

"I like to think of myself of a walking accident waiting to happen. I'm like the human version of a sitcom character, always in the wrong place at the wrong time and still always managing to make things more hilariously awkward, as it already is." Daisy Thompson has always embraced her inner dork, navigating the social labyrinth of high school with a mix of awkward charm and a talent for finding trouble. but when she decides to spend the holidays going on adventures, only one awaits her. the massive adventure of love. Their first meeting is nothing short of disastrous-think flying coffee cups and a runaway squirrel with a pack of lunch. Daisy's convinced she'll never live it down, especially when she discovers Justin is not just any model but the face of the latest global ad campaign that everyone, including her new classmates, and best friend seems obsessed with. But fate has a funny way of bringing people together. From accidental photo shoots to mistaken identities at a posh party, Daisy and Justin's paths keep crossing in the most unexpected (and hilarious) ways. Despite their differences, they find themselves drawn to each other, discovering a connection that's both heartwarming and uproariously funny. As Daisy tries to navigate school, endure unending bullying and a massive wave of high school gossip and avoid embarrassing herself in front of the most popular boy in town ( a plan that DOESN'T work), she realizes that there's more to Justin than his perfect smile and model good looks. And Justin, amidst the chaos of his high-flying career, finds solace in Daisy's authenticity and humor. Join Daisy and Justin on a rollercoaster ride of teenage romance, where every mishap is a new adventure and love might just be the craziest thing they've encountered yet.

chelseaede69 · Adolescente
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26 Chs

Did you know?

Did you know that your heart beats about 100,000 times a day.

And your feet can have about 250,000 sweat glands.

And the stomach gets a new lining every three to four days to prevent it from

Digesting itself. I mean, imagine your stomach DIGESTING itself?

Cause that's exactly what mine's doing.

scientists say that you can't breath and swallow at the same time. Well, I'm currently trying to weigh my options of staying alive by juggling between the two and I'm POSITIVELY choking.

I'm standing outside what has to be the biggest building I've EVER seen, trying hard to concentrate on breathing and NOT choking.

Or spewing out useless facts right from the back of my head.

Like did you know that there is a planet where it rains glass sideways

Or that humans share 50% of their DNA with bananas.

And that banging your head against a wall for one hour burns 150 calories?

Then maybe I could easily do that, end up in the ER, avoid being here altogether and STILL lose weight. That my friends, is improvising at its

best. Only that I wasn't quite able to do that considering the fact that Tori held my hand all through the way like I was going to bolt into oblivion or something, not that I wasn't and am still, considering that.

Harry styles models's like a huge sky mount with... colors, lights. Bright vivid colors flashing everywhere flashable, not that that's a word. Then the logo. Gosh the logo's... I don't know, weird. It seems pretty normal to the normal eye but to people like me who like to overthink things from why toast always lands butter-sides down and if penguins have a secret society, its weird, creepy.

And it just says ' fashion'. I mean, who goes around sporting one-word mottos, one that starts with the dreadful F and ends with a N. What says creepy than that? Its like saying, we're into fashion, which we obviously are and we think you should know about it in an elaborate way but then we'll only leave you with the word. Figure it out yourself.

That's what I've been trying to do, waiting outside of Harry styles office. Still trying so hard to figure it out, its got my brain in messy shambles. Now, the blockage to the endless stream of facts all locked up in my head's open, I can't even hear myself speak to know how I'm speaking.

" Hey Tori did you know that the surface area of a human lung is roughly the size of a tennis court?" I began. She nodded, tapping her phone wildly. " And that the average person walks about 100,000 miles in their lifetime?"

" Unless they're chaffeured everywhere like Maddie Roberts" She muttered, chewing on her middle finger. I leaned back, nodding.

" That's why she's the average person" Tori chuckled, shaking her head.

" And did you also know that the fastest growing hair on the human body is facial hair?"

" Eww Daisy"

" But it is. Else guys won't have to shave five times a week"

" And how do you know that?"

I quirked my brow " I've got a father. Not that he's the perfect example but he once used to shave five times a week. Till he went all nuts and bolts" I sat up, fidgeting with the buttons on my sweater " And did you also know that some turtles can breathe out of their butts" I shook my head " Its gross but its true. Somehow the layers within the cut..."

" Daisy for goodness sake calm down!" Tori spun round to face me, holding my shoulder " I'm the one that's supposed to be scared here since I'm here for the interview but right now, you're making me feel pity for you. All you have to do is sit here and do... nothing Daisy, absolutely nothing. So stop freaking out" she leaned close " Ok?" I gulped and ran my tongue over my lips, nodding. " You can try being brave for me right? Just this one time?"

" S... sure" I stuttered " yeah..."

" Coffee?" A lady clad in a bright chiffon dress said, holding out a tray of two hot steaming mugs " on the house please. You girls have been waiting for quite a while"

" Oh thanks" Tori said, grabbing a mug. she held out a mug to me and I took it anxiously, barely thinking.

" Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you..." She began, stopping when I downed the entire cup. She gulped and managed a weak smile " This is going to be interesting..."

" Miss Beckman?" A voice called from the office down the hall " You're up next"

" Thanks" she jumped up to her feet, shooting me an excited stare. " its time daisy! Wish me luck!!"

" You'd do awesomely, wonderfully, superlatively great... and hey did you know that humans can make over 10,000 facial expressions?" I made a Tori-like pout " Keep it up and you'll send the Gunniess running for their money, right?" I said, giggling all in one rush. She let out a breath and patted my shoulder.

" Right Daisy. Now, I need you to stay perfectly still and DON'T touch anything. Or look and analyze to get some crazy final result as you always do" She held my shoulder " Sit perfectly still"

" Will do" I said, jittering anxiously. She shot me a doubtful look and headed down the corridor, turning back to smile at me. I gave her a wobbly thumbs-up and she disappeared through the mahogany doors.

Sit perfectly still. Easy peasy. But did I listen?


Couldn't upload chapters yesterday and I'm MEGA-sorry guys! don't be too mad though cause u're in 4 a treat.

i've uploaded two chapters all at once!!!

how great is that?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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