable to stop himself from asking.

"I am designed personally by the master." Just as he expected, the original owner was the one that came up with the design of this robot.

'Yep, the owner of this body is definitely a siscon; considering that her sister has a lot of authority in this household, she might have already discovered the appearance of this robot.' He sighs.

"Tell me, Eclipshea, did I leave some sort of dictionary before I left this world and entered the other dimension?" he asks in a hopeful manner.

"None. Does Master want to know his lifestyle?"

"Yes, it is very important that I know what I have been doing my entire life," he quickly says.

"I have multiple data points regarding my master's life; at what age would you want me to start?"

"Since the beginning," he answers in a determined manner. He decided to stay in this room until he had some general knowledge regarding himself, his family, and this world. He cannot live blindly after swearing to grow stronger in order to go against fate itself.

He stays in his new room during this period of time, listening to his personal robot. He learns more information regarding the original owner of his body and also some trivia about his new family.

He sighs after all the knowledge about "himself" is dumped into his brain. He massages his temple, and he now realises that the original owner is a siscon through and through.

After his hormones started to get active, he asked this personal robot of his for sexual relief multiple times. He could not help but shiver from this.

'Oh, I wish to erase this memory. She might not be my true sister, but lusting over a family member is just wrong. Wait! His sister and parents did not say anything about this type of attitude. Is this the norm in this world? ' They cannot help but speculate about this.

"Eclipshea, tell me about my family, our history, beliefs, current situation, political standing, everything important, and also many of its laws regarding its family members."

Another round of knowledge dumping commenced; if not for his strong soul and developed brain, he would have been overwhelmed with information, but even if he does not remember everything, he has the system to record this conversation.

After an hour of listening and lying on the bed deep in thought, Leon realises that, compared to his former world, this one is not only more advanced but also has greater potential, considering that they are more adept at travelling through space.

"My family actually owns a small f*cking planet! It might not be considered as rich compared to other planets, but it is still a planet nonetheless. What type of metal is G-force metal? Is it some sort of mineral that can only be found in outer space?"

"G-Force metals are a type of ores that are capable of withstanding the chaotic spatial energy, making them extremely useful. Humans are still unable to fully purify this sort of metal, but even with such disadvantages, it is considered one of the most expensive materials all over this universe, as it is one of the only objects that can be brought to the Realm of the Thousand Worlds." Eclipshea answers.

"Realm of the Thousand Worlds? Is it that other dimension that I was in? So it has a thousand worlds or so inside of it?" he mumbles.

"Negative, it is but a name; according to the findings of the researchers, in the beginning, there were a thousand main worlds inside the dimension, but as billions of years passed by, the number of worlds only increased; many were destroyed, but the number of additions to its domain outclassed the destruction from ten to one."

Leon's eyes widen, and he asks in a dazed manner, "If this is the case, then does it not mean that there are at least a million worlds inside of it?"

"Billions, to be more precise, countless races from different galaxies and universes gather in one place, causing a battle of supremacy that costs millions of lives. The current strongest race is the insect race because of their brutal trait, their evolutionary capability, and their reproduction rate."

"Second is the dragon race; they are the strongest in terms of individual prowess, but unfortunately, their reproduction is clearly weaker than most races; they are only able to keep themselves afloat by producing halfbreeds."

Leon's eyes widen. He cannot believe that there are dragons in this world, but thinking about the situation in the Realm of the Thousand Worlds, he believes that there are more strange races compared to those of a dragon.

"Eclipshea, tell me about the Realm of the Thousand Worlds and many of its known factors."

"Realm of the Thousand Worlds greatest treasure is its ability to generate genetic creatures that enhance the genes of those that managed to consume them; also, because of the mysterious characteristics of the dimension, the genetic creatures might leave their soul cores that manifest in different types of items that the users manifest physically; the majority of the races call it soul blessing."