
Garnari In The Sun

Eun Ha is a mafia in today's world, who was betrayed by her own friend.  He was chased and shot to death, then fell into a whirlpool. But when he wakes up he is trapped in the body of a woman in the era of the Joseon Kingdom far in the past. But the woman's strength and resilience did not disappear, she must be able to survive in the midst of past conflicts and try to find a way to return to the future.

Pingky_Icip · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Reunion Guise

Baek Hyeon walked slowly, he seemed to have lost his life, suddenly someone called him from behind but Baek Hyeon didn't hear him because he was walking dreamily.

"Baek Hyeon!"

"Baek Hyeon!" called the Crown Prince back, Eunuch ran to get a pebble and then gave the pebble to the Crown Prince.

"Your Majesty, you better throw it with this," said Eunuch.

The Crown Prince took the pebble from Eunuch's hand, then the Crown Prince threw the pebble at Baek Hyeon's back.

"Ugh!" Baek Hyeon was surprised then saw the Crown Prince standing quite far from him.

"Ah, Your Majesty, were you the one who threw pebbles at me?" Baek Hyeon asked.

"It's not important, I want to go out with you for a while, are you busy?" said the Crown prin Princece.

"Even I don't know what my job is," Baek Hyeon mumbled.

"Of course Your Majesty," replied Baek Hyeon to the Crown Prince.

The two of them head to the residence of the Crown Prince, minister Lee looks at the two of them. They entered the Crown Prince's room, the Crown Prince told Eunuch to stay inside.

"I heard you've been to Mr. Moju's house right?" asked the Crown Prince to Baek Hyeon.

"Why do you ask?" Baek Hyeon asked confused.

"I want to meet him," replied the Crown Prince.

"Why should I, Your Majesty? Today is my first day working at the Bureau of Investigation, I can't just leave," explained Baek Hyeon.

"Are you going against my orders?" asked the Crown Prince looking at Baek Hyeon sharply, immediately Baek Hyeon froze.

"Ah, your highness.. are you threatening me? I don't like it like this, your highness.." Baek Hyeon whined.

"This is one of your duties in the Bureau of Investigation," said the Crown Prince.

Baek Hyeon was silent, Eunuch gave clothes to Baek Hyeon and Crown Prince. They both changed their clothes, Eunuch helped the Crown pri Prince tidy up his clothes and put on his hat.

"I don't want anyone to follow us, neither can Kang Uk," said the Crown Prince to Eunuch.

"What? How could it be so noble, this might be dangerous, he must protect you," replied Eunuch.

"There is a member of the Bureau of Investigation, I feel safe," replied the Crown Prince, smiling at Baek Hyeon.

"What? Seriously, Your Majesty, let your bodyguards come along so I can feel at ease," replied Baek Hyeon in surprise.

"Let's go," said the Crown Prince and walked through the secret door behind his bed.

"Your Majesty this is not true, ahh .. Your Majesty," said Baek Hyeon panicked and followed the Crown Prince.

They walked out through the back door of the palace, this was the first time walking with the Crown Prince outside the palace and made Baek Hyeon scared, he didn't know when danger would come.

"Your Majesty, is this harmless?" Baek Hyeon asked.

"Actually this is dangerous, but if I bring Kang Uk, I think it will be very conspicuous," replied the Crown Prince.

"What about Kang Uk? I think it's you who stands out," replied Baek Hyeon casually.

"Because I think there is something strange about Kang Uk," murmured the Crown Prince in his heart.

"Do you feel offended, Your Majesty? Your Majesty? Ey.." said Baek Hyeon.

They have arrived at the market, so far their journey has been smooth. Baek Hyeon suddenly stopped and surprised the Crown Prince, it turned out that Baek Hyeon remembered that he had not had breakfast this morning because he was late.

"Why ?" asked the Crown Prince confused by Baek Hyeon's sudden change in behavior.

"Your Majesty I'm sorry, can we have some rib soup for a while," said Baek Hyeon with an innocent face

They stopped at one of the stalls and ordered beef rib soup, Baek Hyeon was very enthusiastic about the food. The Crown Prince only looked at the rib soup and saw Baek Hyeon devour the rib soup, then the Crown Prince tasted the rib soup, the Crown Prince's eyes widened he didn't expect the rib soup in the market to be this good. He immediately devoured his food.

"Don't we have a noble mission? You want me to quickly eat it but .." Baek Hyeon's words stopped.

"Spicy rib soup is coming..." said the shop owner's mother.

Baek Hyeon was silent resigned, he just looked at the Crown Prince who was eating and had finished two bowls of beef rib soup.

Baek Hyeon suddenly fell silent and remembered something, he drank the water in his glass.

"Your Majesty, I just remembered something," said Baek Hyeon, but the Crown Prince was still busy enjoying his meal.

"Your Majesty, actually Mr. Moju is unconscious," said Baek Hyeon, then the Crown Prince was surprised and put down his chopsticks.

"What did you say ?" asked the Crown Prince in surprise.

"Aish!" annoyed the Crown Prince.

The Crown Prince left the money on his dining table then rushed off, Baek Hyeon rushed after the Crown Prince frantically.

The Crown Prince walked very fast, suddenly he turned and walked towards Baek Hyeon. With a reflex, Baek Hyeon turned around and walked away from the Crown Prince.

"Hey Baek Hyeon!" shouted the Crown Prince making Baek Hyeon surprised.

"Where are you going? I don't know the way to his house," said the Crown Prince, then Baek Hyeon walked quickly to the Crown Prince.

"Ah right I have to show the house, aish.. why the atmosphere is so awkward," Baek Hyeon muttered as he walked.

The Crown Prince followed Baek Hyeon while looking at the state of his people. He suddenly stopped, Baek Hyeon who realized there was no sound of footsteps behind him immediately turned around and saw the Crown Prince was giving the bread that he should have given to Mr. Moju but he gave it to a woman and a small child in his arms.

Baek Hyeon just watched them, he smiled seeing the Crown Prince's unchanging nature, it turned out that his friend's heart was still the same as when they were little. The Crown Prince stroked the boy's head then went over to Baek Hyeon.

"Hiya.. it turns out that my friend hasn't changed, I'm proud of you," said Baek Hyeon.

"I just gave them bread, it's nothing," replied the Crown Prince.

"Hey .. you're great hahaha.." said Baek Hyeon.

Baek Hyeon smiled then put his arm around the Crown Prince's shoulders and asked him to leave. They walked towards Mr. Moju's house, when they crossed the bridge at the market, Baek Hyeon suddenly remembered Eun Ha, he thought about where Eun Ha is now because there is no way she could go back to Mr. Moju's house.

"Over there, Your Majesty, that's Mr. Moju's house," said Baek Hyeon, pointing to Mr. Moju's house.

They entered the main door of Mr. Moju's house, the Crown Prince looked around Mr. Moju's courtyard, then Baek Hyeon knocked on Mr. Moju's door. Chin Sun, who heard a knock on the door, went straight to the front and opened the door.

"Baek Hyeon," Chin Sun was shocked then glanced at the Crown Prince.

"He's the Crown Prince," said Baek Hyeon introducing the Crown Prince to Chin Sun.

"Huh Crown Prince? My respects to your highness," said Chin Sun surprised to see who came.