
Gamer in the fantasy world

Niam Borne, an ordinary college student who spends most of his time playing games dies on earth in order to save his lover. Due to his kindness and good nature he is given a chance to get reincarnated in the fantasy world of magic and sword. Not only does he get reincarnated but also ends with a special superpower called the Gamer, which allows him to turn his reality into a game. Now Niam's adventure begins in the world of fantasy as a gamer.

Hadi_Abdul_Hadi · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

The bear came to attack me with a tackle, I avoided it and attacked it with my spear a thrust. Then it came closer and attacked me using its claws, I avoided its attacks and kept attacking it with my spear. It attacked me with its claw I blocked it with my spear and went flying crashing against a tree, it came and attacked again, I dodged it and its attack cut down a tree.

"Damn that could have been me," I said as I was imagining my head torn off with that attack.

"Appraisal" I started seeing the info on the Beast. It said,

" Name: Cave Bear

Species: Bear

Ranked: C

Info: Cave bear evolution of grizzly bear, fast and powerful. Evolution caused by defeating powerful opponents. Can deliver a blow of 2 ton from its tackle and claws. "

"Okay guess blocking is out of the question," I said as I started fighting it head-on avoiding its attacks and attacking it with my spear.

Fighting with a spear was easy for me. In my previous life back on earth, I was always interested in martial arts. I loved watching action movies of my favorite martial arts actors, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Scott Adkins, Tony Jaa, and many other actors. Cause of them I was inspired to learned martial arts. My father was an expert martial artist he taught me Taekwondo, Kung fu, karate, Judo, Muay Thai Boran, and Jiu Jutsu and when he died I started taking lessons from my Grandfather and the people he recommended. I also learned how to fight with martial arts weapons like swords, knives, spears, staff, and other weapons. I used to enter martial arts competitions also did MMA and Kickboxing matches in middle school, high school, and college. My grandfather was very strict, in order to teach me self-defense and help me become capable of protecting myself in society, I was being sent to military camps to train since middle school during summer breaks. I ended up learning more martial arts like Sambo, Systema, Silat, Kali, and Krav maga in the military camps, getting trained as a soldier learning all kinds of survival tactics, light weaponry, and many other things, it was only possible for me, cause of my grandfather's connections.

I am glad I learned martial art, or else I would have been toast. The bear kept attacking with its claws, I kept dodging and attacking it with my spear. I found an opening, as I was about to attack its face with my spear, it grabbed my spear with its teeth and broke the blade.

"Oh no," I said, then it attacked me with his claw on my chest.

"Damn that hurt," I said. Its attack ended up leaving claw marks on my chest cause of my high endurance from my skill super strength, there was no major damage. My HP went down by 30%.

My Gamer system allowed me to have an HP bar for health and MP bar for magic. Whenever I take damage my HP goes down but it can be restored with potions and food like in any other RPG game.

Now my spear was broken, the best thing to do now is to retreat But I considered that cowardly.

"Looks like I have to take you on with my bare hands" I know this is foolish but it was either fight or retreat. I know I should have spent some G points on weapons but I was saving it for an item from the gamer shop and I didn't need to.

It started attacking me, I avoided its attack and punched it with my fist. The bear felt the pain I inflicted on it, my strength grew from all that training I did for the past 6 months I was strong enough to destroy a boulder with bare hands.The bear was physically strong one punch won't be enough to kill him. It went berserk and continuously started attacking me, I avoided his attacks and kept punching and kicking it. The only reason I fought him with my spear was so, so I can deliver cuts on its body and make it bleed more with my attacks from my bare hands. I knew the spear might break but this was the plan I came up with. It started getting weak due to blood loss.

I jumped in order to punch its face, it grabbed my arm with its teeth.

"I knew that you were gonna do this" I delivered an uppercut to its face, it backed off. Then delivered a front flip kick to its head. It fell down on the ground.

"Now for the final blow", I delivered a Karate low strike to the face completely breaking its skull. My low strike can break 3 layers of concrete, back when I used to be on earth but now it can break more.

A holographic screen popped up in front, it was the same screen. I forgot I changed the color in the settings from colorless to blue. The Screen said,

" Congratulations you defeated the cave bear

Rewards: 10000 G points, 10000 S points, x5 HP potions, 2x Cave bear Hatchets"

Another screen popped up saying

" Leveled up! You are now level 2 you earned the Skill 'High senses' "

"Sweet," I said.

After defeating the Bear, I recovered the loot I got myself a Cave bear pelt which was ranked C, Cave Bear tooths and claws ranked-c, and Cave Bear meat ranked C.

I checked the knife I got as a reward. I checked info using appraisal,

"Name: Cave Bear Hatchet

Rank: C

Info: A hatchet made from the body parts of the cave bear. The handle made from the teeth and claws also the bones of the Cave bear boosting the power of the blade. The attacks from this weapon are at the same level as the Cave Bear strikes."

I looked at the Hatchet the handle had the face of a Cave Bear and linings of fur to make it look cool. I tested the weapons and destroyed the tree easily.

"Now this is wow"

For 6 months more I lived in Treeum, I built myself a nice hut to live in, collected more than enough meat to live through the winter, and continued training my body. After winter I decided to get out of the forest and start a journey.