
Chapter 31-[Unexpected meeting]

Jon looked around the central table, there was a group of men, who would be in charge of Yunkai.

Mel Abrante of the Bees, a mercenary who would be in charge of Yunkai's security.

Two of his lieutenants would help as captains of the guard, in domestic and military matters.

Daario was offered to be one of them, but the man refused, preferring to attack Meeren, in his own words, 'I serve more in battle than with paperwork.'

Asher Sunday, a merchant who supported Jon and was known for not owning slaves, was left in charge of the central market of Yunkai.

Louise Mirr is in charge of creating ships, military and commercial.

Federeic Tor a former peasant, was given authority in managing fields.

James Arenas, was given the name of master builder and would replace the buildings, now that they built the city doors.

Jon left them in charge, since he should attack Meeren, the information brought by Daenerys said that the warships arrived at the slave city and that its masters would have also hired a dozen mercenary companies.

Jon planned to leave as soon as possible.

Sam's news was that the Drakon Center has been completely upgraded and is being used, miners are being sought by Adam in hopes of starting to open the mines and begin trading.

Jon looked at everyone, Danny had decided to return to Valyria, to help Sam with contractions and with translations.

Jon had promoted Missandei to the position of royal councilor, a high position, but Jon had decided to do so because of the former slave's skill not only in language, but her business knowledge of her former masters.

The boy distributed the orders, he could see dozens of ships in his seas, commerce was beginning to appear again.

Jon wanted to quickly attack Meeren, giving the masters little time to react, right now his objective was to increase his armies and abilities.

Many of the men obtained in battle accepted his rule without worries, already accustomed to constantly changing leaders.

Jon didn't trust them much, but he didn't have much of a choice.

His army, with which he would attack Meeren, was about seven thousand, and they would face an opposition of between ten to twelve thousand.

[T/N: Not the worst odds, it's not even 2:1.]

He wasn't really a bad number, Meeren's superiority was clear, but mercenaries change sides quickly if they are offered better prices, Daario is proof of that.

The problem with Meeren was the walls, the city was better protected than Yunaki or Asaptor. Jon needed to destroy the gates, unfortunately the siege engines capable of such destruction were not possessed by the boy.

Both Asaptor and Yunkai possessed a pair of stone throwers and catapults, but they were not strong enough to destroy the large metal and stone gates of Meeren.

[T/N: Heavy class BALISTAS!]

Even if they were, the boy knew that transporting them to the other city required manpower that he did not possess.

His only option would be ships, but Meeren, easily quadrupling his, would be at the mercy of the masters.

The attack on Meeren would be a land attack, unless a miracle occurs and he can obtain more ships.

Something the boy doubted.

"I must increase my level and skills," he thought.

And that was his best weapon, his magic.

If he killed many enemies, he could quickly increase his chances, and take Meeren by surprise, just as he did in Yunaki and Asaptor.

His sword levels were really high and useful, both his basic attacks and Strong and Fast Attack were always active in battle, his auras of fire, ice, lightning, and blood had saved his life on countless occasions. His counterattack had even defeated Mercenaries three times the size and creatures, but that only served in close-range combat.

On the other hand, his summoning magic had been used constantly, draining his mana, but it was also just as useful in battle. His current level allowed him to invoke wishes from creatures, increase their strength, understand them, and make them understand you, or even observe the enemy with his eyes.

Jon had chosen to summon sharks and whales against enemy ships, to prevent them from attacking and concentrate their attack on land. Wolves, pythons, bears, wild boars, lions, and jaguars are incredibly strong in battle. He could also summon horses to increase his cavalry.

His additional survival invocations allowed him. Quickly obtain places to rest, such as tents, or to make plans such as war tents, not counting food, which if basic could keep his resources completely full until they reach Meeren.

The boy sighed, he required more strength to dominate Meeren, he required more allies.

No matter how much he planned, he needed to keep Meeren's ships at bay if he wanted to win.


Sam thought carefully about the Drakon Center.

It was different from the Valyrian city.

It was more focused on military training, and raising Dragons.

The entrance to the volcanoes was clearly visible.

Several rails led on a stone path to the volcanoes.

They were divided between the mines, and a part further down, which Sam predicted were Dragon nests.

He had found more than a dozen fossilized eggs.

Dragon eggs, which looked like precious stones.

The boy imagined the creatures being born and protecting Valyria.

"Sir," the man heard.

He turned and looked at one of his subordinates.

"Yes?" he asked.

"We have captured some pirates, or rather slave traders, they come from Westeros," he said.

Sam furrowed an eyebrow.

"Well?" he asked.

"The slavers were eliminated at the orders of Mr. Arthur, but the slaves are waiting for orders" he clarified.

Sam sighed.

"They had to be from Westeros? "He thought with fear of being recognized.

He followed the guard and saw that there were some people. All women, their shapes seemed to be from northern Westeros.

There were seven women, one with a baby in her arms, the oldest looked more than fifty years old and the youngest no more than seven.

"My name is Samuel Tarly, please explain the situation," he said.

The oldest of them looked at the man.

"We are Craster's women, we come from the north, beyond the wall, from Craster's Keep," she answered.

'Savages?' Sam thought.

"They were caught by slavers, it seems," Sam said.

"We fled from our shelter, after men from the night guard killed Caster, and used us as toys, the slavers tricked us, and captured us" she explained.

Sam nodded.

" Very well, you will be offered a basic stay in Valyria, simple rules, you work to eat, if you work hard, you will obtain greater benefits," he said.

The old nod.

"What kind of job?" he heard.

He turned to see who was asking, he froze at the image, the girl looked no more than seventeen and with a baby in her arms.

She had dark hair and a haggard face. Still, Sam was floored by her innate northern beauty. With brown eyes, a kind look.

"Eli, stop it" the girl heard the old woman. And she lowered her head.

It was then that Sam understood what she meant.

"Do not be afraid, they will not use you here, Valyria has an anti-slave law, you will not go to brothels or things here, I see that you are from the countryside, we have fields to work" he said.

Eli seemed to calm down at that.

He looked at the children.

"The children will be assigned easy tasks," he clarified.

"I'll start organizing them, names and ages," he said.

"Ferny, 47," said the oldest.

"Dyah, 32," said another

"Nella, 28," said a third.

"Eli, seventeen," said the one who caught Sam's attention with her baby.

'Eli, nice name' he thought.

[T/N: THIS IS A NO GO ZONE MAN! Just kidding I know that in olden times we used to marry and have children at ages starting at 12, for that world's time period she should be sort of late, though that was only because we only lived till like maybe 30.]

He couldn't help but look at the girl one more time before moving on to the girls, Shana, Siber, and Lance.

Sam gave orders to the men to take them to Arthur to escort them to the fields.

The image of the sweet wild Eli remained etched in his mind.

"What am I thinking?" he murmured.

[T/N: YES! Be saved my man, do not let the child tempt you, wait another year and she's legal.]

He was Samuel Tarly, not some lovestruck fool.

"The heat must be affecting me"


Arya walked through the streets of Volantis, trying to learn something new.

She heard several rumors.

Daenerys Targaryen.


The king of Valyria.

The new king of Astapor.

The new King of Yunkai.

Thousands of mercenaries arrived in the city.

But they were just rumors.

Arya couldn't decide what to do, getting to Valyria through the smoking sea was almost impossible.

Yunaki and Astapor were controlled ports.

Going on foot would take months.

The girl heard several rumors about the Green mercenaries.

Who were formerly of Volantis, but disappeared on a mission.

"I have to do something," she muttered.

The greens were a group of mercenaries, Jon's letters said that he had joined that group.

She left the place and felt a gaze on her.

The girl followed the path and entered an alley, where a couple of men were waiting for her.

"Look what we have here?" she heard.

She saw a big man waiting for her.

"Arya Stark…Oh sorry, Princess Arya Stark, sister of King Robb "he said with a mocking bow.

Arya didn't say anything, she just pulled the sword out of her sheath.

"A wild wolf, as the rumors say," said the mercenary.

"A wolf in heat, after we finish with her," said another, laughing.

"You remember the orders, the Starks are handed over to the Lannisters," the first one said.

"The orders do not clarify if they must be virgins," he said.

Another burst of laughter was heard.

Arya got ready and the men approached her.

It happened in a second, she heard it and felt the whistle when an arrow passed by her and hit a mercenary.

"What the devil? "Said the leader of the mercenaries when he saw one of his men running.

Some battle cries were heard and three men carrying swords and one at the end of the street with a crossbow attacked them.

Arya said nothing to the help and quickly attacked the closest one with Needle.

Her support arrived and they fought with the others, Arya supported them, and threw a knife at a man's leg, he screamed and could not avoid being pierced by the sword of another mercenary.

Arya went towards another, stabbed him in the stomach, he fell and then the girl pierced his heart.

A bright light illuminated her eyes before reaching the room. Arya sighed as she saw the white room.

She couldn't believe that she had almost been caught by the Lannisters.

She noticed clearly that her hiding was useful for espionage and assassination missions, not so much for when they were chasing her.

Also who were those mercenaries who helped her?

"Why did they help me? "the girl muttered.

She heaved a tired sigh and began to think about her strategies.

"I need to change strategy, a new magic," she muttered.

She headed to the computer.

{Congratulations, you have leveled up!

You have six skill points to spend.

Name: Arya Stark

Level: 9


Faceless Assassin (+1 skill point)

Skill Points 6

Exp: 0/590


Concealment Magic Level: 5

You have selected Black Magic.

Do you want to spend a skill point to obtain the skill?}

Arya pressed yes.

{Black Magic level: 1 skill acquired}

The room lit up and Arya felt cold, intense cold, and then she felt her bones creak, her eyes darkened, and dizziness tormented her.

{Black Magic level: 1

Cost: 20 mana per spell

Weakness: weakens an opponent for a short period of time

Slowdown: Slows down an opponent for a short period of time}

The girl nodded before pressing black magic once more.

{The player has selected Black Magic.

Do you want to raise the level of Black Magic to Level 2?}

She pressed yes.

{Black Magic skill level: 2 acquired}

The room lit up again and Arya felt cold, intense cold, and then she felt her bones creak, her gaze darkened, and dizziness tormented her.

{Black Magic level: 2 acquired

Cost: 30 mana per spell

Paralysis: Paralyzes the opponent for a few minutes

Blindness: blinds the opponent for a few minutes}

The girl nodded, it was enough for now. She quickly left the room. Arya noticed that the mercenaries that attacked her were dead.

She turned to see her support, they left leaving a man to approach her, he was her father's age, with a pointed mustache.

"Your enemies have discovered you, Arya Stark, after so many years without being seen, you made a basic mistake, my dear," the man said.

The girl sighed before nodding.

"Thank you for the help," she said.

"What are you doing here? "asked the old man.

The girl looked at him indecisively.

"The elephants of Volantis are all being paid for by the Lannisters, my dear...You entered the lion's den," he said.

"The Lannisters?" she said.

"Your brother Jon and Sansa didn't tell you anything," he said.

"I haven't seen my brothers in years," she said, confused.

"So what are you doing here, did Robb send you to ask me for something?" he asked.

The girl blinked.

"Why would Robb send me to Volantis? I am here, to seek information from the Targaryen girl, and the king of Valyria," she informed.

The man blinked and then laughed out loud.

" By the gods, then you don't know anything... Oh of course you don't even know who I am, what a fool I was " said the distracted one.

The girl looked at him curiously.

"You and I Arya Stark are family," he said.

She looked at him in surprise.

"Family?" she asked.

This nod.

"First of all, let's go to my house, this place has more ears than you think," He said and turned around.

"Follow me, oh I forgot. I am Marshal Maegyr, and I am the father of Talisa Maegyr, your brother Robb's wife," the man finished.

[T/N: YES!!!!!! The Starks little wolf is coming home! If you like this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. If you want to read a few advanced chapters then check out the P@treon or the Ko-fi.]

[Also check out my other books, either go to my profile or search up 'Invisible-a Harry Potter FanFic', 'Searching in the Abyss', or 'Omnitrix of Justice'.]


[p@treon.com/PuddingLord]-replace "@" with "a"
