
Capital City From The Ashes - 013(Rlly Short Chap)

It took a long time for the Capital City to be rebuilt, but it was worth it as new buildings were set up. The land was going to be sold to anyone who would buy it for the right price. Everyone was going to have an equal right to it, though some people with titles will most likely get it.

Adrian was already given a place, and he was only concerned about getting more money. He was going to buy another place or two for a shop. After all, shops can get you gold, and you can sell gold for money! This was something that was approved of by "Melted Reflection himself."

After getting enough gold to get a shop and a moderately okay NPC, they set it down and almost everyone went to gather materials. Adrian, however, was going to log out. He had set a meeting with a psychiatrist! It was going to help his mental health, and he wasn't going to trade anything for his sanity.


A/N: So, I have a little explanation on why I might take a while to update a little further~. You see, I ended up hitting my head with a crowbar while dismantling a shed with my dad, and my mom got hit(not too badly) with a sledgehammer.

We're trying to get over this, and I wanna make sure I'm healthy enough to continue updating again~! I'm going to take extra precautions next time so I can publish without worry~. The crowbar only gave way to a stubborn nail and I got bopped in the head, so I hope it isn't too much to worry about. This isn't the worst event to happen to me. If you ask, I can tell you more about what was the worst thing was, but otherwise, I don't think I'll take the initiative. Be healthy and take it slooow~!