
Games Aren't the Same Anymore

Video game developer and workaholic, John Locke, gets transported to a different reality from the one he knows. In this world, there are many games, but they aren't the same ones he remembers. The technology seems to be more advanced, but why are the games so...

TMHisOurSavior · Juegos
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new story- coming soon

John rubs his eyes for the 1000th time.

He's been staying up late, thinking up countless storylines for a game he's been working on.

John really wants to finish the story today. There aren't too many opportunities that he gets to work on it. It's a game he's been passionate about ever since he got into the industry.

That industry would be video games. Although, James doesn't get too many chances to work on said video games. Most of his time is spent making sure others don't make mistakes.

Yes, James is technically working on the game, but he is more or less a supervisor in a grand production line. His studio gets commissions from companies who want to start an indie game. Just mindless work with no real vision or creativity. At least in James' opinion.

James isn't even sure if any of these games turn out to make a profit. They hardly ever do.

"Hah, another indie game, is this gonna be the same as the mobile game we made, with no one ever downloading it? I mean, what kind of name is this? Hollow Night? May as well not make a game at all, no one is gonna buy this. Bleh. I'll look at it later."

John decided to head home. Usually, this late at night, he decides to sleep in the office, but as tomorrow is a holiday, he wants to rest in his bed.

'Hopefully, a truck doesn't send me to a parallel universe,' James thought while looking at the red light in front of him.

There were barely on cars on the road, besides a small toyoma and some small bubble car, which is why James could say this joke so light-heartedly.

'lol,' James thought again with a deprecating smile, only to be met with surprise, when both the drivers in these cars got out and started firing at each other.

"Oh, shit!" James said.

Unfortunately, James' panic may have caused one of the drivers to look over and shoot at him as well.

James looked down at his chest where he felt a small pain. He didn't see anything initially as it was very dark in his car, with only the streetlight allowing him to see something like water staining his shirt.

He felt something cold substance touch his waist a moment later, only to realize a vast amount of blood was flowing down his shirt.

"Oh, shit..." James said again.

His consciousness slowly faded and he thought of all the games he never got to finish.

not sure how consistent i will be on this story, but hopefull all goes well. I would like to be consistent, but i dont want to make false promises

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