
Garnari In The Sun

Eun Ha is a mafia in today's world, who was betrayed by her own friend.  He was chased and shot to death, then fell into a whirlpool. But when he wakes up he is trapped in the body of a woman in the era of the Joseon Kingdom far in the past. But the woman's strength and resilience did not disappear, she must be able to survive in the midst of past conflicts and try to find a way to return to the future.

Pingky_Icip · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Ax Gang Discord

Baek Hyeon walked into his house, suddenly he heard his father's voice talking to someone, the topic of their conversation seemed very important, but Baek Hyeon didn't want to eavesdrop.

"Kill him!"

Baek Hyeon heard those words then his steps stopped, Baek Hyeon's curiosity arose, he walked back slowly to eavesdrop on their conversation.

The door suddenly opened, Baek Hyeon was very surprised afraid his act of eavesdropping was found out by his father. Baek Hyeon suddenly looked at his father's room. Baek Hyeon then walked towards the room, but his father called.

He had to stay calm. His father's men saluted Baek Hyeon and left him. Baek Hyeon entered his father's room and paid his respects.

"You're home? Why don't you see dad?" his father said.

"Sorry dad, it seems dad was talking about something important so I didn't want to disturb you," replied Baek Hyeon.

"You want to drink tea with dad? It's been a long time since we've had tea together," Baek Hyeon's father said and ordered the waiter to get tea.

"Tomorrow there is a new recruit for the position of royal adviser, father wants you to take the position because it has been vacant for too long," Baek Hyeon's father said as he poured tea for him.

"Dad wants me to take that position? My dad can't be an advisor," replied Baek Hyeon complaining.

"You have to take it, because it's one of the strongest positions in the job and important for dad."

Baek Hyeon was silent and then left and did not forget to pay respects to his father.

"How is the healer doing? Not yesterday you went to see him," said his father making Baek Hyeon's steps stop.

"He's fine, dad, you don't have to worry," replied Baek Hyeon and then left his father.


Eun Ha wakes up again clutching the wound on her arm, while the man is still sitting on the ground. Eun Ha runs off with the gang ax sword. The ax gang jumps over the fence and the man is surprised again, they chase Eun Ha.

Eun Ha continues to run and is still being chased by the ax gang. Eun Ha fell, blood continued to flow from Eun Ha's hands, the ax gang surrounded Eun Ha who was still sitting on the ground and continued to hold onto her arm.

"Just give up you bastard! I told you to obey me, if you obey my orders maybe your little hand won't hurt, hahaha.." said Manse the leader of the ax gang.

Eun Ha is silent, she's cornered and can't go anywhere. Suddenly someone came, he was the man who was surprised earlier.

"Hey! How dare a woman, find your equal opponent," said the man.

"Attack!" shouted Manse angrily.

Finally they fought, the sound of swords rubbing against each other sounded very loud, indicating they had a great fight. The man was not weak, he was a great fighter, one by one the gang members were injured, the man thrust his sword towards Manse, at the end of the merchant a blue light appeared slowly and formed a very sharp needle, the needle almost pierced Manse's neck. Manse's left hand signaled for his men to back off, followed by Manse and then left them.

The man approached Eun Ha and took his handkerchief to tie Eun Ha's arms to reduce the bleeding.

"Thank you for helping me without your help I might have died in their hands," said Eun Ha.

"It's okay, it's not our job to help others," replied the man.

"We'd better get out of here quickly, they might come back with more friends," continued the man and carried Eun Ha.

They return to the countryside. Eun Ha reaches the house among others because the man is worried that there will be another attack.

"Over there my uncle's house," said Eun Ha, pointing to one of the houses there.

They walked into the house, in the yard there were Mr. Moju and Chin Sun.

"Such a loser!" Eun Ha snapped at Chin Sun with bulging eyes.

"His father is a rude woman, why did you let him live in our house," Chin Sun said but his father didn't respond at all.

"Are you okay Eun Ha? Your hand is injured, let's go inside and let me treat it," said Mr. Moju worriedly, then the man escorted him into the house.

Mr. Moju checked Eun Ha's wound and it turned out that the incision wound was quite deep. Mr. Moju took the leaves and other herbal medicines and then he mashed it until smooth, then he put Eun Ha's wound which had been cleaned and tied it with a cloth.

Then invite him into his room.

"Officer Jang, what happened that he got injured like this?" asked Mr. Moju curiously.

"He's being chased by the ax gang, but I'm sure he can take care of himself," Officer Jang replies.

"What do you mean?" asked Mr. Moju again.

"He knows how to wield a sword, I'm sure he can use it." replied Officer Jang, then Mr. Moju fell silent.

"I'd better go back to the palace, I can't leave the palace for too long. Before, who was that woman, why did she come to your house Master?" asked Officer Jang.

"He's my nephew, his parents are dead so I'll take care of him," explained Mr. Moju.

"Okay I will go now," said Officer Jang standing up and paying his respects and Mr. Moju replied.

Mr. Moju escorted Officer Jang to the courtyard of the house, Officer Yang stopped in his tracks, turned around and fell silent.

Suddenly makes Mr. Moju wonder if Officer Jang suspects Eun Ha.

Suddenly Officer Jang walks up to Mr. Moju.

"How are you? I'm sorry, that time I met your son at the embroidery place he was drunk and playing with women because I was annoyed to see your son like that so I hit his head with the hilt of my sword until he fainted," said Officer Jang in a whisper.

"Why are you there?" asked Mr. Moju curiously.

"W-why? why don't you care about your child, why do you even care about me? what do you think?" replied Officer Jang very surprised.

"I'm not surprised anymore by my son's actions, but I'm surprised why someone like you is there," replied Mr. Moju.

"It concerns my work, I was ordered to go there because of work not because of what you think, I better go immediately," said Officer Jang explaining this misunderstanding.

Officer Jang pays his respects again and leaves, leaving Mr. Moju confused by his attitude.


The kingdom has started to busy preparing for the recruitment of royal advisors, the exam questions were made directly by the king, many nobles signed up because they saw the announcements on the bulletin board, some were immediately ordered by their families like Baek Hyeon because they came from a famous family.

The next day those who registered flocked to the kingdom, the last one to enter was Baek Hyeon.