
Gamer: Dimensional Mercenary

The MC is an angry and bitter 'hero' that has a vendetta against a powerful being that tricked and deceived him. He gets a gamer-ish power from another powerful being that will help him grow strong, but not overly quickly since it lacks some gamer functions. I don't plan to rush the story too much, but knowing myself, I just jinxed that. He will be visiting worlds that most of you are familiar with, but I might throw a curveball in the future. My grammar is... okay, I guess. I'm not a native speaker, so I'll make mistakes. If you spot them and you aren't too lazy, leave a comment for me to fix them. Chapter length is about 2500 words.

GrreedyGoblin · Cómic
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14 Chs

Harry Potter 11

"Your presence feels so weak, yet your appearance and the way Albus spoke about you, suggests otherwise." Mused Nicholas from his spot, leaning slightly on the table to take a better look at him.

"Perhaps this has something to do with this Aura Albus told us about." Added Perenelle from her side.

Michael's Zetsu was working better than he expected, considering that was his first time using it. Obviously, it was far from perfect, not even close to that, but this was a good start. With a spell or two, he could practically become invisible to others in the future while using Zetsu. As long as there wasn't anything he wasn't aware off.

"It seems so." Continued Perenelle before turning to Dumbledore. "Have you been slacking off, Albus? You might not be a natural Legilimens, but you said you could barely even hear his surface thoughts, yet they are loud and clear to me."

Instantly, Michael dropped his Zetsu and narrowed his eyes. He hadn't felt anyone probing his mind, though he suspected some may have tried so. Especially, after the hat had went through his memories like a breeze. Now after hearing the old woman's words, his guard was up. He hadn't even felt her probe his mind, but then again, his Occlumency was still at the Novice rank.

"Ah, and now they are nothing but a faint whisper." Mused Perenelle turning back to him. "Definitely not because of Occlumency, so another Aura ability." She concluded in a second, figuring out something even he wasn't aware off. Michael was far from happy from the old woman hearing his thoughts, but at least he figured out another function of his Aura. This should make it even more valuable.

Dumbledore for his part actually looked sheepish, not even daring to look either of them in the eyes. For supposedly being the most powerful wizard alive, he certainly wasn't playing the part. The two Flamels acted as if they were casually enjoying tea in their own home and not in Dumbledore's very own office. Did he respect them that much, or was there something else going on?

"You wish for Nicholas to teach you." Perenelle stated, obviously something she picked up while he was using Zetsu. "Why should he?"

"Because I want to." Was Michael's simple answer. He was a hypocrite and was aware of that, but he hated liars the most and wouldn't become one himself. Perenelle was taken back by his response, blinking a few times, as if trying to process what he said. Such a straightforward answer was not what she expected.

"Huh. You're not going to dangle your Aura ability like a carrot on a stick as you did with Albus?" Asked Perenelle. By how she was taking the lead in this conversation, she seemed to be the one wearing the pants in her relationship. "For all we know, you might not even be able to unlock it in other people." She continued.

"I do not lie." Michael growled out. Thirteen had already given him two hints before, but with his memories of Hunter X Hunter, he now certainly knew how to unlock someone's Aura. Although, it might take a bit of trial and error before he succeeds.

"Okay…" Trailed Perenelle. 'Heavily dislikes liars. Possibly have been lied before. Probably betrayed as well. Also very straightforward, not the typical wizards I'm used to dealing with. Hmm.'

Before Perenelle could say anything else, Nicholas spoke up with his eye shining bright. "You are not a human."

"He's not?" Questioned Perenelle. To her, Michael looked like one, and she was the one that specialized in medicine, so that was a surprise. Taking another look at him, Perenelle couldn't see anything different from a normal human, except for his looks.

"Part-human probably." Replied Nicholas.

"How did you figure it out?" Michael asked, but didn't deny his statement. He wasn't really planning on hiding that, as long as someone actually figured it out.

"Appearance and Aura aside, your magic is unlike typical wizards. Almost like half-Veelas but not quite." Explained Nicholas.

'That makes sense, I suppose.' Thought Michael as he nodded; Elves were very gifted when it came to magic.

"You also have a weird scent." Continued Nicholas.

"What?" Exclaimed Michael and sniffed himself, finding nothing odd about his smell. He'd even cleaned himself after his workout in the RoR, so there should be nothing weird about his scent.

"I work with a lot of ingredients. My sense of smell is very good." Nicholas tapped his nose as he said that.

"Okay." Nodded Michael, but he still didn't understand how his scent was so different.

"So. Would you be willing to share what race you are?" Asked Perenelle, seemingly very interested, judging by how she leaned in towards Michael like her husband.

"Half-Elf." Replied Michael and before they could ask the obvious question, he continued. "Not like the House-Elves. The ones I'm taking about look almost like humans. Take my appearance for example, amplify it by ten, lengthen the ears and sharpen their tips, and you have yourself an Elf."

"And a race like that doesn't exist on Earth." Dumbledore muttered, finally speaking up.

"How very interesting." Said Perenelle. "I'd like to examine you if possible." Seeing Michael's frown and guarded expression, she continued. "Nothing like opening you up like a nonmagical Doctor. I'm a witch, I have magic for that."

"I will think about it." He wasn't that confident with someone 'inspecting him.'

"Now before we move on to the main topic. I'd like to ask." Said Nicholas. "Why do you wish to learn from me?" He clearly remembered his wife's words, and seeing how Michael didn't play around with words, he was interested to hear his answer.

"I want to learn Alchemy and how to create a Philosopher's Stone." Michael quickly said.

"Is eternal life that desirable?" Perenelle asked with a tired sigh, looking sad as she did. There seemed to be a story there.

"No." Michael shook his head. "I could easily live up to a thousand due to my elven blood. Probably even more due to Aura and magic. Turning any metal into gold is what I'm interested in."

As long as he completed the objectives in this world, Michael would be sent to another one afterward. If he had a Philosopher's Stone with him, or at least knew how to create one, he would have an easy time collecting whatever resources he might need there. There were perks to having the ability of throwing around gold as if it was candy.

"Now I really wish to inspect you." Said Perenelle, causing him to shiver, as he saw the look in her eyes. "If you do…" She continued, allowing a small smirk on her face. "It will let me devise a better set of rituals for you. At least for the body. And you can barter with my husband to teach you Alchemy for your Aura, as you initially planned."

"To even start studying Alchemy, you need to be proficient in many subjects. Arithmancy, Charms, Potions, Runes, Transfiguration, and nonmagical Chemistry." Explained Nicholas, but he didn't outright refuse him, so there was hope.

"There's a reason why only sixth and seventh-year students could select Alchemy as one of their courses in Hogwarts. And even then, there hasn't been a single student in the past decade that has done so." Added Dumbledore from the side.

"That's fine. In a couple of years, I will be ready." Said Michael confidently. Arithmancy, Charms, and Runes were three subjects he was planning heavily studying, as they were the most important ones when it came to enchanting objects. He needed those if he wished to create his very own enchanted equipment. Potions could save his life in the future, so that was an obvious one. Transfiguration could change the battlefield to the user's desire and was something he would definitely need. And Chemistry… he could use the memories of his first life to learn it very quickly.

"In just a few years?" Questioned Dumbledore in surprise. He knew how many things Michael got going for himself, and despite how talented he was, he didn't think that was going to be an easy feat to achieve.

"Yes." Confirmed Michael. The moonlight was his friend, and as long as the moon shined in the night sky, he could work for much longer than normal people. Though he had to take a nap or two when the mental exhaustion started getting to him.

Nicholas jus hummed as he stared at him, but said nothing. Perenelle was the one that spoke. "We can talk about more about that later, but let us move on to the main topic, the rituals you demanded from Albus and the demon invasion you spoke off."

Michael nodded, and she continued. "Three sets of three rituals. That's something we can devise, easily at that. However, you demanded for an even better configuration… Typically, if a wizard undergoes rituals, they do the three sets of three. Not because they don't want to do more, but because their bodies will break down if they do. That has been confirmed through history, as many have tried, and just as many have failed." Perenelle paused, letting him process her words.

"This was what we were going to devise for you, although slightly more specialized. Now however, with this startling information about you, we might be even able to take it a step further. Seven sets of seven rituals. That's something never before done by a wizard, but maybe you can succeed." Perenelle and Nicholas' eyes shined as she said that.

"But I will definitely need to examine you, if you wish for those, and it will take some time for us to devise them. Or you can simply accept the three sets of three we could provide you right now. It is up to you." Michael didn't spend that much time thinking about her offer, if any at all.

"Seven sets of seven. When can you prepare them?" He asked.

"Depends. Maybe in a month, maybe in a few. There's a lot we would have to look into." Perenelle answered.

"I would prefer them done as soon as possible." Said Michael and paused, thinking over something. "And… I might be able to provide you something else in return, to motivate you." He wasn't sure if what he had to offer would motivate Perenelle, but Nicholas should be very interested.

"Oh? And what is that?" Asked Nicholas.

"Not exactly knowledge, but ideas you might be able to work on." Replied Michael.

"Albus, you still got that pensieve, right? Bring it over." Ordered Nicholas immediately after he heard that and turned to him. "Seeing is believing after all." Michael agreed with that, as he would also be able to show them what to expect in the future.

Dumbledore waved his wand from his seat and a cabinet opened up in his office. An intricately designed stone bowl flew out of it, landing gently on the table. Everywhere Michael looked, he saw runes etched on the pensieve, not understanding even a single one of them.

"I don't know how to take out my memories." Michael said, as he continued looking at the object in front of him. If the wizards of this world could create something like this, why hadn't they made more enchanted objects. Were they simply ignorant of what else they could make, or did they just think of them as useless?

"I could do it for you. You just have to focus on the memory at hand." Perenelle said, and when he nodded, she stepped closer to him. Raising her hand, she placed it beside his head and said. "Go on."

Michael focused on one particular memory and watched as Perenelle extracted a silvery substance without even using her wand. She threw it in the pensieve afterward. "Let us see what you have to offer."

They were going to see much more than that, but Michael stayed quiet as they entered the memory one by one. He was the last one to dip his head in the silvery substance. Michael appeared on top of a tall and magnificent wall, and the three others were already there, looking around.

Massive towers were all across the wall with soldiers of different races lined up on it, all wearing a serious expression on their faces. All of them carried some sort of ranged equipment, be it a staff, a bow, or even a gun. Nicholas' head was moving in a blur, switching back and front from the massive towers to the equipment the soldiers carried. Dumbledore and Perenelle however, were looking towards the horizon with narrowed eyes. It looked like a black and red tsunami was rapidly approaching the wall.

"Is that?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Demons." Michael quickly replied, watching the scene as well. He was surprised that they appeared on the wall as he certainly hadn't been on it during this attack. It seemed the pensieve was an even better magical object than he initially believed.

When the tsunami of demons neared, they were able to clearly see their demonic figures. Some were flying in the air while the others simply rushed on the ground, and all of them had twisted and crazed expressions.

"Is th…" Dumbledore's words were cut off by loud booms as the towers began firing rainbow-colored streaks at the incoming army. Fire, ice, lighting, all kinds of powerful spells flew at the demons, decimating many as they hit. However, the demonic tsunami didn't stop even for a second. They continued rushing the walls even if they had to stomp on their fallen brethren.

The soldiers on the wall began firing as well, aiming at the demons in the sky. The wizards waved their staffs, casting any spell they knew, adding on to the rainbow-colored streaks fired from the towers. A few of them focused on the grounded army, creating massive holes on the ground or raising earthen walls to stop their approach. The archers fired their bows, their hands nothing but a blur, as arrows that were lightning quick took down many of the flying demons. The gun-wielding soldiers did the same, with streaks of fire erupting from their weapons, adding on to the booms from the towers.

Despite all of the ranged attacks coming from the top of the wall, some of the flying demons managed to reach them. Their sharp nails mauled anyone they reached, taking off limbs or killing them instantly. Some picked up the soldiers, lifting them in the air and chomping off their heads before throwing them back down.

When the ground army neared the walls, the gates opened up with all kinds of races wearing different armors rushing out to meet it head-on. A majority was covered with a bright white Aura, indicating their status as a warrior. A smaller part consisted of plate-wearing soldiers that kept on casting holy spells, healing their comrades and attacking the demons at the same time. The last part of the soldiers was dressed in lighter clothes and simply disappeared from their sights, appearing behind the demons shortly after and silently taking them down.

Some of the demons started throwing black balls of fire at the wall and the soldiers when they neared, firing them rapidly. Those hit by them were burned down quickly by the corrosive flames, or if they survived, heavily cursed by them. The wall however, stood strong, as it was made of valuable materials, unknown to the three wizards, and thoroughly enchanted by magic users.

The three older people that were viewing the memory with Michael just watched in silence, not even saying a word as they observed the battle. Michael, on the other hand, focused on a single figure. Despite being covered in Aura and clearing being a warrior, he wore lighter armor and was covered with a cloak. Agilely, he avoided any attacks and cleaved any demons that neared him. Watching himself from a third-person point of view was weird, but Michael took this chance to observe his fighting style and see what he could improve. From time to time, he looked over at the wizards on the wall, seeing if he could learn anything from the spells they were casting now that he had some understanding of magic.

The battle continued on for hours with tens of thousands of soldiers dying. However, they managed to stop the invading army and the wall stood strong, although chipped from the number of black fireballs that had struck it. It was in need of some repairs, and the magical users would need to replace the enchantments on it.

Priests rushed out of the gates after the battle ended, going over to the injured and quickly healing them. Michael's cloaked figure on the ground made sure to leave the area swiftly. He was injured as well, but none would take kindly to his appearance there. Most likely, he would've been blamed for the army, so he didn't bother staying.

The memory dissolved afterward, and they appeared back in Dumbledore's office. All three of them wore somber expressions as they mulled over what they had just seen. Memories could be forged by skilled Occlumens, but this one had been too long and too detailed. Michael had also just started with his Occlumency, so he shouldn't be at the level where he could create fake memories.

"Was that the Burning Legion you spoke off?" Dumbledore asked, breathing heavily as he envision what would happen should they arrive on this world. The people in the memory had powerful magical equipment, used profound spells, and had incredible towers that bombarded the demons, yet they still suffered so many loses in that attack.

"No." Michael shook his head. "However, that doesn't mean the Burning Legion is any less dangerous."

A silence followed, as the three wizards finally realized exactly what could happen in the future. Whatever they had imagined before, this surely wasn't it. If an army of that size arrived on Earth, it would decimate the wizards very quickly, especially with how divided they were. Even united, the three weren't sure if they had a chance.

Dumbledore saw Tom as the bigger enemy initially, because it was one he clearly knew about. The old man knew how charismatic Tom was, able to rally wizards from all across Europe to his side. Earlier that day, that started to change after Michael informed him of the Burning Legion. Now however, Tom turned into a nuisance at best. Despite being a powerful wizard, he was nothing compared to the demons Dumbledore had just witnessed. An army like that could destroy Earth before the wizards could even rally up against it. However, Tom was still threat they needed to deal with, in order to properly prepare for what was to come.

"Michael." Dumbledore called out. "You said you know of future events. Can we see them now?" He asked.

"Sure." Michael agreed. "However, they are ones that don't involve any demons. It's how certain events should've happened… or could've would be more accurate."

"It doesn't matter. You already proved they could be useful by finding Ravenclaw's Diadem." Said Dumbledore. The quicker they handled Tom, the faster they could start preparing for the Burning Legion.

Michael turned to Perenelle, expecting her to be the one to extract his memories again, only to find her staring at him intensely. While the other two were thinking how to prepare to fight demons – she had that thought as well – but what was going through her mind was how clear that memory had been. Michael had definitely been there and participated in that battle. Yet here he was, looking like a kid about to hit puberty. It could be because he was half-Elf and they happened to age differently, or something else was at play here.

Perenelle raised her hand next to his face, surprising Michael as she caressed his cheek. His head snapped back, but he did note her skin felt way too soft for how wrinkled it looked. "I'd appreciate if you don't do that again." He said with a glare.

"I apologize." Perenelle quickly said. "I won't do it again." She raised her hand and this time extracted the memories of the Harry Potter movies out of him. After placing them in the pensieve, they followed after.

Dumbledore frowned as he saw how Harry was being treated, but he was already aware of what was going on there this time. At least he'd taken the boy from the Dursleys before any more harm was done. However, soon after, followed something Michael hadn't expected.

"What is this? Stay away from the third floor corridor unless you wish for a painful death?" Perenelle glared threateningly at Dumbledore. "Do you become senile in a few years, or are you already soft in the head?"

"I would never do that!" Declared Dumbledore, confused by he would do that. There were already plenty of dangerous things inside the castle and in its surroundings. Why would he add yet another thing that could surely kill students?

"Humph." Perenelle shot him another glare as they continued observing. Soon enough, it was painfully clear that the Philosopher's Stone was hidden in the school and that brought another set of questions, even from Dumbledore himself.

"Why would I need to protect the stone? In the school at that. There are much better places to hide it, if I even needed to do that." Said Dumbledore. He might be called the most powerful wizard alive, but that's because the Flamels didn't interact much with the wizarding world nowadays. Dumbledore was very talented, he could say that much, but he couldn't compare with someone who had lived and studied magic for hundreds of years.

"To drawl out Tom?" Said Michael.

"I might use a duplicate at most, but how would he even know the stone could create a body?" That was something only the three of them were aware off, and Michael now, if he picked up on it.

"Don't know." Said Michael as they continued watching.

Lots of questioned followed, even though it was only the beginning. Why hadn't Dumbledore realized Quirrell was the one going for the stone? Why hadn't he done something about it? Why were the tests so simple even first-year students were able to bypass them? What was that bullshit explanation that 'Love' protected Harry from Tom when it was obvious his mother had done it with a ritual?

Dumbledore couldn't answer most of them, as he simply wouldn't take those actions. He couldn't understand it and started questioning if he really would go soft in the head in the next couple of years. Nothing else made sense. Seeing the next few movies after, Dumbledore was sure he would either have to be senile or would take a bad potion that would downgrade his intelligence. He had no other explanation. At least, those memories served to show him what he definitely shouldn't do in the future. Besides the fact that they learned about all of Tom's horcruxes and their location. Not to mention a few people that they had to deal with, dispose of if necessary.

"Albus." Nicholas address the Headmaster. "I trust you can handle this Tom without any issues." His tone indicated he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"I will!" Dumbledore quickly said. There was just no way he would make the mistakes he'd just seen. He looked like some second-grade wizard in those memories, for Merlin's sake.

"I need to examine you quickly before we leave." Perenelle turned to Michael and continued after seeing him nod. "Just give me your hand." She raised her own and awaited for him. Michael grabber her hand shortly after, again noting that he didn't feel the wrinkles that he was seeing. A wave of energy flowed into his body in a moment, and he had to resist pulling away.

"Your… Aura is fighting me." Said Perenelle with a small frown. With a frown of his own, he used Zetsu again and tried his best to guard his thoughts with his newly learned Occlumency.

"That's better." Said Perenelle and released his hand shortly after. Immediately, he stopped suppressing his Aura.

"We will return when we have your rituals ready. Expect us within a month at most." Informed Perenelle. Devising seven sets of seven specifically for him would take some time, but she could sense her husband's thoughts. Nicholas was eager to see more of those magical towers and guns. They left afterward, leaving Dumbledore and Michael the only ones in the office.

"Blimpy will call for you when they come back, or if I need something else from you. The password for the office will remain the same for next month." Said Dumbledore, his gaze moving back to the pensieve. He planned on reviewing those memories at least a few more times. Although Dumbledore didn't think he would act like that, he could at least learn something from them.

Michael left the office and with a quick check of Tempus, he found out it was already quite late. Deciding not to even bother returning to his own room, he activated Zetsu and made his way towards the RoR. He configured it to his liking before he entered and it complied with his wishes, having a glass ceiling that gave him a clear view of the moon. The only problem was that he was hungry, and the room couldn't provide him with food, but he had a solution for that.

"Blimpy!" The House-Elf was there in a second, eagerly awaiting his order.

The next few weeks passed quickly with Michael spending most of his time in the RoR. Whenever he was asked where he went, he would simply answer he was practicing in an empty room he found without specifying where it was. Michael got a few easy detentions, giving him an excuse to spent time with the Professors. For Minerva, he simply ignored her lessons, for Filius he got caught casting a spell in the hallways, while for Severus, he just talked with Roger a few times during the slimy Professor's class.

With the RoR, Michael was making quick progress with his training, but he wasn't satisfied. He needed to be much stronger if he wanted to complete his primary objective. Despite that, the Professors praised how much he'd progressed.

During that time, Dumbledore hadn't stayed idle. He'd been researching the horcrux he had while making inquiries in the Ministry of Magic regarding Sirius Black. Slytherin's Locket was in place they could only enter with his help. Dumbledore had little success so far, but he had confirmed that Sirius had been thrown into Azkaban without a trial. Getting him one would be hard, but his inquiries had spurred the interest of Amelia Bones. She was someone who Dumbledore felt he could trust. Plus, they would need the support of the Aurors in the future. Maybe even get their Auras unlocked if they could be trusted.

Another thing Dumbledore was working on was trying to find Remus. The man had been a somewhat competent teacher in the memories from Michael. Alastor was another possible candidate for the DADA Professor, but he was also needed in the Auror academy to keep them in shape.

Dumbledore had also tried finding if any Weasley family members had survived, but all of them had met their end when Tom had attacked their house. William and Charles would've been great allies alongside their father, even Ron maybe, despite how incompetent he seemed in the memories.

Lastly, Dumbledore located the Gaunt Shack, finding it heavily guarded with wards. He hadn't tried entering as he knew what might happen. After placing several wards to notify him if anyone entered the place, he left, planning on returning in the future with at least one more accompanying him. Dumbledore was sure he wouldn't try using the Resurrection Stone, but he'd rather not risk it.

The other two Horcruxes were with the Malfoys and the goblins. Both would be hard to acquire, but he was focusing on the one with Malfoys, as Michael had assured him that he could find out a way to get the cup from the goblins. A way that didn't involve breaking in the bank.

Three weeks and a half after the meeting with the Flamels, the two returned, and Michael found himself sitting in Dumbledore's office with them.

Just like to address this here, so there's no confusion. RWBY Aura = Hunter x Hunter Nen, at least in my story. The Semblance from RWBY could easily be explained as being a Hatsu.

I would also like to ask, am I taking my time way too much? Or is my pacing okay so far? I have no idea how I'm doing.

Thanks for reading! Leave a comment or a review if you enjoyed or have a suggestion!

GrreedyGoblincreators' thoughts