
Chapter 52 - Breaking off the confines

Now Kyle had a body at nearly optimal condition. Him not being able to move for a week made so that his muscles started detonating, but overall this was the best he could muster.

Kyle now with full force, tried moving his qi. He moved it to the hands and to the legs. After that, he moved the lighting energy to the hands and the feet as well. Nothing was noticeable really changed as he did this multiple times, but this time his body was ready for the final push that he wanted to do.

Kyle concentrated and used up all the energy to utilise the Wave of Conviction and Lighting step together at the same time.

At first, the qi couldn't really exit his body and stayed silent no matter what Kyle did, but as Kyle continuously pushed the qi and energy, a small sip slipped out through the barrier that was around him. Suddenly as a small wisp flashed, this small opening in Kyle's left hand made so that more and more energy tried to escape, fully annihilating the whole barrier around his body.

With the barrier fully destroyed, but Kyle still locked in the kneeling position, the lighting step and wave of conviction fully realised uncontrollably. Kyle still couldn't move and put himself in the right stance. That is why he suddenly started spinning uncontrollably. After hitting the walls at least 10 different times, a part of the handcuff broke, and all of the pressure got released.

"AH!" Kyle breathed out and dropped on the ground and started gasping with full motion. His stomach rising and falling.

His body was numb and pained from spending the week in the still position. He first stretched his body.

'I can't waste any more time. I need to think of the next thing to do. First is full recovery.' Kyle got into the meditation position and adjusted his chaotic thoughts.

After a while, Kyle was finally able to breathe freely. 'This feeling of being able to move is so nice. I never appreciated it enough.' Kyle looked at him moving his hand back and forth and grinned like a stupid person.

'Alright, so the rabbit said something about spirit force and that I need to use it somehow.' Kyle tried scanning his memory, and the manuals that he had for the spiritual power mentions, but he couldn't find anything.

After browsing through the systems manual, he finally was able to find something. The Spiritual force was something that one would get after reaching level 5.

'I think I am able to achieve level 3 if I want right now as the energy has stopped blocking my pearl system. But how am I supposed to reach level 5 passively in a year in this small space?' Kyle looked around the white room, and he couldn't see anything noticeable.

Except for the snow that kept on slowly falling from the ceiling, everything was motionless and had no energy.

'I must be missing something. This has to be a hard challenge as this the 12th Trial of the Embers, but it shouldn't be impossible…' Kyle bite his lip while thinking.

'Either way, the best course of action is breaking through right now, and then I can maybe talk to the pearl again, or I even might get some benefit from breaking through.'

Kyle's dantian was all ready for the breakthrough. The qi was organised in the neatly stacked sphere that was barely not touching the pearl. Kyle concentrated on the core that he now had, and he utilised both the breathing technique and the movement technique. In addition to this, he utilised the qi movement that book has specified. Striking down with full power with the qi straight at the sphere that was inside his dantian.

That seemed like someone insane to do. Harming ones dantian would mean becoming a cripple which in turn would make one useless for the entire life. But considering how amazing and rare the book was and considering what Kyle had already experienced form the book, there was no reason to doubt it.

Kyle willed the small qi to separate from the insides of the sphere and with a bang slammed at it with full power. At first, nothing happened, but then Kyle realised that the world outside of him became dark. When he looked up, he saw a hammer the same size as his body, fully gold in colour, slamming from the roof at him. Instead of crushing him, the hammer went into his body and into his dantian.

The sphere got smashed by this hammer, and a resonating DING resounded. Kyle's body shook, and the sphere instead of destroying and ripping his dantian to pieces started vibrating and turning colour. At first, it started pulsating with different shades of azure, red and white but after it started turning into the colour of deep, bright yellow. Not the same yellow that Kyle would see in the jewellery shops back on earth on the gold pieces. It was the colour that was so deeply yellow and magical that he couldn't stop examining it.

After a while, the pulsating and colour change stopped, and the sphere became as hard as the metal.

'Let's try this!' Kyle willed and a sharp pieces of qi flew out from the sphere and went through the meridians and into his hand. Kyle willed and this sharp qi that looked like a golden stick flew out. He pushed this golden stick out, and it struck the white wall.

There was no boom or any indication that it was powerful. Instead, now in the wall, there was a deep hole that went so far that Kyle couldn't feel his qi anymore. The hole quickly started to reform, and soon a perfectly white wall was again in its place.

[ Congratulations on reaching Golden Core realm ]

[ Congratulations on reaching level 3 ]

'This has finally happened…' Kyle was overjoyed.

It was known to everyone that getting to level 3 or Golden Core realm was extremely hard. So hard that elders would try and try again but would fail. But here, Kyle, who was just in his 20-s, was able to do this amazing feat.

Level 3 is Dinged! Congrats!

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