
Gates of Hades

The Gates of Hades, an enigmatic portal believed to lead to the realm of the deceased, ultimately serves those who desire their own demise.

Jack_Storm_ · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Under the cloak of night, the sapphire moon cast its glow upon the eerie Gravesville cemetery. Swirling red smoke arose amidst the tombstones, conjuring what seemed to be a door. As the smoke dissipated, mysterious markings and symbols emerged on the door, spoken of in ancient languages long forgotten to the modern world.

With every trace of smoke gone, the door became vividly clear. Its knobs turned open, revealing a hazy image of a world only mentioned in sacred texts – rivers of blood, clouds ablaze, trees lined with limbs instead of leaves, and monstrous creatures roaming this forsaken land. Upon closer inspection, it was evident that these creatures were chasing something – or rather, someone. A man and a woman dressed in black suits ran towards the door amidst a vicious battle against these horrid beings.

The man's arms had no flesh; instead, they were composed of dark bones complementing his bone-adorned blade. The woman wielded a bow and arrow devoid of any bones. As the pair ran closer to the door, entangled in battle with their demonic pursuers, it was becoming evident that the creatures were gaining ground.

Realizing this, the man halted abruptly and faced his enemies head-on. The woman understood his intentions and stopped momentarily before he shouted at her to make haste toward the shrinking doorway. She protested until he gestured towards her womb – her pregnant state now visible – and pleaded for her escape before it was too late. Reluctantly, she soon resumed her run to safety.

As she continued through the ever-shrinking portal, one monster darted past many others and lunged at her with alarming speed. For an instant, everything seemed to slow down from the man's perspective: his wife about to disappear beyond the threshold; himself locked in combat against numerous other creatures; their unborn child's fate uncertain.

Eyes shut tight with determination coated in sorrow, the man emitted ancient whispers and hurled his dark bone blade towards the creature lunging at his wife. Time snapped back into place, and chaos resumed – the woman was attacked as she crossed through the doorway; the blackbone blade impaled the monstrous assailant; the man smiled his last tearful grin before being consumed by a throng of darkness.

In that desolate cemetery, a monster died upon the woman's back as she fell, its lifeless hands embedded in her throat. Simultaneously, her unborn child was pierced by the very weapon meant to protect them.

The vile creature crumbled to dust, its remains scattering in the wind just like the door itself. Miraculously, the woman drew a single, shallow breath; she lived. As her eyes scanned her surroundings and found safety at last, a small sigh escaped her lips. Her heart may have found solace, but her body trembled uncontrollably – their child was coming into this world.

It must be the Blackbone blade,* she thought in anguish, knowing that her child's arrival wasn't imminent, but also aware that her time was running out. Finding herself alone in the darkness of night, she let out a cry of desperation in hopes that someone would hear her. As if on cue, an elderly woman wandering through the nearby cemetery was drawn to the urgent cries and rushed towards their source. The wounded woman persevered, breathing her last breath just as she brought her child into the world.

As the old lady hurried closer, the eerie silence told her that something had changed. Reaching the scene, she discovered a severely injured woman in a black suit, her neck pierced and blood pooling around her lifeless body. Panicked, the old lady quickly dialed for an ambulance and pleaded with them to come as soon as possible. Cautiously approaching the woman's body, she suddenly heard another sound—one that made her recoil in shock, fearing it had come from the deceased woman. Instead, she found a newborn infant hidden beneath the black suit.

Bewildered by what she'd stumbled upon, she wondered how it was even possible - *How could this woman have given birth with such gruesome injuries?* Another voice abruptly interrupted her thoughts, but this one didn't belong to the baby or its mother.

"Take the child; he is your responsibility," it insisted.

Glancing around nervously, fear gripped her tightly.

"His name shall be the one above death. The one who shall close the doors of hell forever and put an end to His monstrosity."

Trembling uncontrollably, she eventually surrendered to this surreal experience, convincing herself it was all just a dream. But when the voice demanded once more that she take responsibility for the baby, she relented.

As sirens closed in and paramedics arrived on scene, they too were disturbed by the grisly sight but dutifully tended to their work. One of them recognized the elderly woman, Dr. Marshel, and asked her what had happened.

"I'm not entirely sure," she admitted, "but this is her child." She gently cradled the baby as she spoke.

"You gave life to her child, even in death. Another testament to your abilities as a four-time doctor of the year."

Feeling uneasy, Dr. Marshel lied. "I did what anyone would have done."

With concern in their eyes, they wondered what would become of the silent newborn.

"Would you like us to bring him for a check-up at our lab?" they proposed.

"I'd appreciate that-"

"The baby is fine, just inform them and head home," the mysterious voice interrupted Dr. Marshel. With no other option, she obliged, instructing the ambulance staff to handle the body and bury it, as they were already in the cemetery. They complied and returned to the hospital, offering Dr. Marshel and the baby a ride home, which she gratefully accepted. Inside the ambulance, she held the infant close, carefully examining this silent child while feeling a deep sense of compassion for him.

"I'm not sure what happened to your mother or who the voice inside my head belongs to," she told the baby, "but I do know that from now on, I'm going to take care of you. So, it's time to give you a name." She paused for a moment before continuing, "I'll call you Clay unless your parents have already chosen a name for you."

Upon hearing his new name, Clay's tiny hands waved about, reaching in Dr. Marshel's direction. She was delighted by his reaction.

"I can tell you'll be someone extraordinary when you grow up," she cooed as she interacted with him. Unbeknownst to Dr. Marshel, the enigmatic voice spoke once more but this time, only for its own satisfaction.

"They have rejected me as their father, so now they will accept me as their ender."

Not best writing out there as I'm doing this as a challenge, hope you like it and even give me insight on how to get better

Jack_Storm_creators' thoughts