
Chapter Fifty: Afternoon Distractions

 Sunny did not see Nicodemus for the rest of the evening, and he was up and gone early the next morning. She felt restless. After breakfast, she was still feeling anxiety buzzing through her body like an extra jolt of caffeine. She reached out to locate the Fury but once again he was blocking her from his whereabouts and had shuttered his thoughts from her. She felt at odds with the knowledge they had gotten from Gaddis. It was not a pleasant feeling and she had assumed Nicodemus had gone off to try and sort out the information from Gaddis in his way. Rather than seek out Aria, Sunny took her sketch journal and pencils and went out to draw the scenery in and around Ranjai Tor. 

 She settled down in an area near a well-tended garden that grew a variety of fragrant flowers and herbs. There was a fountain with soft splashing water flowing over smooth stones. They had striations of colors that reminded her of unpolished opals. She wondered where the stones had come from as she used soft coloring pencils to capture the cold opalescent fire in some of the stones. 

 As she drew, her mind wandered and eventually settled on Aunt Fiona. She began to wonder how Fiona was feeling.


 She looked up from her sketchbook and found herself in Fiona's kitchen. She tucked her pencil behind her ear and smiled at Fiona where she sat at her kitchen table. "I was just thinking of you and here I am!"

 "Is it safe for you to be traveling?" Fiona rose to move closer to her great-niece.

 Sunny looked around. She could still see where she was physically in Ranjai Tor, and like a semi-transparent layer, she could see Fiona and her kitchen at Laurel Cottage. "Aunt Fiona, since I arrived a whole new world has been revealed. It's different than traveling. Now I can physically go to where I need to be. Nicodemus and I have already traveled to several places here in Nu'Ada."

 "I was afraid that if you discovered how to travel, you would eventually find the spirit trails. It is a lost art, and it can be very dangerous. It is not from the Dannan, so I cannot tell you how best to protect yourself. It's possibly related to the Da'ark magickers. When you do move in between these trails, how did you feel afterward?"

 "Thirsty and hungry!" Sunny declared with a chuckle, "But I seem to recover quickly."

 Fiona smiled and then frowned in thought. "I believe there is a way to cloak your movements, but I've never attempted traveling. The Ne'Medians have 'Seekers' that watch the spirit trails for activity."

 Sunny shrugged lightly. "I don't think I need to be concerned about the Ne'Medians, it appears that the emperor wants the same thing we all want. The one I need to avoid is Kaderyn and his daemon army."

 Fiona nodded. "I know you will be cautious, and Nicodemus will be there to protect you." 

 Sunny did not want to talk about Nicodemus. She had lost contact with him since they had been together intimately. She wondered if he had withdrawn for that reason. She had slept in her room after Gaddis left and she had no idea where he was now. She changed the subject, "Aunt Fiona, are there any more cases of the sickness?"

 Fiona looked grim and began to wring her hands in worry. "The serum Sean and Lucy collected from me isn't strong enough to help the more serious cases. I don't have the right antibodies – that's what Sean called them; in my blood serum – I fear I will not be able to help them like we thought."

 Sunny nodded. She was expecting to hear that bit of news. Fiona came closer to where Sunny sat. "Sean has decided to stay in Ballencoo and help the people who are sick. Lucy is prepared to send him home any time, but he says he's staying."

 "He needs to do what he thinks best," Sunny replied. "This was his doing, and he needs to make it right." 

 As they were chatting, a figure came up behind Sunny. It was Nicodemus! He laid a hand on Sunny's shoulder so he could connect and see what Sunny was seeing. He smiled as he saw Fiona through Sunny's eyes. "You look the same from the spirit world as in reality, Fiona."

 Fiona's smile vanished as she peered closer at him where he stood behind Sunny, "What have you done?"

 "All is well, Fiona. I promised you I would do what was necessary when you gave Siobhan into my care," He told her. "You know I would never endanger her."

 Sunny looked up at Fury, he wore the guise of his older self, but it appeared Fiona was seeing a change in him. ["Is what you've done why you have shut me out?"]

 Nicodemus let his shields drop between himself and Sunny. ["I am yours! My heart, my mind, and my body are yours -- I will protect you always, my dearest!"] 

 Sunny felt tears prick her eyes, but she turned her attention back to Fiona. "Are you over the effects of the illness, Aunt Fiona?"

 "Yes!" Fiona gestured around the kitchen where she stood. "But Lucy and Cassie both have me housebound for another few days. They're feeding me well and they only draw blood from me every few days."

 "We can't have you relapse," Sunny said. "We'll have to make that known to the people here. Once people begin to recover they'll need to stay in camp a few days longer to make sure they are free of the virus. We have to make certain that the sickness is completely gone before they are sent home."

 "Any word yet from your quarantine camps?" Fiona asked.

 "Those who are feeling sick are beginning to come to the camps, and we are keeping everyone comfortable," Sunny replied. "The first of the serum is being spun now." 

 "Fiona, when first of the serum is spun we will have a batch for those in Arwyn." Nicodemus said, "We need someone at the Arch to receive it. It will be for the most serious of your cases in Ballencoo."

 "Of course! I'll have Tully bring me to the Arch when you are ready." Fiona said; she was feeling useful again! She looked past Sunny and Fury and pointed, "Where are you, is it Ranjai Tor?"

 Nicodemus' smile was dangerous, and the glint in his eyes was fierce. "Gabriel was being his careful and bureaucratic self, so we are happily settled here at Ranjai Tor."

 "I see," Fiona murmured, a slight frown furrowing her brows together. "Gabriel has not changed in these long years!"

 Fury scoffed lightly. "Little changes with Gabriel."

 Fiona looked from Nicodemus and his protective stance next to Sunny. His hand never left her shoulder. There was little she could say or do now that Sunny was in Nu'Ada with Fury. She sighed heavily. "Please be careful. Contact me as soon as you're ready, Sunny."

 Sunny nodded and she released the connection between her and Fiona. She looked at Nicodemus. "Where were you all this time?"

 He did not answer but gathered her up in his arms, buried his face against her neck, and pressed his mouth to the pulse at the base of her throat. "I have been to places that I dare not tell you, my love. But what I do is so I can protect you from evil."

 Sunny clung to him. She leaned back to look into his eyes. "Do you still think I will be frightened?"

 Nicodemus embraced her. He held her close, and she slipped her hands under his tunic and coat to caress his body. He claimed her mouth and kissed her until they were both breathless. "For now, my dear heart, I must keep my activities secret. But not for long, I promise you!"

 Sunny nodded. She continued to let her hands roam and Fury experienced the sensations of pleasure and pain of arousal. "You delight in torturing me!"

 "No," Sunny whispered, "I've missed you and I want you badly!"

 A slow almost mischievous smile lit his face, "Then come with me!" He took her hand, and she grabbed up her drawing satchel and they went inside. He barely made it to his bedroom when they began pulling each other's clothing off! He barred the doors and as they tumbled into his bed, he made certain they would not be interrupted by anyone or anything!