
Chapter 8

[T/N: Extra chapter because we crossed 400 collections/ people adding this book to their libraries!]

Jon watched as the docks filled with people, he was accompanied by Sansa and Ghost, they arrived at a tavern which they entered.

"Jon!" exclaimed one of the mercenaries. They all turned around and approached to hug him.

"I told you he could do it," said one.

"You said he would never come back," said another.

"You owe me ten bronze coins," said a third.

Jon smiled as he saw them looking excited.

Sam hugged him, Pym patted him on the shoulder, Grenn gave him a thumbs up from his spot at the bar table, and Jen smiled at him.

Arthur stepped forward and hugged Jon and lifted him into the air. He then leaned over Ghost and hugged him as well.

"Oh my symbol, how I missed you," he said, while the wolf tried to break free.

Adam walked over and noticed Sansa.

"I see you accomplished your task," he murmured.

"Partly" Jon answered sadly.

Adam nodded.

" We found out, my condolences, Jon, and also to you, young lady" he clarified.

Arthur listened to him and nodded.

"You saved your sister, now tell us everything, I want to know all the details," he said and they approached a table.

Jon explained everything to them, and he didn't hold back this time, telling them of his skills and his father's request. The sellswords listened without commenting, believing every word he said.

"I see, it's incredible, and at the same time now I understand why you are so strong, however, you must be careful, the Lannisters have allies in Essos too, if they recognize Miss Sansa..." He clarified.

"Do you know where?" Jon asked.

" Virtually every free city has some Lannister spy, except Pentos, I think you know why," Adam said.

And Jon knew, he had heard the rumors when he protected some nobles in Volantis with Jorah Mormont.

"The Targaryens" he muttered.

Sansa listened to him in shock.

"It doesn't matter, let's go welcome Jon and Sansa. LET'S DRINK" Arthur finished.


Robb finalized the plans with his lieutenants, Dacey waited at the entrance of the tent standing guard.

"Very well, everything is ready" the boy murmured.

The battle plans were complete, tomorrow they would abandon the protection of Moat Cailin, and begin the elimination of the Lannister army.

The boy obtained information from the lords of the Riverlands, that both Jaime and The Mountain are attacking fortifications in the Riverlands.

"If we get the kingslayer, he will be a valuable hostage," said the boy.

[T/N: B*tch PLEASE!]

The Mountain was a rabid dog, Tywin would not give a bronze coin for a lord without Lannister blood.

"But still, a rabid dog can be more dangerous than Tywin himself" he muttered to himself.

He had heard about the mountain, during the sacking of King's Landing, from his father when he told him of his desire to obtain justice for what the Lannister dog had done, but he never got it.

"Dacey," he said.

The girl entered through the cabin door.

"Get everything ready, we're leaving tomorrow" he finished.

She nodded and walked out of there.

"And here it begins"


Sansa Stark had a small shelter in the tavern, where she healed the wounded on missions with her white magic. The girl always had a table on the second floor of the tavern, it was a way to get free stay, since the mercenaries did not need to buy more medicine.

She had wanted to send a letter to Robb, at first she didn't understand why they didn't send him any information, but Jon explained to her, it really wasn't complicated, carrier pigeons have a distance limit, in Intervalia, they reach White Harbor and from there they go to the other kingdoms, but to send from Volantis, they needed to send by ship, and now with the war in the riverlands, the ships might not arrive and the letter could fall into the hands of the Lannisters.

The girl finished healing a mercenary when she felt a bright light in her eyes, she closed them and when she opened them she returned to the white room.

Sansa was pretty excited at that point, and headed to the AI at the end of the room.

Congratulations, you have leveled up.

You have three skill points to spend.

The girl smiled and pressed the player menu button.

Name: Sansa Stark

Level: 2

Skill Points 3

Exp: 0/80

You can spend three skill points.


White Magic Level: 1

cost: 20 mana per magic.

Heal: heals minor wounds.

Remove Pain: Remove the pain,

Stasis: Puts a person into a deep sleep.

Sansa did not hesitate to press white magic.

Do you want to level up White Magic to level 2?

The girl pressed the accept button. And she felt heat run through her until she was suffocating.

White magic level: 2 acquired

White magic consumes a percentage of mana per magic, some magic is attack or defense, others are activated by a time limit.

White magic Level: 2

cost: 40 mana.

Flower Coat: Creates a layer of flowers that regenerate health quickly. Lasts twenty minutes.

Cure Poison: Cures poisons.

The girl found it useful, especially the cloak, as she could help several people for ten minutes without being attentive. She quickly pressed exit, summoned one, and gave it to the mercenary who came to heal, he covered his wound with the cloak, and a few minutes later it disappeared.

She looked downstairs to see if Jon had arrived.


Jon was protecting the same noble as last time, he was in Volantis in the suburbs.

The nobleman didn't seem the least bit interested in the people trying to rob him, Jon had to take out three thieves in front of the latter's laughter.

At the tavern, the nobleman told Jon to come closer.

" Jon, how are you? Is the slave I gave you treating you well?" said the nobleman with a woman of about seventeen sitting on his knees.

"Jen behaves very well, thank you very much, sir," said Jon coldly.

The noble nodded.

"I chose a good girl for you, nice ass," he said to himself.

The boy restrained himself from rolling his eyes.

"Why did I call you? Oh yeah, I don't know if you know but there's going to be a wedding in Pentos, very soon" he said.

"Listen to the rumors, no matter how incredible they may seem," said Jon.

The noble nod.

" Yes, I didn't believe them either, to see if the beggar king, the one who was humiliated by the gold company, the one who lost seven kingdoms, could form an army. But the fame of the Dothraki changes everything" said the noble.

"Dothraki?" Jon asked.

" You didn't know, he sold his sister to a Khal of the Dothrakis. Heh, not even I would sell anyone from my family to a Dothraki, imagine what awaits her, but hey, he knew how to choose, Khal Drogo is already a legend, forty thousand men, he never lost a fight... All the cities fear him" he clarified.

"And the Dothraki understand that he must give them an army in exchange for the girl?" Jon asked curiously.

The nobleman shrugged his shoulders.

" Who knows, the Dothraki, incredible warriors for sure. Intelligent... not so much" he laughed as he said.

Jon looked curious.

" It doesn't matter, anyway, what I was telling you, I need extra protection, you know, someone strong to protect me when I get to Pentos, and also a healer... I was thinking of choosing you, what do you say? " he asked.

" You should talk to the head of the company, sir. I can't make those decisions without his permission" he clarified.

"Oh, I'll talk to Arthur, of course. His reputation has improved a lot... Maybe he knows a good healer" he murmured and Jon stepped back and let him continue with his entertainment.

Jon didn't say anything as he continued to escort the man, he stayed for an hour and the boy dropped him off at his house, and returned to the docks, where some men were waiting for Jon.

"Yes?" Jon asked.

"Where is she!?" said one threateningly.

Jon raises an eyebrow.

"Who?" the boy asked, taking out his sword.

"Don't play dumb, the Lannisters put a price on whoever brings her, where is Sansa Stark?" said another.

Jon cursed.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said.

" Well, I guess we'll have to push a little" one of them muttered and jumped towards Jon with his sword raised.

Jon easily dodged it and attacked the man, piercing his stomach.

Another 5 remained.

Two of them launched together.

"Quick attack," Jon muttered, and he stabbed one through while punching the other with his fist.

The other two quickly came out and surrounded him, Jon dodged the attacks and was kicked to the ground, by the one he had hit.

He rolled and stood up with his sword in defense to stop a mercenary's attack. He quickly put his weapon in defense and stopped another attack.

"Strong attack" he whispered attacking, one of them lost his weapon and his head, and the other two regrouped.

"Are you going to help?" one of them asked the last one who was watching everything from his place leaning against the wall.

He smiled.

" Do your best, boys" he said with a smile.

" You won't get your share if you don't do anything!"

The others growled and attacked.

Jon cursed as he watched them attack in coordination, dodging an attack that grazed his shoulder and punching one and knocked him unconscious.

"Quick attack," he said louder.

"What?" the mercenary heard him but was pierced in the stomach.

A clap was heard as the mercenary leaning against the wall clapped.

"Very well, you are good, you killed three of them and knocked out one, not bad," he said standing up and unsheathing his scimitar.

Jon frowned.

"You're one of the greens. Tell me, do you have the girl? " said the mercenary.

" No" Jon pointed his sword at him.

The mercenary saw him and smiled.

" You're lying. It's impressive that you were able to rescue her from Westeros. Lord Tywin asked me to tell you something if I ever found you," he indicated, putting himself on guard.

Jon raised his sword in a defensive position.

"The Lannisters always pay their debts" the mercenary whispered and launched into the attack.

Jon couldn't avoid the attack, it was very fast.

" This guy is good," He thought.

"Quick attack" he whispered and attacked, the mercenary smiled and evaded the attacks, he had almost the same speed now but Jon needed to use his magic.

" He's an elite assassin," he thought, evading an attack.

" He knows I'm with the Greens, if I escape, Sansa will be caught, I must kill him, " the boy thought.

" Maybe a summoning, not much time…And my magic will be seen, what does it matter…Now what matters is killing him…I must surprise him " he thought.

"Fire aura" he muttered and his sword glowed.

The mercenary frowned.

"Did you do something?" he asked.

" Good instincts," Jon thought.

The sellsword shrugged and attacked Jon, who defended himself. The sellsword quickly walked away, frowning an eyebrow.

"I felt hot" he muttered and attacked back.

Jon swung a blow at him, and a flame escaped from his sword. The mercenary stepped back after receiving it, rolled over on the ground, and got up.

He smiled.

"Of course, a typical wizard, that's why you were able to escape from the red fortress... Hahaha, I'm sorry kid, I already have experience killing wizards, the trick is to attack quickly before they conjure something, in your case... Just evade the sword" he indicated and launched himself.

Jon couldn't avoid it this time, the scimitar cut through the flesh on his thighs, and he fell to the ground.

"It all ends, you put up a good fight, one of the best I've ever had, but it's all over, boy, goodbye," he says raising his sword.

"HE'S MINE!" someone shouted and Jon was hit by another mercenary from behind.

"Did you wake up?" asked the one with the scimitar.

"He killed my friends! He's mine!" he exclaimed to him, he kicked Jon in the ribs and turned him around, his sword about to kill him. But Jon reacted and threw his sword upwards, stabbing the mercenary's jugular, he looked at Jon in disbelief before being set on fire, Jon saw a bright light blind him, he opened his eyes and was in the white room.

The boy walked to the console.

Congratulations, you have leveled up.

You have four skill points to spend.

Jon pressed the character menu.

Name: Jon Snow

Level: 8

Skill Points 4

Exp: 0/440

You can use four skill points.


Swordsmanship Level: 3

Strong Attack: Gives an attack bonus.

cost: 15 mana

Quick Attack: Gives a speed boost.

cost: 20 mana

Fire Aura: Gives a fire bonus to your attacks, 40 percent chance of burning the opponent.

cost: 30 mana

Magic Invocations Level: 3

Cost: 10-60 mana


Small fish (Random, no more than 10cm)

Small animals (Mouse, beaver, rabbit, crow)

Medium fish (random, no more than 30 cm)

Medium animal (fox, elk, goat)

Big fish (random no more than 90 cm)

Large Animals (Wolf, Horse, Bear, Wild Boar)


Piece of meat (Cow/Pig/Chicken/Fish), knife, carp, wood.

Vegetables (Tomatoes/Lettuce/edible plants) sharpening stones, fire stones, leather.

Fruits (Apples/Grapes/Peaches), family-size tent, mattresses, wooden spleens, saddle, bronze ingot.


Equipment, everything that creatures kill, create, or gain, gives experience to the user.

Vision Magic: You can activate vision, which allows you to see through the animal's eyes.

Cancel magic: you can cancel the summon and recover half of the mana spent.

Does not spend mana.

The boy pressed the sword.

Do you want to level up your swordsmanship to level 4?

The boy pressed yes, and the pain appeared again, images clouded his head.

Swordsmanship Level: 4 acquired

cost: 40 mana.

Ice Aura: Gives an ice bonus to your attacks, 50 percent chance of freezing the opponent.

The boy did not hesitate to exit.

" Well, too bad, you killed him, now all the reward is for me... Hehehe, ready boy? " he murmured.

Jon barely got up.

"Ice aura" He muttered.

The guy attacked, ripping Jon's chest open.

"It's all over" he indicated.

Jon smiled at him.

" Yes," he said.

The mercenary blinked and felt an immense pain in his hands, he looked at them and noticed that they were covered in ice.

"AAAAAAHHHH!" he screamed in pain, dropping the scimitar.

Jon was faster and embedded his sword in the man's stomach, the man turned into an ice statue and the boy struck again and shattered it.

Jon sighed with exhaustion and pain and ran to the tavern, where Sansa screamed when she saw him and began to heal him.

Jon explained everything to Arthur.

"Very well, there is no option, I will accept Aven Tronk's proposal, to take you to Pentos with him, and Sansa will be the healer he wanted, at least you know that the Lannisters are not in Pentos, as for the Targaryens, just stay away from them" Arthur told him.

"Will the mission be to protect Tronk?" he asked.

Arthur shook his head.

"Not exactly, the mission is to escort him to Pentos, from there, you will serve as a guard to the Targaryen king and accompany him until he makes his conquest in Westeros, Sansa is needed more than anything, for when his sister gives birth to the son of the Dothraki " Arthur explained.

Jon sighed, no choice.

" Very well " he murmured and then turned to one of his best friends.

"I need a favor…But it will be dangerous, very dangerous" he indicated.

Pym looked at him.

" Whatever you need," he said with a smile.


Arya sighed in frustration, she had been Tywin's servant, and she wanted to slit the old man's throat, but she held back for the moment.

The girl passes by some guards and one of them approaches her.

The girl turns around and recognizes his face as one of the criminals she saved from dying in the cage that was on fire.

" The girl saved Jaqen, the girl will give three names for Jaqen to eliminate," he said.

" Are you a hitman? " she asked.

"Jaqen a faceless man, servant of the god of many faces" he indicated.

The girl thought for a moment.

" Can you eliminate the guards guarding the door? " she asked.

" Names," he said.

" I don't know, I just want to get out of here, can you take out the guards? " she asked.

" In two nights" he finished.

" Two nights? " she muttered.

Jaqen walked over and placed a gold coin in her hand.

"And this?" she asked.

"Valar Morghulis" he said.

"What?" She asked.

"Valar Morghulis remembers that"

[T/N: Yeah! Some real supernatural action! If you enjoyed this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. If you can't wait for more chapters then check out the P@treon or my Ko-fi, if you like this book maybe you'll like my other one, Invisible-A Harry Potter FanFic.]


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