
Gemini and the cyborg wolf

His names cyborg, no one knows his motive for killing but he is feared by every species in the world, even the humans have heard his name but of coarse they think it's a made up story, Gemini is on a mission, hunting down the ones that did unspeakable things too her, she has dark secrets in her past that she plans too keep hidden till her sisters pesky mate comes along and screws things up Callum is trying too figure out what's up with His mates sister but it seems the more he digs the further from the truth he gets Remi is a on a blood hunt trying too track down the killer of his soul mate Carly, she's just happy too be here

Susanna_Therese · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter two

Callum stood in shock, no way was he holding his brothers dead mates arm right now, except she wasn't dead she was alive in a club with HIS mate,

He growled, you have some explaining too do, starting with why you faked your death, he shoved her too a sitting position and Gemini snapped at him,

Calm down sis Carly whispered there are humans here, fuck them Gemini snapped, get your mate out of my face before he loses his face,

Carly pulled on cals arm but he didn't budge, sorry Sadie he said in a mocking tone but there is no way I'm going too leave, not even my beautiful mate can make me,

He stopped and looked at Carly, did you call her sis?

Carly grimaced, Gemini shot her a look, ya were sisters, you never said anything about having a sister he glared at her,

That's because I've never said a word too you in my entire life Gemini shot right back at him,

BULLSHIT!! Cal thundered in his alpha tone causing even humans too flinch back,

He yanked out his phone finding a picture of him and Sadie making Remi a surprise birthday cake? What's this then, handing the phone too her

Gemini stared at the picture and a tear dripped down her cheek but she swiped it away quickly,

Cal still noticed though, he softened a little bit, listen if you're in trouble we can help hit come back too Remi before he gets himself killed,

Gemini shook her head, still don't know you or this Remi fellow, I understand it's hard too lose those you love but no need too attack random people,

Cal growled shoving the phone in her face with another picture Sadie's face was perfectly captured in, you're telling me this isn't you?

Gemini glared at the photo, she glared at the freckle right under the eye, the exact one she had.

She knocked the phone out of his hands it's not me you baboon so fuck off,

Cal could feel his wolf wanting too break out and he took calming breaths, he looked at Carly, love can you please convince your psychotic sister too come back too my pack too chat,

And also I want too introduce you too my pack, he kissed Carly on the forehead and she blushed, he grinned not believing he finally found her after 26 long years,

Carly smiled up at him, we will be out in a minute,

Good cal smiled at her, I'll be in the red Porsche,


Gemini glared at Carly, come on please gem? He's my mate I don't give a rats ass if he was the moon goddess, he's going too fuck up my work,

Carly smacked a hand on the table, get your ass up now or I'm going too call Hayden here then you will do whatever I ask,

Gemini gulped, she wasn't scared of anyone but Hayden, Hayden made her weak, not in a sexual way but Hayden was a fairy, she had very angelic smelling blood and well, Gemini was part vampire,

So Hayden could lure her with the smell and practically put her in a trance making her helpless, she growled she was helpless one time in her life time, never again,

Whatever she spat, but I'll kill him if he pisses me off too much,

Carly growled shut up and get walking,

They strode out the doors of the building and Gemini lit a cigarette, eww you're still doing that? Carly gagged,

Gemini shrugged, I'm stressed, Cal pulled up beside them and rolled the window down get in,

The girls piled on after Gemini stomped the cig out and they took off,

Never knew you too be a smoker Sadie Cal casually said,

She turned too him and said in a deadly voice, If you call me Sadie one more fucking time I'm going too tear your eyeballs from your head and shove them up your ass, my name is GEMINI need me too spell it out for ya?

Fine... Gemini he said in a bored tone when did you start smoking?

I've been smoking since I was 16 she stated but you wouldn't know that because you don't even know me,

Cal wanted too pull over and beat some sense into her but he resisted, instead he calmly said, I showed you picture proof I know who you are stop trying too play games and just admit it,

Plus I already called Remi and he's going too be there too confirm that it's you he smirked,

Geminis blood ram cold, she went too unlock the door, Child safety lock really she laughed like a maniac, you're going too regret getting pushed out of your moms coochie,

Cal pulled into the drive of his mansion, he turned too her get ready too meet the man you left heart broken for 5 years he snapped,

Geminis door was wrenched open and the hottest man on the planet was standing there, she gulped he smelled like ceder wood and old spice, her wolf whined in the back of her mind,

Mate mate mate! Her wolf yipped, Gemini almost cracked a smile till Cal piped up, so Remi is that your dead mate? She froze. No way, it's not possible,

Remi sniffed and his wolf was also going crazy, it's her he growled, why the fuck did you do it Sadie he thundered, why the fucking hell did you fake your death and leave me here too think I lost you, too blame my self say after fucking day for not leaving a guard with you, for not staying too protect you, I've been hunting your killer for years and you aren't even dead.

Gemini shoved up out of her way and electricity sparked up her arm, her wolf sighed at the contact of her mate, because I'm not SADIE, she screamed,

Stop lying, I can feel the mate bond, my wolf is going crazy for you,

WHAT?!?!? Carly shrieked everyone turned too look at her, she turned red when Gemini scowled,

Umm uhh this house is so big and beautiful whaaattt, she tried too cover up,

I will settle this once and for all, Remi grabbed her and drug her towards the house, Gemini struggled but didn't break lose lowkey liking the feeling of his hand in hers,

She struggled too keep up with his 6/6 frame she had too admit, she's only seen callum before and she figured the brothers would look alike,

Callum was tall blonde looked like a college jock, where Remi is dark and seemed like someone you didn't wanna piss off,

Tough luck she thought too herself, my specialty is pissing people off, the Greek God dragging her shoved her into a room and grasped the bottom of her shirt,

Whoa calm down tiger she hissed the fuck you think you're doing, he ignored her and pulled it over her head, staring straight at her tits he gasped,

How is this possible he demanded,

She groaned, she forgot about that,

so you're not Sadie but you are my second chance mate Remi queried, but you look exactly like Sadie,

By then cal and Carly had entered the room, Remi stepped protectively in front of her and handed her, her shirt she slipped it back on and stepped out from behind her Big ogre of a mate,

Cal smirked told you she was Sadie, shes not Remi stated, h-how do you know cal stuttered and Gemini stuck her tongue at him, Sadie had a birthmark on her left boob, he gestured too Gemini she doesn't,

Soooo how come they look exactly alike, Remi spun too look at her, good question, his brow raised, Gemini gulped,

Just tell them Gem? Carly sighed, they don't have too know everything,

Gemini glared at them, Sadie's my identical twin sister the words came out in a rush,

Both the mens jaws were on the floor, why didn't Sadie tell me she had a sister Remi sounded hurt,

Gemini shrugged, I made her keep it a secret, that night when she found you she called me she was so excited for you too meet me, Sadie and I had that inseparable twin bond ya know,

I told her too keep me a secret for a while, she agreed, I was on my way too a party your pack was having when I found out she was killed, I couldn't bear too meet you after that so I left

Remi was silent, this is a lot too take in, especially the part where y'all look exactly alike and somehow you're my second chance mate,

I don't like it either she mumbled,

The door burst open and Dante popped in, what's all the yell- YOU!!! He shouted, pointing at Gemini, I thought you ran away,

This dumb Beta is yours? She chuckled at callum,

What do you mean he questioned, Gemini laughed he fell for the old what's that trick and I left him in the dust,

Dante growled At her, Remi growled back causing Dante too shut up,

Don't threaten my mate Dante, Remi snapped, your mate has a boyfriend she is oh so worried about Dante grinned,

Remi turned too her quickly, I lied she held her hands in the air,

It got awkwardly silent then Remi turned too leave, I need some air he muttered,

Hey loves! What do you think so far? Why do you think Gemini wanted Sadie too keep her a secret, can you guess Geminis past? How is she half vampire but her twin and Carly aren't? Why does Carly go by Carlton, and is she really working with  cyborg? Will Gemini and Remi work out or will it be too awkward for them since Remi was mated too her twin? Follow for updates and let's find out

Xoxoxo byeeee