
Gamer in the fantasy world

Niam Borne, an ordinary college student who spends most of his time playing games dies on earth in order to save his lover. Due to his kindness and good nature he is given a chance to get reincarnated in the fantasy world of magic and sword. Not only does he get reincarnated but also ends with a special superpower called the Gamer, which allows him to turn his reality into a game. Now Niam's adventure begins in the world of fantasy as a gamer.

Hadi_Abdul_Hadi · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

It wasn't so bad sleeping on a tree, it was pretty comfortable.

The next day, I woke up and traveled the opposite to where that bear went, avoiding that beast was the only logical thing to do.

As I kept walking I found a small cave.

"Oh a cave" I went inside, there was nothing I found a small hole in the wall, the hole was small so I crawled inside, the inside of the cave was spacious and there was light, inside the cave was a blue colored light-emitting I didn't know what was the source but I didn't care. It was a warm place with light, a perfect place to stay for the time being. I walked around and found a spring that was shining.

"What's this?"

"Use your appraisal," said the A.I.

"What?" I said as I was startled.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you," said the A.I.

"I do what?" I asked.

"Use Appraisal to look into the info of the spring, just speak out 'Appraisal'"

"Okay, Appraisal," I said.

The info popped up and it said,

"Name: Blue light spring

Class: S-rank

Info: The blue light spring capable of healing wounds, restoring mana, curing sickness, and replenishing the body. They are rare to find, 1000 in a 1 chance of being found in caves. The source of its power is the crystal that is deep within the spring and can only be extracted with magic."

"Whoa awesome," I said.

I took my clothes and took a bath, it was relaxing, used to remind me of the time when I used to take bath in the hot spring in Japan. I felt relaxed, I walked out of the cave.

"Now let's find some food, hey A.I!" I asked.

"Yes? " it said.

"Do you have a name? it's weird when I call you A.I"

"I don't have one, would you like to give me one?"

"Yes, it's a matter, in fact, yes, now what should I call you?" I started thinking about it.

"How about? V, V would be nice" I said.

"Why V?"

"cause I like this letter"

"I see then V it is, what should I call you?"

" Niam , just Niam"

I love the letter V, its the stage name of Kim Taehyung from the famous Korean band BTS, also the codename of V for Vendetta my favorite anti-superhero, and also a character in the game Devil May Cry 5.

"Okay now, what creatures are there in this forest for me to eat, " I asked V.

"Well there are boars, deers, goats, hares, Chicken, fish, wolves, bears, and also squirrels"

" By bears you mean regular bears like a grizzly or something, not another cave bear, is it?"

"There are beasts that can evolve into more powerful beasts, that cave bear is an evolution of a grizzly bear as it was the strongest among its kind"

"Okay, it's better to avoid that beast then"

"Yes that would be wise"

"Okay let's find some food"

I didn't have enough money to buy weapons, so I decided to make one for hunting, I ended up buying a strong rope from the store for 20 g points and tied my knife to a stick which I carved into a staff to make it a spear. Then I went around the forest looking for my prey.

I found a herd of boars resting, I came in front of them and threw my spear at one of them, I killed one. The other boars came towards me to attack, I avoided their tackle and went to grab my spear.

"Now then come at me" They charged at me and I began fighting them head-on using my spear. With thrust, slash, and stab I managed to slay all the boars, I managed to kill 8 boars.

I earned 1200 g points from killing the boars.

"Great " I managed to get food and also got water from the river.

Now I have food, water, and shelter. Things got easier for me.

I made fire using the lighter and roasted the meat, made myself dinner, and enjoyed the food. I checked my Character info, I noticed I didn't level up after slaying the boars.

"Hey V, how come I didn't level up?"

"You can only level up once you defeat an opponent," said V

"But I killed those boars didn't I?"

"They were not opponents they were just animal you killed as a predator that does not count you need to take down something stronger, something more of a challenge like that Cave bear"

"Now that's impossible"

"Not impossible but challenging," said V

"Well, nothing is impossible once you put a little mind into it," said Niam.

"What will you do then?" asked V.

"Well it would be nice to build a hut here but the last thing I want is a cave bear destroying it"


"I should train and be ready to fight it"

I started training myself, everyday I ran 10 miles a day to warm up my body, normally I would run 6 miles but having super strength helped me physically, I had ten times more stamina and endurance than a normal man. After running I did 5000 pushups, 5000 situps, 5000 crunches, 1000 pull-ups, also did weight lifting by dragging boulders, lifting boulders, and throwing them also relaxed my body in the spring to prevent my body pain. I ate tons of food berries and meat from animals bears, goats, boars, chicken, fish, etc.

Also practiced my fighting styles since I was gonna fight an 11 feet beast I was gonna need all the help I need.

I thoroughly trained for 6 months and my body changed a lot I was 2 inches taller and gained 10 kg of pure muscle. My body has 4 % body fat just like Terry crews. My chest, back, thighs and shin were muscular and I ended up making biceps and abs, I was really ripped. I even tested out my own strength and with the results, I think I was now ready to face the cave bear.

I grabbed my spear and put on my coat made from wolf hide, I was recently attacked by a pack of wolves and ended up killing 6 of them, I made a coat out of their hide.

I traveled around the forest and located the bear's cave. I sat outside the cave waiting for the Bear to show up. The bear came out and looked at me.

"My my aren't you a fine-looking creating," I said.

It growled at me and by the looks of it, it was hostile so it charged towards me.

"Now then let's dance," I said pointing my spear at the Bear.