
Gamer System in Uchiha World

In the dark and complex world of Konoha, Uchiha Shisui's bold defiance against Danzo sets off a chain of events that reshapes the village. With cunning and determination, Shisui gradually seizes control of the council members, bending Konoha's politics to his will. Amidst this political turmoil, Kushina Uzumaki discovers the manipulation of her husband, Minato, and confronts Shisui in a fierce battle. The conflict results in the tragic deaths of Fugaku, Kushina, and Minato. In a desperate attempt to protect his children, Minato splits the Kyubi's chakra, sealing Yin and Yang into Naruto and his sister Himawari. In the shadows of these monumental events, an overlooked and talentless member of the Uchiha clan meets an untimely demise. However, this is not the end for him. A soul from Earth takes over his body, giving him a second chance at life. This soul inherits a unique power, navigating life with the aid of a mysterious Game System, setting him on a path of growth, discovery, and power. This is the story of Horyu Uchiha, a character marked by pragmatism, neutrality, and a thirst for knowledge. His journey is one of self-improvement and strategic maneuvering in a world rife with conflict and intrigue. Caught between the legacy of his clan and the machinations of the powerful, Horyu must carve his own path, all while keeping his biggest secrets - reincarnation and the Game System - closely guarded. 1. Smart MC: Expect a protagonist who is both intelligent and strategic. Horyu, the main character, uses his wit and knowledge to navigate the complex world he finds himself in. His decisions are often based on logical reasoning, providing a cerebral aspect to the story. 2. Selfish MC: Horyu is characterized by a certain level of selfishness, often prioritizing his own interests. This trait adds depth to his character, making him a more realistic and relatable figure, especially in the cutthroat world he inhabits. 3. Complex Political Landscape: The novel delves into the intricate political dynamics of Konohagakure, including power struggles, betrayals, and alliances. Readers can expect a detailed exploration of how different characters vie for control and influence. 4. Dark and Mature Themes: "Gamer System in Uchiha World" is not a light read. It deals with darker themes, including manipulation, betrayal, and the consequences of power. The story's tone is mature, catering to an audience that appreciates a more serious narrative. 5. Reincarnation and New Beginnings: The novel features the theme of reincarnation, with the protagonist Horyu getting a second chance at life. This element adds a unique twist to the story, allowing for fresh perspectives and developments. 6. Intense Action and Combat: Fans of action will not be disappointed. The novel features intense combat scenes and strategic battles, showcasing the skills and abilities of various characters, including Horyu. 7. Emotional Depth and Character Development: Expect a narrative that explores the emotional journeys of its characters. Horyu's growth, his interactions with others, and the personal challenges he faces add a layer of emotional depth to the story. 8. Unexpected Twists and Turns: "Gamer System in Uchiha World" is full of surprises, with plot twists that keep readers engaged and guessing. The story's unpredictable nature adds to the excitement and intrigue. 9. Moral Ambiguity: The novel doesn't shy away from exploring morally grey areas. Characters, including Horyu, often face dilemmas that challenge conventional notions of right and wrong, adding complexity to the narrative. 10. Romance: Light romance. Harem is a possbility, and matching is still in the air. I will see how it goes. Nothing certain. 11. R-18: Maybe. Not heavily, but possible.

TheFanficGod · Cómic
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184 Chs

How Does a Sword Cut Feel?


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As they resumed their training, a system message appeared in Horyu's mind:

[System Message: Progress Update

Genjutsu Manipulation:

Basic Senses Mastery:

Sight Mastery: 3%

Hearing Mastery: 2%

Taste Mastery: 1%

Touch Mastery: 1%

Smell Mastery: 1%

Secondary Senses Mastery:

Balance and Acceleration: 0%

Pain: 0%

Temperature Awareness: 1%

Kinesthesia(The sense of muscle movement): 0%

Hunger and Thirst: 0%

Time Perception: 0%

Space Mastery: 0%

Emotions Mastery: 0%

Physical Response Mastery:

Arousal: 0%

Sexual Acts: 0%

Mist Servant Technique (Level 5)]

Bidding Kurenai goodbye and expressing his gratitude for the training, Horyu set off for his home. However, his path was soon intercepted by another familiar face. Unlike the last encounter with Ino, this time it was Sakura who halted him. Her expression was marked with a frown, and her emotions seemed to be in turmoil. Sakura had harbored a deep-seated resentment toward Horyu for a singular reason—Sasuke's animosity toward him. Yet today, Horyu had saved her life, and she found herself feeling a sense of gratitude despite her lingering resentment.

"Horyu, can we talk?" she asked softly, her tone carrying a hint of uncertainty. With a sigh, Horyu agreed and led the way to the same creek where he had previously conversed with Ino. He settled down, waiting for Sakura to initiate the conversation, ready to hear what she had to say.

After waiting for a while and not hearing anything, he decided to break the silence, Horyu spoke first, his voice tinged with his usual sarcasm. "So, what brings the great Sakura Haruno to grace me with her presence? Come to insult me in a more scenic location?"

Sakura flinched, then shook her head, her hands nervously playing with the hem of her shirt. "No, it's not that... I just... I wanted to thank you. For today, I mean. You saved my life, and I..."

She trailed off, her expression conflicted. Horyu raised an eyebrow, his tone dry. "You're welcome. But let's not make a big deal out of it. I didn't do it for gratitude."

Sakura looked up, her eyes meeting his. "But why? You know how Sasuke and I... how we feel about you. Why help me?"

Horyu shrugged, his gaze steady. "Let's just say I don't let personal grudges cloud my judgment. Besides, it was part of the test. We were all there to survive, not to settle petty squabbles."

Sakura bit her lip, her eyes reflecting a mix of guilt and newfound respect. "I've been wrong about you, Horyu. You're not what Sasuke says. You're different."

Horyu snorted, his voice laced with cynicism. "Congratulations on the epiphany. But don't expect a friendship bracelet anytime soon. We're not friends, Sakura. Today was just circumstance."

Sakura nodded, her gaze lowering. "I know. But still, I owe you. And... I'm sorry. For how I've treated you."

Horyu leaned back, his eyes scanning the creek. "Apology noted. Now, if that's all, I have better things to do than bask in your newfound realization."

Sakura hesitated, then stood up, her voice quiet. "Yeah, that's all. Thanks again, Horyu."

As she walked away, Horyu watched her retreating figure, a smirk playing on his lips. "You're welcome, Haruno. Just don't make it a habit," he muttered to himself, his tone mocking.

Horyu stood up, his thoughts returning to the day's events. The training with Kurenai, the revelations about Genjutsu. Compared to those, Sakura was a speck of dust, nothing else.

As he walked through the village, his mind was already planning his next moves. He knew that mastering Genjutsu would open up new possibilities, and he was eager to explore them. But he was also aware of the challenges ahead. His path was not an easy one, but Horyu was no stranger to adversity.

Reaching his home, Horyu entered the quiet, dimly lit space. It was a simple dwelling, nothing extravagant, but it was his. He sat down, closing his eyes to reflect on the day.

Horyu had made his mind up. The twilight outside cast a muted glow through the window of his modest room, setting the scene for introspection. He would first focus on Genjutsu, alongside seals. Only after these would he focus on Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. The potential of Genjutsu, so broad and overpowering, enthralled him. The way it allowed Shisui to control Konoha with his Mangekyo Sharingan stirred a deep desire within him. Power – that's what he lusted after.

He sat down cross-legged, the room's silence enveloping him like a cloak. Weighing his options, Horyu's thoughts drifted to the branches of Genjutsu. Some required a partner, suitable for training with Kurenai. Others, however, could be practiced alone. Creating a Shadow Clone, he focused on the Mist Servant Technique, but instead of simply casting the jutsu, he attempted to recreate it from scratch, as if he were its original inventor.

His Shadow Clone mirrored him, sitting opposite him. "Alright, let's break this down," Horyu muttered, his tone analytical. "The Mist Servant Technique – it's about illusion, deception... creating a false sense of reality."

The clone nodded, an exact replica of Horyu's analytical demeanor. "But not just any illusion. It's a symphony of the senses. Visual, auditory, maybe even tactile."

Horyu leaned forward, his eyes narrowing in concentration. "So, if I were to recreate this technique... I'd start with the visual aspect. The shape, the form... it has to be convincing."

"Right," the clone agreed. "But not too perfect. Too much symmetry, and it's obviously fake. There needs to be a touch of randomness, a hint of imperfection."

He then murmured, "Auditory: footsteps, clothes, wind resistance, breathing. If I want to go into detail, heartbeat. Some Shinobi can even hear blood flow. These are all important details that can make it more real."

The clone nodded. "But the trick is in the timing. Each sound must align perfectly with the visual. Mismatched cues and the illusion crumbles."

Horyu's eyes gleamed with a mix of determination and cunning. "Exactly. Now, let's add another layer. The tactile sense. Imagine a breeze brushing against the skin, the faint pressure of footsteps on the ground. These subtle touches can make the illusion almost tangible."

The clone leaned in, its expression mirroring Horyu's analytical gaze. "So, we're crafting an experience, not just an image. An immersive, multi-sensory deception."

Horyu smirked. "Right. And the beauty of it is, the more real it feels, the deeper the victim sinks into the illusion. It's psychological warfare."

They both fell silent, contemplating the intricacies of the technique. After a moment, the clone spoke up. "What about the emotional aspect? Can we incorporate that too?"

Horyu pondered for a moment, then replied, "That's a higher-level manipulation. But yes, inducing fear, uncertainty, even overconfidence can play a crucial role. It's about exploiting the enemy's mental state."

The clone nodded. "Makes sense. So, how do we start?"

"First, we refine the visual aspect. Then, we synchronize the auditory cues. Once we have that down, we'll experiment with the tactile sensations," Horyu explained, his voice firm and focused.

The clone mirrored his actions as they both closed their eyes, focusing their chakra. Horyu started visualizing the Mist Servant Technique, but with his modifications. He imagined the visual duplicates, each slightly different, moving with a natural fluidity.

"Visual aspect is stable," Horyu announced, opening his eyes. "Now for the sound. Footsteps, the rustle of clothing, the subtle sound of breathing. They need to be perfectly synced."

The clone nodded in agreement, concentrating on generating the auditory illusions. The sounds of footsteps and clothing movement filled the air, aligning seamlessly with the visual duplicates.

Horyu observed critically. "Good. But it's too uniform. Add some randomness. A misstep here, a louder rustle there. Keep the enemy guessing."

The clone adjusted accordingly, and the sounds became more erratic, more unpredictable. Horyu nodded in satisfaction. "Now, the tactile sense. The feel of the wind, the pressure of footsteps. Subtle, but crucial."

Together, they focused on adding this new layer to the illusion. The air around them seemed to stir, mimicking the sensation of movement.

Horyu's expression turned thoughtful. "It's coming together. But we're not there yet. It needs to be more refined, more... deceptive."

The clone mirrored his determination. "Let's keep at it. Trial and error. We'll make it perfect."

As they continued their training into the night, Horyu's mind was already racing ahead, thinking of how he could use this improved technique in the field. The possibilities were endless, and he was eager to test them out.

Horyu then shook his head, dismissing the success of their current practice with a hint of dissatisfaction. "I am lacking experience," he declared bluntly.

His clone tilted its head, echoing Horyu's analytical demeanor. "What kind of experiences are you referring to?" it asked.

Horyu tapped his chin thoughtfully. "How does a sword cut feel?"


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