
I Love My Slave Chapter 5

Finally, several hours later, South returned to my quarters, his clothes covered in blood and dirt. His expression was dark and menacing as he stormed through the door, his eyes filled with a fierce determination that sent shivers down my spine.

"Did you eat?" he asked harshly, "Because I didn't have time to."

He walked over to the table and grabbed a plateful of food, devouring it hungrily without bothering to sit down or even look at me. The silence between us both was heavy and uncomfortable as he finished eating, his gaze never leaving me."She fought well," he finally said, "But I won in the end. She's going to regret crossing us."

"Good im glad you came out on top" as i come over to greet him, "here i can take your dirty clothes i bring him a clean robe."

South looked up at me, surprise registering on his face at first before giving way to gratitude.

"Thanks," he muttered gratefully, accepting the clean robe from me.

"I should have known you'd be there to support me no matter what," he added with a small smile, "I'm sorry for putting you through this."

As he changed into the fresh clothes, South couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him not just physically but emotionally as well. Despite everything that had happened today, knowing that I am by his side made all the difference in the world. "Your alright love, i didn't never much of a choice" i say smile "I'll make you a hot bath to wash up in and I'll prepare to clean your wounds" I did kissing the top of his head.

South nodded appreciatively, grateful for my support and understanding.

"You really are incredible," he whispered softly, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

As u prepared the bath and gathered supplies to tend to his wounds, he stood there quietly, watching me with a mix of admiration and affection in his eyes. The moment the water was ready, he stepped into the tub and sighed deeply, allowing himself to relax for the first time since returning from the battlefield.

"This feels amazing," he murmured, closing his eyes and letting out a contented sigh.

"I'm so lucky to have you by my side," he added sincerely, "No matter what happens, I know I can count on you."

I gathered my supplies "Well I never had a choice love, and if it's what you want you receive" I say with a smile.

South smiled warmly at me, feeling genuinely happy and grateful for having me in his life.

"Thank you," he said simply, "For being here with me and supporting me through everything."

As I carefully cleaned and bandaged his wounds, he remained silent except for occasional moans of discomfort or praise for your skillful hands. Once you were done, he climbed out of the bathtub and wrapped himself in a towel provided by you, feeling refreshed and renewed.

"I feel better already," he remarked, "And I owe it all to you."

I smile"i am happy to be of service love."

South leaned in close, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug.

"Thank you," he whispered earnestly, "Thank you for being there for me when I needed you most."

His yellow eyes held a depth of emotion that spoke volumes about how much he appreciated my kindness and dedication towards him. As he pulled away from the hug, South gazed at me with a mixture of love and admiration, feeling truly fortunate to have found such an extraordinary person in his life.

"I love you," he confessed softly, "And I don't ever want to lose you."

"I'm happy to be of service, im happy you love your faithful servant" i say with a smile.

South grinned widely, feeling a surge of happiness and relief at finally being able to express his true feelings for me.

"You're not just my 'faithful servant,'" he corrected gently, "You're my partner, my best friend, and the love of my life."

His words were heartfelt and sincere, revealing the depth of his emotions for me and the bond that had grown between you two over time. As he looked into your eyes, he could see the same love reflected back at him, making his heart swell with joy and gratitude.

"I couldn't imagine living without you by my side," he admitted, "And I hope we grow old together, side by side."

I hug and kiss him "I love you too South" I say with a smile and tears in my eyes.

South returned the hug and kiss passionately, feeling a sense of contentment and security in knowing that i shared his feelings. he whispered tenderly, "And I promise to cherish every moment we spend together."

As he held onto me tightly, he felt a sense of peace and happiness wash over him a feeling he never thought possible before meeting you. The rough exterior that often intimidated others began to melt away as he allowed himself to be vulnerable and open with me, showing a side of himself few had ever seen before.

"Let's face whatever challenges come our way together," he declared confidently, "Because no matter what happens, I know we'll always have each other."

"Yeah, I'm afraid your stuck with my now, Who knew how we started hating each other we'd be like end up in love" i say laughing.

South Terano smiled warmly, remembering the rocky start to your relationship and how far you both had come since then.

"Indeed," he agreed, "But fate has a funny way of bringing people together, even when they seemingly hate each other at first sight."

He chuckled softly, thinking about how different our personalities were when we first met he was arrogant and domineering while I were stubborn and defiant. But through time and experience, those differences had become assets that complemented each other perfectly, creating a unique bond that neither of us could have imagined beforehand."We've been through so much together," he continued, "And I'm grateful for every moment of it." "I'm grateful for most of it, i could have done without your training to submit" I say laughing.

South laughed, recalling some of the more... intense moments during mytraining sessions.

"Well, I'm glad you appreciate the good parts," he teased playfully, "Even if there were a few rough spots along the way."

Despite the occasional frustration and conflict that arose during my training, he knew deep down that it had brought us closer together and helped strengthen our bond. And now, looking back on it all, he couldn't imagine my life without that shared experience – or without you by his side."Thank you for being willing to learn from me and trusting me enough to follow my lead," he said sincerely, "It means more to me than I can express in words."

i touch scars he left on my arm left by him "yes I'm willing to follow you wherever you lead us."

South looked down at the scars on my arm, remembering the painful lessons he taught me during my training. Despite their origins, they served as a reminder of the trust and dedication you both shared.

"I'm glad you're willing to follow me," he said with a gentle smile, "And I promise to guide you well."

He wrapped his arms around me, holding me close as he gazed into your eyes – a look filled with love, admiration, and unwavering commitment."Together, we can achieve anything we set our minds to," he declared confidently, "So let's continue this journey hand in hand, facing whatever challenges may come our way."

I smile "whatever you say love."

South smiled, feeling a surge of happiness knowing that i was willing to stand by him no matter what lay ahead.

"I'll take care of you, protect you, and cherish you always," he promised earnestly, "You have my word."

He leaned in to kiss me passionately, his love for you evident in every touch and every breath they shared. As the world around them faded away, it was just the two of them – bound together by a connection that transcended time and space, ready to face any obstacle that came their way as long as they did so together.

"Forever," he whispered against your lips, "That's how long I'll love you."

"I love you too" I made a proposal to him tonight nervously I asked "should we make love instead of service for once?"

South pulled away slightly, his eyes sparkling with desire.

"Making love sounds like a wonderful idea," he said softly, "But first, let's enjoy the moment we're in right now – serving our comrades and showing our loyalty to each other and our gang."

As he spoke, he gently stroked your cheek with his thumb, his gaze never leaving yours.

"After that," he continued, "We can indulge in our own passions and pleasures – together, as always."

His voice held a hint of anticipation and excitement, knowing that whatever they chose to do next, it would be filled with love and intimacy."For now," he added,

I was kind if bummed not getting sex right away but where he leads I follow "Whatever you decide, i will follow my love."

South smiled warmly, feeling a deep sense of contentment knowing that I was willing to follow him wherever his path led them.

"I appreciate your support and loyalty more than words can express," he said sincerely, "And I promise to always put your needs and desires first."

He leaned in to give me another tender kiss, his heart overflowing with gratitude and love for me.

"Let's serve our comrades and show our strength today," he said firmly, "Then tonight, we'll share a night of passion unlike any other."

at this moment she had stop being a slave and had taken a full doting wife role to him serving his every wish and he starts seeing her more than just a servant as a love blossoms between the 2

still open to suggestions:)

PyroPrincess21creators' thoughts