
Garnari In The Sun

Eun Ha is a mafia in today's world, who was betrayed by her own friend.  He was chased and shot to death, then fell into a whirlpool. But when he wakes up he is trapped in the body of a woman in the era of the Joseon Kingdom far in the past. But the woman's strength and resilience did not disappear, she must be able to survive in the midst of past conflicts and try to find a way to return to the future.

Pingky_Icip · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Eun Ha's Plan

The situation in the palace looks fine, the king still remembers the Queen's words last night but he remains relaxed and does not fulfill the Queen's wish for the Prince to stay in the palace.

The Crown Prince came to the king's residence to say good morning and intend to have breakfast together.

"Your Majesty.. the Crown Prince is coming.." said the eunuch outside the room.

"Enter," replied the King.

The door opened, the Crown Prince went inside and paid his respects. Breakfast is ready at the dining table and has been tasted by the ladies-in-waiting.

"Good morning father, how are you this morning?" asked the Crown Prince smiling.

"I'm always fine, how about you my son?" asked the King to the Crown Prince.

"I'm fine dad, Em dad better have breakfast first, the soup will be cold," said the Crown Prince.

"Hahaha sure, let's eat," replied the king happily as the weight suddenly disappeared from his shoulders.


This is Baek Hyeon's first day serving as a royal advisor, actually he is worried about Mr. Moju and Eun Ha who suddenly disappeared, but he can't leave his responsibilities and of course he is afraid that his father will find out about last night's incident, he must investigate this case himself. And who is the mastermind behind all of this?

Suddenly when Baek Hyeon was walking towards his room, he passed the Crown Prince.

The Crown Prince smiled and was proud that his friend had worn the uniform.

"Your Majesty," Baek Hyeon said then paid his respects to the Crown Prince.

"Hey Baek Hyeon, wow that outfit suits you," said the Crown Prince admiringly.

"This is thanks to my efforts and hard work isn't it?" Baek Hyeon said in a whisper to the Crown Prince.

"Wow, you are so arrogant, I think yesterday we had an appointment not to meet in my room, why didn't you come?" asked the Crown Prince making Baek Hyeon surprised and stammered.

"Ah, that.. I um I have to hurry home, Your Majesty, I have a new dog but yesterday morning I forgot to feed it so I forgot to meet you," said Baek Hyeon lying.

"Dogs? Your dog is more important than me? Isn't that outrageous?" the Crown Prince's words made Baek Hyeon flustered and scratched his head.

"Ahh, forgive me, Your Majesty."

"Hey, come on, it's your first day at the palace, right? You'd better hurry up and do your work, you must have a lot," said the Crown Prince, ordering Baek Hyeon to his room.

"Okay, your highness.." replied Baek Hyeon paying respects to the Crown Prince then the Crown Prince left Baek Hyeon.

"Ahhh how could I forget, stupid stupid stupid .. ah! luckily he is my friend if not maybe I could have died on my first day of work," Baek Hyeon mumbled while banging his head.


Eun Ha wakes up, her hands and feet are tied with rope and her mouth is gagged, she's not fully awake yet. He was confused where he was, he tried to untie the rope that tied his hands but couldn't. The door opened and two people came in, he untied the rope that tied Eun Ha's leg and carried her away.

Eun Ha wants to rebel but she's too weak, she just looks around but the place is very foreign, it seems that the place is far from the city. They enter the room, Eun Ha is dropped on her knees in front of the person, but the person is not visible because the curtain is closed. Then the cloth that tied Eun Ha's mouth was removed.

"How are you now?" someone asked from behind the curtain.

"Where's my uncle? Let him go," said Eun Ha with a pale face.

"The rebel is safe, I will release him according to what you want," said the person.

"I want to meet him," said Eun Ha.

"You will meet at home, before I want to talk to you first," replied the person.

"Remove the rope," the man ordered to his subordinates.

Then they untied the rope that tied Eun Ha's hand, everyone stepped aside only Eun Ha was in the middle, Eun Ha was confused about what they were going to do.


The sound of the urn being cracked, then the jar shards flew like someone was controlling it, Eun Ha panicked seeing it all, she was confused what she would do.

The jar fragments flew towards Eun Ha one by one, Eun Ha quickly dodged the jar fragments, but the urn attack was getting out of control, Eun Ha's arm was scratched by the jar shards. All the broken jars were pointing at Eun Ha, but suddenly all the shards stopped within a mile of Eun Ha's body.

Eun Ha is silent with an unstable breath.

"Your reflexes are good too, I have a little advice for you, umm, your left arm is a little slow. Have you ever been injured?" the person asked Eun Ha.

"What do you want?" Eun Ha asked the person.

"I have a little interesting offer for you then you and your uncle will be safe and we will even deliver to the house," said the person to Eun Ha.

"What do you mean?" Eun Ha asked the person.

"Many people say you are not a weak woman and what they say is true, I see everything here, your parents must have educated you properly," replied the person.

"What do you want! Don't beat around the bush!" Eun Ha snapped at the person.

"Hahaha you are also not the type of person who is patient, apparently, of course I like it. Be my subordinate and according to my promise I will release you alive and I will even take you home," explained the person a little pushy.

"Your subordinate? I will be the subordinate of the person who kidnapped and injured my family? Is that worthy of being a leader?" Eun Ha replied with a sharp look.

"Hahaha don't you know that in this world life has no value, let alone lowly people like you and your uncle, the one who poisoned the Queen, she was exiled and thrown out by the palace. Luckily the palace is still kind to her otherwise she might have died, wouldn't it have been it's clear how precious your lives are," the person said to Eun Ha, he was silent.

"Uncle poisoned the Queen?" Eun Ha muttered in her heart.

"What's the point of being your subordinate?" Eun Ha asked.

"In addition to being impatient, it turns out that you also don't want to lose, of course you will get whatever you want as long as you submit to me," replied the person.

"Anything I want?" Eun Ha asks again.

Eun Ha can't believe that her uncle would do such a thing to the Queen, she agrees with that person's words, not because of her life but she joined the group to find out what really happened.