
Chapter 2

As I walked through the Merchant Quarter of King's Landing I took the time to ponder exactly when in the Timeline I happened to be. Apparently Robert had just gone and Gotten Ned Stark to come back to King's Landing with him. That meant that the war had yet to break out. . .I wanted to be as far from King's Landing as possible when it did. No way am I going to get pressganged into an army to fight for fucking Joffrey. Honestly as a Bastard and an Ironborn one at that, I had precisely zero chance of effecting Ned Stark getting his head cut off. I doubt I'd even be allowed in the GARDENS of the Red Keep as I am.

That left me with a few options, I COULD sign on with a ship to Pyke and join up with the Ironborn. Apparently whoever's body I hijacked had been doing that before I got here. I could try and get Asha elected at the Kingsmoot, she was the nominal leader of what remained of the Moderate Faction of the Ironborn, Her, the Reader, Ser Harras Harlaw. Of course there was the tiny problem of Euron Fucking Crow's Eye if I went that route. . .Probably better not to.

The North was out given Balon's Plans to invade them. Honestly the man had a golden opportunity to Invade the Westerlands, Sack Lannisport, Take Fair Isle, and just generally be King of the Western Coast. Too bad he had a raging murderboner for the Starks that overrode all logical thought. Plus with the way things were set to turn out in the North afterwards. No thanks.

Renly was a fool, pompous, arrogant, and likely to get himself killed even if I were able to save him from death by shadowbaby. Stannis would be a better choice as a leader, but I don't know if I'd be able to get him to listen to me in time for the Blackwater. Plus there's the fact that he's the actual heir to the throne.

I could always sail out to Essos, that'd be a good way to grind levels until the shit hit the fan.

Too many decisions, too little time. I needed credibility if I was going to effect anything. I probably didn't have the time to work my way up the ranks reputation-wise before the shit hit the fan.

I pondered all this and more as I wandered by the future site of the Hand's Tourney. It looked like the lists were being constructed, with stands and everything. Was that a sign up desk? Hello, idea nice to see you. . .

I knew there was no way for me to get into the joust with the funds and standing I had, however the melee was a different story. If Thoros of Myr, a foreigner and a follower of a foreign god to boot was allowed in there's nothing stopping me from entering. Hell, Lothor Brune did it, and I'm like 95 percent certain he isn't actually even related to the House Brune.

I took up a place in line at the sign in desk. None of the High Lords would be in this line, of course, they'd send a page or squire down to enter for them. As luck would have it one such squire was in line ahead of me. I looked at the sigil on his tabard, a Black Ship on Green. I cannot be this lucky.

"House Seaworth, eh? Heard of you lot." I said jovially.

The lad looked back at me and said, "Aye, good things I hope?"

"Good enough to respect the seamanship of your dad. Robb Pyke." I replied holding out my hand.

"Devan Seaworth. You're an Ironman?" He replied clasping my arm.

"Aye, though we prefer Ironborn." I grinned.

"What's an Ironborn doing in King's Landing?" He asked.

"Port Call, same as thousands of other men I suspect, though you could say I'm between crews right now." I replied.

"You're not a pirate are you?" He asked.

"Sellsword actually. I heard there was to be a Tourney, thought I'd enter the melee. It's good for the reputation if I do well enough. Bring in more clients." I replied.

"I suppose that's probably useful in your line of work." He responded.

"What about you, then? You look a might young to be entering a Tourney." I asked.

"I'm not entering, I've come to enter my Lord Stannis Baratheon into the Joust. I'm his squire." He replied.

"Well, that's certainly a more important job then my own line of work." I said.

"You'd think that, but honestly it's more like I'm a glorified Servant, I polish his armor, sharpen his sword, run messages. In between all that I have lessons." He griped.

"Better enjoy the easy tasks while you can. Armor Polishing and message running are light work compared to facing men down on the battlefield, you'll be a knight soon enough, and knights are meant for war. Long periods of peace like this obscures that fact somewhat, but you forget that fact at your own peril." I replied.

Devan nodded as he reached the Front of the Line. Depositing Stannis' Entry Fee and ensuring the man got a Spot on the Lists.

Before he left he turned to me and said, "You know I've heard stories about the Ironborn from Lord Stannis, he paints you all as vicious and cruel. But you. . .you're an alright sort. I hope you do well in the melee."

+75 Reputation with House Seaworth

Persuade has leveled up!

That's interesting. . .

Suddenly it was my turn.

The Functionary sitting at the table was dressed in the Livery of the Royal Household.

"Name, title, and event you wish to enter." He said with a resigned tone of voice.

"Robb Pyke, Sellsword, the Melee." I replied

The man looked up from his papers to regard me carefully. He looked like he had just stepped in something.

"You understand there will be an entrance fee, 150 Silver Stags for a spot in the melee. . ." He said.

"Of course." I replied as I handed over the bulk of my cash.

"Very well, sign here. You have three weeks to prepare. Return here no later than 10 in the morning on the first day of the Tourney for the melee, else you will forfeit." He said. I quickly scrawled my name on the lists before leaving.

A Quest has been Created!

Melee of the Hand!

Main Objective: Place in the top 5 Fighters in the melee

Additional Objective 1: Place in the top 3 Fighters in the Melee

Additional Objective 2: Place in the top 2 Fighters in the Melee

Additional Objective 3: Become the Victor of the Melee

Additional Objective 4: Be the one to defeat Thoros of Myr

Additional Objective 5: Be the One to Defeat Ser Balon Swann of the Kingsguard

Main Objective Reward: 2,500 Experience, 100 Golden Dragons, Increased Reputation with the Iron Throne, Lannisters, And Starks

Additional Objective 1 Reward: 5,000 Experience, 1,000 Golden Dragons, Increased Reputation with the Iron Throne, Starks, Lannisters, and Tyrells

Additional Objective 2 Reward: 7,500 Experience, 10,000 Golden Dragons, Increased Reputation with the Iron Throne, Starks, Lannisters, Tyrells, Baratheons

Additional Objective 3 Reward: 10,000 Experience, 20,000 Golden Dragons, Increased Reputation with the Iron Throne, Starks, Lannisters, Tyrells, Baratheons, Littlefinger, Varys

Additional Objective 4 Reward: 5,000 Experience, 100 Golden Dragons, ???, ???, Increased Reputation with the Iron Throne, Lannisters, Baratheons, and Tyrells

Additional Objective 5 Reward: 5,000 Experience, 100 Golden Dragons, ???, Decreased Reputation with the Lannisters, Increased Reputation with the Iron Throne, Starks, Baratheons, Tyrells, Littlefinger, and Varys

Failure: 2,000 Experience, possible Injury


Of course I accepted. Some of those rewards were just too good to pass up. Now I just had to figure out a way to train my ass off.

Welp, looks like it's time to figure out Instant Dungeons.