
Gamer in Danmachi

A boy went sleeping and wake up in danmachi. Found out he have a shit gamer system, but wants to enjoy the adventure life free of school and he will do everything in his power to achieve that.

lucifer38hell · Cómic
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9 Chs

Chaptr 3

There's the guild at the entrance of the tower.

 I come near an empty booth.

The person behind the counter is a male elf in his 20's maybe 30's I don't know with elves as they always looked young.

"Is there a book about monsters in the dungeon?". I asked him

"Are you going in the dungeon?" he asked me


"Can I see your card"

"What card?"

"Is this your first time going in the dungeon?"


He handed me a form "fill this and then come to me".

I took the form and its mandatory waiver form and an application form combined.

I took the form from the counter and started filling out the form as my name, age I left the familia blank and fill out everything else.

 I handed him back the form.

He examined it "you didn't fill which familia you are from?" he asked.

"It's not compulsory is it" I said.

"No but you should fill it so we can tell them if something happened to you to your familia".

"I filled everything and I needed to. So where's my card".

He looked at me "Sigh.." then started going through it again and then took the stamp near him and stamped on it..

"500 valis please." he asked looking at me

"For what?" I asked.

"For the card"

I looked at him and he looked at me, we keep staring at each other, then I took out the money and gave it to him.

 He counted and said" wait a minute" and went back through the door with my form.

 As I am standing there I saw guild shop selling essential items for dungeon diving like a pouch to keep the monster cores, water bottles, dry food bars. I came to the shop and bought a school bag, 5 water bottles, a few pouch and a few dry food bars and came back to the counter.

 After sometime he came out from the back door and handed me the my adventure card.

"Congratulations on becoming an adventure" he told me

"Thank you. So do you have the book I asked for?" I said.

"Yes of course"

Then he handed me a book with information from 1st floor upto 20th floor.

"500 valis".

"What about level 21 and after." I asked.

"Those cost 2000 or more valis." he said.

"Ohh... Okay thanks for the information" I said paying him.

"Do you need an advisor?"

"No "

"Okay well good luck"

I nodded as I went away from there and towards the big hole in the middle of the floor.

There are staircase going downwards, I started walking down while reading the book I bought.

Kobold a wolf headed monster drops kobold nail which can be used to make armor or weapons.

Goblin humanoid monster drops goblin fang which can be used to make knives 

Jack bird is a rare monster who have a 100% drop rate of a golden egg worth a million valis.

Lizard type monster sticks to the ceiling like Spider-Man and ambushes people, its drop is hide.




'Okay I think I will be training on floor 1 to 5 for now.'

Here it is, the first floor entrance.

It's big and I feel excited and nervous at the same time. I went in with knife in hand, there are many people on the ground and it's a big area.

 I started walking away from people, there are tunnels too and every tunnel converge to the next entrance of floor at least that's what written in the book.

 I didn't remember much from the anime except Bell defeating monster Rex with his magic sword and big boob Loli goddess.

As I am walking away from people thinking about the world, i thought about my goal. Should I talk to people about future events but I didn't even watch the first season fully so I don't even know what will happen in the future.

Should I go and get a falna from a god, I think my gaming system will upgrade it for me so I don't really need falna from god.

Then again I am here for my own adventure not somebody else's, why should I care about future events. I will only think about myself first and foremost, that's who I was and that's who I will be. No holding hands with other people. If I want to help someone I will help them if I don't want to then I won't, I will just watch them die and won't lift a finger.

So my goal is to live a fulfilling life of adventure without any care and become the strongest in this world, after all that's every man's dream.

After having my resolution straightened I came towards the tunnel where I didn't see many people entering.

 I went inside and look around there's nobody, I took out in my sword from inventory and started walking forward.

One goblin coming straight at me, i hold my sword in front of me like a baseball bat with its edge in front of the goblin and started slashing towards him. He launched a wooden spear towards me and my sword cut through the wooden spear easily.

He backed away from my last slash. He bent forward and jump at me towards my waist and I slashed my sword downward, it hit his head splitting it open and all the brain matter spread around on the ground, on my boots and pant.

I turn around and started vomiting all I had eaten for lunch. After puking my guts out I heaved and looked back and everything is vanished from ground, my pants and boots too. I took out a water bottle to gargle my mouth and after that I drink some water.

"Fu**ing shit"

'Monsters vanishes after getting killed huh, and everything else too like blood, brain and all that. Then why was bell bathed in Minotaur's blood and what's the supporter's role then?'

'Maybe author just wanted to show off gore.'

'Ahh… maybe they carry food, water, loot from monsters, potions and extra weapons. Hmm… that must be it as I have put my bag in inventory because I can't fight with bag hanging from my shoulder.'

I went towards the monster core and drop loot and put it in my inventory.

"Do you want to sell the monster core"

A message popped in front of me

"Hoh… so I can sell them to system, nice".

 I selected "yes"

"You got 0.001 SP"

"Mother fu**er I knew it. The system doesn't want me to buy any powers fuc**ng assh**e."

I started walking forward with anger and another goblin came rushing to attack me, i started hacking at it and cut his stomach. His innards came out on the ground, my hand came up to my mouth as after a second it vanishes and in its place are monster core and drop loot.

I am dry-heaving because there isn't anything in my stomach anymore.

I never have killed anything or anyone in my previous life and saw only chicken butchered at a slaughterhouse but nothing more than that. I don't think anyone would have stomach for something like brain matters splattering or innards coming out of the body in front of you.

But you can get accustomed to it after doing it enough, now that's a chilling thought.

After dry heaving I stood up again taking the monster core and loot, putting it in inventory the message popped up again and I muted it.

I stand up to walk just then a wall crack behind me and as I turned around something tripped me and I fall on my ass.


Then it jumped and came to bite my face off, I tried to slash it with my sword but it caught my hand between it's teeth and started to swish his head around like a crocodile does with its food.


I screamed trying to kick it but having no effect.

My other free hand went towards knife on my belt, I took it out and shoved it on top of the monster's head and after a second it vanish in black smoke.

I dragged myself with one good arm near the wall, my legs feel like jelly and I feel lightheaded.

'Fu** I should have trained for some time. Shouldn't have rushed into the dungeon, fu**ing noob'.

I took out the health potion and drink all of it took out another one and put half on my injured arm, putting leftover for later use.

Energy started to come to me and my muscles and skin puncture from monster's teeth started to heal.

That was kobold, I think my shoulder is dislocated from when it was flinging me around from its mouth. I healed fully but my shoulder is still dislocated. Potion didn't do anything about it.

I stood up still felling weak started walking back towards the entrance of the first floor.

I didn't encounter anything as I walk back with one of my hand holding the other as it started to hurt.

I came out of babel tower and went towards the medical facility.

I am standing in front of Dian Cecht Familia main building. I walk inside and came near the receptionist desk "Excuse me".

"Yes" said the receptionist as she turn around.

My throat closed stopping any voice from coming out as my heart starting beating fast as if I am standing in front of my first crush. The girl has long silver hair and purple eyes, cute face, there's no one beauty I can compare her to from my previous world.

"Can I help you sir?"

" Uhh.. y-yes can you uhh.." moving my injured hand with the other, pain shot through my shoulder, I grit my teeth in pure agony "dislocated shoulder please".

"Ohh.. yes please sit there" saying she pointed to the sofa on side of the wall away from the entrance.

The moment I sit on the sofa she put a towel in front of me

 "Bite, it will help through the pain" I did as i told to do.

Putting her one hand between my neck and shoulder and other holding the upper side of the biceps 

"You will feel a little bit of pain, so I am going to count to 3 then push it back okay" she said.. Looking at her I nodded signaling her to do it


"Ugh...." biting the towel hard as pain flaring up through my arm, after second as my breathing goes down.

I started feeling cool sensations through the arm as I look back I saw magic being used on my shoulder and after seconds there's no pain anymore.

Relaxing on the seat I close my eyes feeling relieved from pain as I opened name again I saw a tray in front of me

"towel" she said.

Putting the towel on the tray i stand up rotating my shoulder a little bit not feeling any pain.

I went towards the desk where she is.

"How much?" I asked

"100 valis" she said.

Paying her I look behind her and there are various potions on the wall showcasing.

"Uhh.. can I ask you something?" I asked

"Sure" she said

"I used a potion on myself why my shoulder wasn't healed"

"If something is on a different place then it's should be then we have to manually fix it like bone sticking out of skin or like your shoulder but if it's in the same place like a hairline fracture or a cut or muscle cut off from somewhere then potion will work".


'So all that story I have read was just for the sake of the story huh'.

"What's the price for health and mind potion?" I asked.

"Health and mind potion is 2000 valis per vile" she said.

"Ok…Thank you for the help".

"That's what we are here for".

Turning around I walked out of the door.

Sun is going down as it painted the sky orange. 

I started going back to the hotel 'can't go on like this I have to find something in this shop that's worth for me'.

Voices coming from the outside as I lay on bed going through the shop section.

It's morning and I have not slept after coming back to the hotel room looking through the system and found something interesting.



Thanks for reading

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