The siege lines had been drawn up earlier. My troops were waiting for Stannis and the fleet to arrive from the blockade. In the meantime we built siege works around the city. With so many men helping to construct it, the work would be done in a matter of days and our flanks would be protected from any relief army sent by either Tywin Lannister or Mace Tyrell. As my troops worked the garrison occasionally took pot shots at the ones digging the earthworks with archers. We replied with ballistae fire, finally employing siege weapons, which honestly we should have used before now. It seemed that nobody but the Lannisters wanted to sit out a siege behind walls. At any rate our answering fire managed to scatter the few archers brave enough to trade fire with us. Three days was all it took for us to ring the city with Roman-style siege works. Three days also saw the arrival of Stannis and 15,000 extra troops.
"Lord Irons, it seems you've been busy," said Stannis in greeting.
"I've been busy winning a war for you, my liege. It's been surprisingly easy thus far," I grinned back.
"Well as soon as the fleet arrives from the rally point, we can get on with the taking of the city," said Stannis.
"If I may offer a suggestion, my liege, the Blackwater is a narrow channel and I am unsure if you realize this, but I came across a numbered cache of wildfire whilst exploring the underground of the city. It suggests there are more caches. I've met the imp, and what he lacks in physical prowess he makes up in intelligence. He most likely knows about the caches. If we are to take the city, the survival of the fleet is paramount. He knows that too," I stated.
"I know there's a point in there somewhere, Lord Irons. Do get to it," ground out Stannis.
"Yes, well the point is that the imp has most likely repurposed at least some of the Wildfire Catches. His most likely target is our fleet, as I see no catapults or ballistae on the walls, he likely plans to turn one of the few ships he has left into a fire ship. If you would send the order to the fleet for a dispersed order of battle we could avoid massive destruction of a crucial force for victory," I replied.
Stannis nodded and said, "A sensible precaution. I will send the order. In the meantime, I see you have been building siege works, what have you seen of the enemy?"
"Every now and again their archers fire off a volley as we get within range of their bows, but we always reply with ballistae fire. A little bombardment typically sends them scurrying back. We've not lost many men to this, barely a hundred if that. I estimate casualties amongst their archers as roughly twice that. We can afford it, they cannot. Also I have had my crossbowmen shooting down every raven coming into or out of the city. It seems Tywin Lannister is gathering an army from the Westerlands and Reach to relieve the siege. He won't arrive for a week and a half or so however. So long as we capture the city before then we'll be fine," I reported.
"Very good. The fleet's rally point is but a half day's sail from here. They should arrive tonight. We'll assault then. What preparations have you made there?" asked Stannis.
"Aside from fieldworks and ballistae? We have constructed a few siege towers and many more ladders. There aren't enough trees north of the Blackwater for all siege towers," I replied.
Stannis nods and says, "We have ladders as well. You have done well. Order your ballistae to begin bombardment of the walls in preparation for an assault once the fleet arrives. I will have my own siege weapons do the same. With any luck, we'll have the city by tomorrow morning."
I gave a salute to Stannis and relayed the bombardment orders and then went over the notifications that popped up while talking with Stannis
That was a lot of reputation gain and loss. It hit me that this was probably for the whole campaign thus far. That night I could see sails from the sea, the battle was about to begin. . .