
Chapter Fifty-Four: Diabolical Da'ark


 Fiona examined the mini cooler that held the precious vials of convalescent plasma. "My God, Tully, she didn't even realize what she had done!"

 "And what is Nicodemus doing? He has lost his mind to open himself to the Da'ark again! How can he trust Li'Bann or that blighter Gaddis!" Tully rumbled angrily. 

 Fiona closed and secured the lid. "We have to get this to Sean right away." She looked at Tully, "Nicodemus said he would reconnect to the Da'ark to protect Sunny."

 Tully looked sharply over at Fiona. "He barely escaped with his own life! Why would he do such a thing!"

 "We talked about it before he left," Fiona said, "He told me to trust him, and he would never put Sunny in danger!"

 Tully nodded, and he looked over at the woman that he had been in love with since they were children. "When we get to the healer, we will have him take a look at that hand," Tully said. "That has to hurt like the devil!" He helped Fiona into the wagon and climbed up after her. He clucked to Cherry Brumble and the Vanner mare set off at a good clip toward the quarantine area. 

 Fiona leaned against Tully's shoulder. "I am in such shock I am numb! To know that Colleen is alive!"

 "She is dead, Skye!" Tully growled. "When she faked her death and turned to the Da'ark ways -- she died. Your sister is dead."

 Fiona nodded silently. Then clutched the mini cooler tighter, "And our Sunny – she is in danger, Tully."

 "Let us hope, Nicodemus can protect her!" Tully said. He could not voice his distrust of the man who had been his best friend since they were boys! He knew Fury had connections to very unsavory people, monsters, pirates, thieves, murderers! What was he doing?

The Western Forest

 Moon Bear secreted himself high in the trees, he kept only his belt with his dagger and had removed all of his light armor, stripping down to just his loincloth so he could maneuver silently along the limbs. He stretched out over a limb that hung over the large canvas tent pitched away from where the soldiers gathered around their campfires. He watched for several hours until he memorized their patrol routine. Six soldiers patrolled the camp perimeter, then they were relieved by replacements every four hours. This routine continued day and night. 

 Moon Bear stationed himself over the canvas tent where he could hear the conversation between the man and woman. Colleen raged over the meeting she had had with Fury. "Does he truly think I will hand over the Shadowlands to him? He has lost his mind!"

 "When do you expect to return to Arwyn?" the voice was male, but it weary sounding. "Nothing has changed."

 "Everything has changed," Colleen answered sharply, "But perhaps in my favor – now that my granddaughter has arrived and appears to have special abilities, I'll have her bring the dagger through the portal. I need never come in touch with it at all!"

 "Do you think this girl can do what they all think she can?" 

 "It doesn't matter!" Colleen barked back irritably, "All I need her for is to carry the dagger through the portal, if she can't then she'll burn up just like the others. But if she's successful, then she will do whatever I say to do to save her precious Aunt Fiona!"

 "You know what is best," came a voice filled with fatigue. "When will you return to Arwyn?"

 "When Fury brings me my granddaughter!" Colleen said. Her voice was suddenly below where Moon Bear was secreted in his tree. She had come to the tent entrance and snatched the canvas flap back to look out. "Come the dark of the moon, then it will be time to wage an attack on the Ard Ri!"

 "And what of your son?" came a wary question from Taalor'Rakshah.

 Colleen snapped her head around and glared at the man. The thrall she held over him was slipping. She was beginning to show signs of weakness. She dismissed the man with a flick of her hand. "Kaderyn will have to make do with the Ne'Median realm."

 Taalor'Rakshah retreated to the back of the tent and slumped down on his cot. "I am very tired, I will rest just awhile."

 "Sleep," Colleen commanded, "I do not need you until tomorrow morning."

 "Aye," Taalor'Rakshah murmured already half asleep as he laid back against the pillows. "Much to do in the morning."

 Colleen watched the man until he was snoring softly. With him asleep and half of the soldiers sleeping, she relaxed her control over them and allowed herself to sink into a comfortable pile of cushions. She had much to think about, but she drifted off to sleep for a few hours. There was indeed much to do in the morning!

 Moon Bear slithered from his limb in the trees and crept silently to where he had secreted his clothes and weapons. He would track back to where his emperor waited and then return to Ranjai Tor. 

 He was well into the forested territory of Ne'Media when he met Gaddis. It was unusual to see his emperor dressed as a common foot soldier. Gaddis was sitting at a small campfire, gazing into the flames that danced over the pile of tinder. When Moon Bear entered the camp Gaddis waved him over, "Come and rest yourself, there is a full skin of wine next to my bags if you have a thirst."

 Moon Bear glanced over at the skin and shook his head. "I think it best to wait until I have made my report."

 "Tell me," Gaddis said. 

 "The witch makes plans to venture into Arwyn as soon as the moon has grown dark. She plans to take the throne of Nu'Ada and put one of her choosing. Kaderyn, she has said will take your place."

 "Did she now?" Gaddis murmured. His golden eyes burned bright as he leaned forward to poke at the fire with a long piece of wood. He watched the end catch fire and burn slowly. "So, she will set her army on two fronts with Kaderyn making advances on my kingdom."

 "She appears to be certain the Daj will agree to bring the dagger from Arwyn back to Nu'Ada." Moon Bear told Gaddis. "She cares not if her blood is killed doing her bidding. She only wants the dagger."

 "If she understands the power of the Daj Sultana," Gaddis said glancing over at Moon Bear, "she already knows Siobhan can move metal. She will use whatever threats are needed to bend Siobhan to her will."

 "Shall I return to my uncle and tell him of the witch's plan?" Moon Bear wanted to know.

 Gaddis shook his head, "Rest yourself," he pointed to where a pallet had been placed near a sheltering bolder that faced the campfire. "I will keep watch. I will wake you in a few hours. When you wake up, I will tell you the plan. You will take this news to Nicodemus Fury, perhaps his plans will keep the Daj safe."

 Moon Bear nodded, but he was doubtful Fury would have any plan to keep them safe!

Ranjai Tor

 Moon Bear moved silently through the forest and when he reached the place in the wall, he pressed the stone and the secreted door rumbled inward. He stepped into the dark corridor and pushed the door back into place. He could see where his uncle had stepped, the stone stairs were still damp, and his keen sense of smell could still detect the rank water from the Cloutie well from days before. Moon Bear crept up the steps and stopped at the top of the narrow landing where Fury's study was. 

 "A good evening to you Rom," said Falco, and the door closed softly. 

 Moon Bear pressed the stone and the wall slid inward. Nicodemus was about to begin his evening of drinking when he froze. When he saw his Sith nephew step into the room and pull the wall back into place he smiled in relief. "Well, I did not expect to see you so soon."

 "My emperor directed me to report what I have observed," Moon Bear said.

 Fury indicated the chairs near the burning fireplace, "Come and sit by the fire. Do you need anything?"

 "No, I hunted on the way," Moon Bear replied and waited until Fury was seated before he settled in the chair facing his uncle. "I followed the Dannan and her army back to their hold."

 "Good, you know where she is?" Fury looked over at Moon Bear, his eyes blazing with malice.

 "It is a temporary encampment," Moon Bear said. "She is planning to go into Arwyn soon. I heard their plans from where I secreted myself."

 "Did any ravens or Watchers see you?" Fury wanted to know.

 "The witch does not allow any doer nemed anywhere near the encampment." Moon Bear replied. 

 "When does she plan to go into Arwyn?" Fury asked.

 "With the coming of the dark moon." Moon Bear said. 

 Fury nodded. "Your emperor explained to you what is to happen?" He sent an appraising look at Moon Bear and noted his distrustful glare. "I know you think ill of me, but it is necessary."

 "My emperor told me the plan," Moon Bear said. "I have delivered what I have learned. Now I return to my home." 

 "It will only take me an hour or less to get packed and I can be on the way." Nicodemus replied, throwing a roguish grin at his Sith nephew, "I will need you to stay here and watch over Siobhan until the plan is set into motion." 

 Moon Bear was not convinced of anything, but he would do as his uncle asked. "Then you will need this to get past the Sith guarding the mountain entrance." he handed over his pass. Once Fury got to Ne'Media, he would need something to prove he was under Sith protection -- that would at least get him to Stone Tiger. From there they could reach the Ne'Median Emperor without being stopped.

 Fury was true to his word, in less than an hour, he was packed and ready for his trek to the mountains. He hastily wrote his instructions to Falco. Moon Bear would now be master until his return. That Siobhan was under the Sith's protection. He would return soon but until then, Moon Bear would escort Siobhan down to the mesa quarantine area and everything would continue as usual until he returned. He looked over at Moon Bear as he sealed the letter. The Sith quickly sketched a map to take Fury through the mountain pass. He also handed Fury a medallion that would be proof to give him safe passage to Stone Tiger. 

 They bid their farewells in Fury's study, and Moon Bear watched as his uncle left through the secreted door. He looked around the room and decided the sofa would make a comfortable bed. Falco would have a surprise when he arrived in the morning. Moon Bear settled on the sofa and drifted off to sleep, but always with one ear tuned to the sounds and movement around him.