

William had always been aware of Nehe's fate thanks to Steelheart Widow Aiur and the captive Tacma Church member.

He knew that Nehe had returned to Ravenwood Forest after his departure, only to be rejected from rejoining the ranks of the forest druids. The last trace of Nehe was found at Greenwater Port where he purchased a sailboat and set sail into the Mist Sea, never to be seen again.

But according to Steelheart Widow Aiur and the Tacma Church member, Nehe didn't disappear at sea. Instead, he journeyed to the Ruins of Orsis in the west where he was involved in a deadly confrontation with the Tacma Church. Outnumbered and overpowered, Nehe lost his life and not even his body was recovered. With Nehe's death, Judgment 3 fell into the hands of the Tacma Church, becoming a powerful bargaining tool in their alliance with Steelheart Widow.